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So is Cruz basically just the version of Trump that Trump pretends he is, minus the wealth/fame/hot wife? Trump is a buffoon who is more likely to start a war than help the economy, but is most likely just to sit on a throne and be laughed at and ignored for 4 years. Cruz has the knowledge and ideals to actually put some really scary shit in place.

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What's funny? He has a good brain, a great brain. He talks to a lot of people, the best people, and he has the best plan to make things great. He talks to the best and smartest people and uses his tre

I'm hoping she makes Bernie her VP and the indictment comes after the election

so, not random, not a billionaire. gotcha.

He isn't an actual tranny. It's just Bruce Jenner in Drag.


Then why is Spade using female pronouns!



So is Cruz basically just the version of Trump that Trump pretends he is, minus the wealth/fame/hot wife? Trump is a buffoon who is more likely to start a war than help the economy, but is most likely just to sit on a throne and be laughed at and ignored for 4 years. Cruz has the knowledge and ideals to actually put some really scary shit in place.


Which candidate is most likely to invade Canada and complete our Manifest Destiny? That's the guy I want.

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Good question actually. Obvious answer seems to be Cruz, so he can be king of his homeland. Then again, Trump keeps saying he wants to build a wall in Mexico, but not in Canada...if you're looking to invade someone, wouldn't you build a wall at your back to charge forward? Kasich wouldn't do it...he's too quiet and well-spoken...he sees a kinship with us. Rubio seems like an unobvious choice, but Canada's full of oil and water, and you know his establishment backers would love to get control of all those sweet sweet natural resources.


You've given me a lot to think about brvy.

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You're missing the most obvious answer, DG. When President Bern makes his first trip north, he and Trudeau drop their facades, and reveal their true status as Trotskyites. They dissolve both the American and Nuck Constitutions, establish ComIntern 2.0 in DC, and Chairman Sanders becomes leader of the United Soviet Socialist States of North America (USSSNA)

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You're missing the most obvious answer, DG. When President Bern makes his first trip north, he and Trudeau drop their facades, and reveal their true status as Trotskyites. They dissolve both the American and Nuck Constitutions, establish ComIntern 2.0 in DC, and Chairman Sanders becomes leader of the United Soviet Socialist States of North America (USSSNA)


Comrade Trudeau was showing his Commie leanings yesterday hugging it out with the symbols of the greatest communist country in the World today.



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Trump is a buffoon who is more likely to start a war than help the economy, but is most likely just to sit on a throne and be laughed at and ignored for 4 years.


... and this is precisely why he will, at a minimum, win the nomination.




If the Democrats are retarded enough to persist with that tack (they aren't), he wins the presidency.




The only problem they run into is if they nominate Hillary Clinton (which they will), she will have a hard time fighting him head on since her baggage outweighs the fears of most people have about Trump and she is an incredibly not-compelling public speaker. At this point in history, the anger vote is much stronger than gender solidarity.

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What the **** is that **** in your signature Scram? "human-ice interactions"??

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Well, you forced me to look into it, and it looks like it was a real paper after all.




This gawker article goes into it a little bit:



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538 had it >99% for a Clinton victory. Whatever happens, it's big for Bernie, but I think he needs the win just for the positive press if there's any chance that his popularity and momentum will snowball from here

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I think what threw them was my write in answer for abortion: the government shouldn't concern itself with abortion, but it makes sense to evaluate the actual abortress herself and regulate the process based on how she performs in IQ tests.


The most disturbing thing about abortion isn't the process itself. It's that it's always the wrong women who are and aren't having them.

From everything I've read, abortions rates are highest among poor African-Americans...and from what I've always gathered, I would think you would be happy about that. I also think it was Freakonomics that made the case that a side effect of Roe v. Wade was a drop in crime.

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From everything I've read, abortions rates are highest among poor African-Americans...and from what I've always gathered, I would think you would be happy about that. I also think it was Freakonomics that made the case that a side effect of Roe v. Wade was a drop in crime.


Poor African-American women having abortions isn't something I'm "happy" about for any reason other than all the child support it has saved me.

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The first 3 core values on their website are impressively contradictory and non-scientific, which isn't really surprising, since their contradictions seem to eschew actual science for conservative morality.

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What does a statement from an association of conservative doctors have to do with the election?


It was more about what we were talking about, not the election.

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re: the pic Bob posted


The criticism of democratic socialism and Sanders' campaign, that it is all about "free stuff" is not only incorrect, it is lazy.

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re: the pic Bob posted


The criticism of democratic socialism and Sanders' campaign, that it is all about "free stuff" is not only incorrect, it is lazy.


A more honest discussion about Democratic Socialism is how it stands little chance of working in a "diverse" society where the economic output is stratified between ethnic groups, meaning that they will always be at odds with each other with the lower blaming the higher and the higher resenting the lower for demanding "free stuff" while offering society nothing of economic value beyond the ever-cheapening value of their labor.


Nobody wants to have that conversation, though.

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A more honest discussion about Democratic Socialism is how it stands little chance of working in a "diverse" society where the economic output is stratified between ethnic groups, meaning that they will always be at odds with each other with the lower blaming the higher and the higher resenting the lower for demanding "free stuff" while offering society nothing of economic value beyond the ever-cheapening value of their labor.


Nobody wants to have that conversation, though.


the conversation is happening in the academic sphere


Google welfare in a racially diverse society and a lot of papers on the topic come up.







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