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Well, "pop"-culture is a bit a stretch, but he is definately a fad. Kinda like calling The Krabler pop-culture (Sorry McD lol) - I mean WE know what it is, but we are hardly numerous enough to catapult anything into general pop-culture. "I value call my nuts!!" - marginally funny stuff, even if it is nothing more than infantile shots at Hellmuth.

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Well, "pop"-culture is a bit a stretch, but he is definately a fad.   Kinda like calling The Krabler pop-culture (Sorry McD lol) - I mean WE know what it is, but we are hardly numerous enough to catapult anything into general pop-culture. "I value call my nuts!!"  - marginally funny stuff, even if it is nothing more than infantile shots at Hellmuth.
Staring out the window? That's a paddlin'. Looking at My sandels, that's a paddlin'. Talking ill about the Krablar, you better believe that's a paddlin'.As for the Fillmath video's.. I think the idea of Fillmath is alot funnier than the actual videos.
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They are talented and I feel that should be encouraged. I also feel the character has potential to go beyond the Hellmuth aspects. I applaud Fillmaff and team and encourage them to continue holding the mirror up to the poker world. If we laugh maybe we learn somethin.Imho

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when i watched it I was just thinking how much better I could've done it.bustedwinkv2.gifonly part that was good was the EV.Funny thing is some newbie.gifmight actually believe this, but some parts he over did it. A on the attept though.

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The videos run on a bit long for the amount of laughs.That said, I did laugh out loud while they were playing 7-Card Ball...particularly when he tries his "trick shot" and when he misses a shot and huffily places his stack of chips. The part where he fires the cue ball into Skinny Twig's back is also pretty funny.Oh, and he definitely got Hellmuth's hand mannerisms down.

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what satire? bill fillmaff is a world class player in his own right.he is the only worldwide champion! no one else has won it. johnny chan or doyle may have won WSOP, but so have many others.

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To understand and appreciate the Bill Fillmaff experience in its entirety, you have to have seen the Phil Hellmuth instructional videos.I checked out two from Netflix last year. The first one was so appalling that I just sent back the second unwatched. You could tangibly feel yourself becoming a lousier player the longer you were exposed.To say that his moronic advice is targeted to beginners insults anyone who's ever tried to begin anything. If you'd like to learn texas hold-em and have suffered massive head trauma--this is the video for you.What Fillmaff really gets right is the awful sets and the graphics and the presentation. Though it looks like Filmaff spent twice as much as Phil.Those cheesey AV club graphics are just like the ones in Helmuth's video, complete with swooshing bullet points and rehash bumpers to end each segment.Phil does in fact sit in a darkened room and sloppily deal cards to himself and (in his case) imaginary opponents. Strangely, he is so awkward you could believe that he's never sat at a poker table in his life.Everyone gets the jokes about Phil's behavior on TV, but the inspired comedy is how brutally similar his episodes are to those atrocious Helmuth videos.Unfortunately, to get all the Fillmaff jokes, you have to watch the Hellmuth project. But not unlike that cursed tape from "The Ring," I say view them at your peril...You will never be the same...

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