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Exploitation Of The Trayvon Martin Killing

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A few things here.Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law was simply clearing up a statutory gap that potentially demanded the prosecution of someone acting in an otherwise universally accepted act of self defense, if they weren't able to demonstrate that they 'retreated'. It did nothing to lower the bar for what constituted a lawful act of self defense. It simply eliminated the proviso that in order for it to be legal, you must first demonstrate that you 'tried to flee'. The reason for this is- there are innumerable scenarios where a totally credible and morally sound 'self defense' imperative may exist, absent the need (or ability) to retreat. The law, as written, served to potentially prosecute someone who fell into this ideological doughnut hole. Now, as it was then, it seems as though 99.999% of people on earth, including talking heads on TV, lawyers, even judges are completely and utterly ****ing clueless about what the law served to address.As far as Jorge Zimmerman, here's what happened. Zimmerman sees Martin walking through the neighborhood.Zimmerman calls police. At some point, after hanging up with police, Zimmerman, having followed Martin, confronts Martin.Martin feels 'dissed'. Reacts with physical violence, starts beating on Zimmerman. Zimmerman pulls gun, Martin realizes he's in for a world of shit, runs like hell, winds up behind the condo. The condo owner reports that her husband spoke with Martin, asking him "what's up". Martin responds by "calmly" and dismissively saying "Call the police". He knew exactly why he was in such trouble. It was same desperation a post-coital rapist feels when he sees his victim pull a gun. Zimmerman arrives on scene, sees Martin. The reason Martin was screaming so desperately is because he knew the armed man he had just beaten was now coming for him hate in his eyes and this wasn't going to turn out good for him. One shot, Martin winds up dead. Zimmerman relays the story his pathetic Walter Mitty ass had planned in his mind since buying his first pistol. Unfortunately (for Zimmerman and society), you can't do that. That's what happened here, 100%.

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Which tape? the one doctored by the liberal media that poisoned the argument? The one where he says: "There is a guy who looks suspicious and he is black"Or the one where he says: "There a guy who looks suspicious." and the police ask what color he is and he says "I don't know, black I think"Of course we can have American citizens patrol our own neighborhoods, armed to the teeth if they want. Only the left thinks average Americans have too many rights.
I didn't say a word about color. You racist.
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From Simple Human Psychology

When people have a gun in their hand, they’re more likely to believe an object held by someone else is also a gun.They’re also more likely to raise the gun to shoot.Those are the key findings from a new study that will be published later this spring in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.“The familiar saying goes that when you hold a hammer, everything looks like a nail,” write the two psychologists who authored the study, James Brockmole of the University of Notre Dame and Jessica Witt of Purdue University. “The apparent harmlessness of this expression fades when one considers what happens when a person holds a gun.”
Is it possible to mistake a pack of Skittles for a loaded gun? Gun-wielding neighborhood watch vigilante (George Zimmerman) thought his hoodied victim was packing heat. Why wouldn't he?In Blink, Malcolm Gladwell went into great detail about "thin-slicing" and what our minds percieve in an instant, a blink of the eye. Pre-concieved notions and stereotypes play into these instantaneous decions. No one is absovled from this. What we need is to move away from kneejerk cognitive bias and mind illusions to a slower, cognitive process that enables time to assess situations. The criticism of Zimmerman's possible racist behaviour misses the mark for me, or the bigger issues surrounding the shooting. I don't think that Zimmerman acted with evil intent but, rather, was simply a poor mind reader who misunderstood Trayvon’s actions, especially with regard to the instant that led to the shooting. Many police departments have instituted numerous safeguards to prevent these type of wrongful shootings, mostly emmanting from cops killing unarmed people. They have hired behavioural psychologists to come up with methods and training to prevent this exact thing. One cop to a patrol car instead of two is one of them. ..according to Gladwell, is not to undertake the impossible task of purifying people’s hearts but simply to train cops to “extract an enormous amount of meaningful information from the very thinnest slice of experience.”In those thin slices, if you are a cop, and you have a gun, and lives hang in the balance while acting during a heightened sense of fear, mistakes can come easily. In the dark rainy night, a black kid wearing a hoodie, skittles can become a gun. Did Zimmerman have this training? Of course not. That is why dispatchers asked him not to pursue. That is why there are these policies. We know he isn't trained for this type of policework, ESPECIALLY when he is armed.And this brings me back to the original problem, guns and our citizens with them. And especially, all these states that have all the new concealed carry laws promoting gun ownership. Is it surprising this happened in the first place? Not to anyone paying attention.And yet, all the gun manufacturers and private prison enterprises that are writing these laws and paying congressmen to pass them, are busy doing everything to detract attention from anything that might bring attention to them, or to assess their blame, or the law's blame. Blame it on black on black violence. Blame it on racism. Hell, that fuels the fire and helps them sell MORE guns!All the more reason why I don't want to live in a society where a substantial number of citizens walk around armed—especially in a state like Florida where its "Stand Your Ground" law apparently makes it legally defensible to shoot me if you legitimately fear that my cell phone or my snack is a deadly weapon.I mean we have enough paranoid righties right here on this forum insisting that I am as big, if not more immediate threat than al-Qaeda for attacking religon and to suspect that at least some of them might actually believe it, and I'm not particularly thrilled about giving them the means and the legal cover to do something about it. Though, of course, it could be worse. I could be black.
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I guess all women prosecutors are cut from the same mold as Nancy Grace.Per googling, Blacks make up about half of all inmates in Florida.Really, people usually totally over blow certain aspects of prison life (THAT CHILD MOLESTER WON'T LAST IN PRISON!!!!!!!!!!) but in Zimmerman's case, he would be completely and utterly fuxed. He'd have to stay in PC the whole time and hope whoever delivers the trays is a racist white southerner.

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any chance they can actually convict on 2nd degree? seems really unlikely to me.also, any guesses as to what might happen if he's acquitted?

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2nd degree murder seems a bit much.
Yup, they will over reach, loose and cause riots. You would think manslaughter would be a better choice.But you never know, maybe they have info that we don't know about.
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Either that or it is a plea bargain tactic or they will also include a lesser charge as well and give the jury options.At most, this strikes me as manslaughter 2 but maybe they know something we do not like you said.

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http://news.yahoo.com/bloomberg-blasts-nra...topstories.htmlBloomberg was also joined by former Army Major Jon Soltz, the chairman of VoteVets.org. Soltz said that U.S. soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan had a higher standard of when to use deadly force than Americans who lived in states with Stand Your Ground laws."There is no shoot first law for our troops in Iraq or Afghanistan. We cannot just shoot somebody because they have a hijab on in Iraq and kill them and say we're scared. Everybody in Iraq has a weapon and all U.S. forces are always scared," Soltz said. "This is a legal protection in these states that is actually afforded to Mr. Zimmerman that is not afforded to our troops in combat. Unless I'm wrong I didn't think Florida was a war zone."
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He'll probably plead down to manslaughter if the jury doesn't buy the self-defense thing (?)
yeah if they don't buy the self defense thing and convict him of 2nd degree murder, he'll probably plead down then.
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lol...it was a question, sort of. Forgive me for being unable to make sense of all the possible charges that can be laid for killing someone, not to mention the possible plea bargains. Your legal system is so corrupt and exploitable, it's ridiculous, though I suspect Canada's isn't that much better.
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yeah if they don't buy the self defense thing and convict him of 2nd degree murder, he'll probably plead down then.
Didntknow you could plead down after conviction.Murder 2 is a stretch, pro;;y meant to placate sharpton and his posse.If they can show that itis zimmerman pleading for help, then woops for murder 2.Has anyone seen any current photos of martin, not his middle school ski trip ones.
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you got lucky on this one mercury
haha. Phlegm saves the day!
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