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Folds to me on the button with :5c: :ts: on 25NL 8 handed, I 3x it and the BB calls.Flop comes :jh: :club:: :qh: , he checks and I continue with a 1$ bet into 1.50 pot, he raises to 2.75. I think and think and think and then call because he has only 4$ behind so I won't be risking much, and I have open ender + even if he flopped a flush, it's fairly unlikely he flopped an ace or king high flush. Turn comes :3h: and this is the best possible card for me, imo. He checks to me, so I figure I'm probably good, but he won't be betting anymore, so I bet and he calls and he has :4h: :D:There's no way I'm folding there, right?

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This deserves to get seen by a few more people. From our resident Stupidhead...v1.27Feral Cow Poker Hand ConverterHEM/Poker Stars NL Hold'em $1.00/$2.00 - 6 playersButton: $237.98SB: $200.00BB: $60.00

I remember when this thread was all about how bad KJ was at 3betting

He's probably not flatting KJ's raise otf if he had a2. Besides, A2 is such a small portion of his range here, we are never ever ever ever ever ever ever folding the turn. People are stupid, they do

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If he only has $4 behind on his flop c.r, I stick it in or fold, almost never call. It's obv villain dependent.When the turn bricks, the pot is like $7, and he shoves $4 and we really can't profitably call... and calling flop and folding turn is gonna -ev as well. Not the mention the reverse implied odds of hitting a flush and losing to the nuts...I think you really need to reconsider this:

even if he flopped a flush, it's fairly unlikely he flopped an ace or king high flush
imo, it's waaaaaay more likely that he has an ace or king high flush than the other flushes.A lot of fish will call from the blinds with literally every AXs.. A2, A6 all the same. KXs gets a little less likely, but they are gonna show you A6s way more than T6s, ya know? The lower flushes get hit bc they hit with a connector, like 76s; and then add in non suited AX hands villain can show up with and will never fold the naked ace of spades... eeeek
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I might also be tempted to check back flop vs that stack size and that board. the 7TJ monotone board produces a toooooon of pairs and draws... and we only haz K high, decent equity, but still I'm torn on a flop cbet vs that stack size read-less

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If he only has $4 behind on his flop c.r, I stick it in or fold, almost never call. It's obv villain dependent.When the turn bricks, the pot is like $7, and he shoves $4 and we really can't profitably call... and calling flop and folding turn is gonna -ev as well. Not the mention the reverse implied odds of hitting a flush and losing to the nuts...I think you really need to reconsider this:imo, it's waaaaaay more likely that he has an ace or king high flush than the other flushes.A lot of fish will call from the blinds with literally every AXs.. A2, A6 all the same. KXs gets a little less likely, but they are gonna show you A6s way more than T6s, ya know? The lower flushes get hit bc they hit with a connector, like 76s; and then add in non suited AX hands villain can show up with and will never fold the naked ace of spades... eeeek
Yeah I see your point. I should have just got it in on the flop I agree. However, this guy was limpcalling often, and I had yet to see him fold a big blind, which is kind of important information I left out, than being said, I was only there for 4 orbits or so when this hand popped up.
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Cant have Ah7s when the board has the 7s on it.
Good catch. Fixed. The HHs don't work properly, so I had to reconstruct it from memory. The 10 and jack were accurate, as was the ace, and I know he had the 7 of spades, so lets make it a 6 on the flop :club:
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My winrate over the past 2 days has been over 80bb/100, so this was bound to happen eventually.UTG with 2 posters and I have :ts: :3h:, I make it 5x and I get 4 callers.Flop comes :qh: :5c: :jh: I bet 3.50$ into the 6.25 pot and 1 guy shoves (he has 8.50), so I obviously call. He turns over AJ with no flush draw.Turn comes :4h: and river comes :club:: to give him a better full house.I wanted to keep the 80bb/100 up!

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will be? I don't think you realize who you're talking to, son.
haha... some of the best players on the internet have 4 or 5bb/100 playing 6max and FR.and that would be crushing that limit.
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haha... some of the best players on the internet have 4 or 5bb/100 playing 6max and FR.and that would be crushing that limit.
I know, I'm just playing :club: I've just run good the past few days after running very very bad for a bit :ts
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gl, Jonkeep grinding, Kevin. Also, I will be back in town next weekend for HPT sattys; Friday/Saturday
It'll be good to see you!10nl going better. Grinded back up to even pretty quickly when the following events happened;Had 77>KK aipf BBvSB for 50bbs against a short stacker. He goes off about how I'm a donk blah blah blah. I LOL at him and move on. Few orbits later against him again I have QQ<KK. He goes off again how it's sooo easy to get it in ahead vs me (mbn to pick up KK all the time) I lol cause he insta shoved over my 3bet and I almost folded as opposed to my usual insta-stackoff with QQ. He continues talking trash and so on... 1 orbit later he raises I flat with 22 and 2 more people call. Flop AT2 He checks to me, I fire .4 he c/r to 1.10, I 3bet to $3 he instashoves I call he has AK (weeeeee). He instantly leaves and I crack up. So I decided it's time to have more fun. I search for him, find another table he is on and ask him why he left if I'm so easy blah blah... He stays silent. About 2 minutes later on a QQ4 flop. He gets c/r by a short stack. He then proceeds to 3bet ship with 98o and gets promptly snapped for Q9 which holds, then he leaves again. Simply awesome.
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It'll be good to see you!10nl going better. Grinded back up to even pretty quickly when the following events happened;Had 77>KK aipf BBvSB for 50bbs against a short stacker. He goes off about how I'm a donk blah blah blah. I LOL at him and move on. Few orbits later against him again I have QQ<KK. He goes off again how it's sooo easy to get it in ahead vs me (mbn to pick up KK all the time) I lol cause he insta shoved over my 3bet and I almost folded as opposed to my usual insta-stackoff with QQ. He continues talking trash and so on... 1 orbit later he raises I flat with 22 and 2 more people call. Flop AT2 He checks to me, I fire .4 he c/r to 1.10, I 3bet to $3 he instashoves I call he has AK (weeeeee). He instantly leaves and I crack up. So I decided it's time to have more fun. I search for him, find another table he is on and ask him why he left if I'm so easy blah blah... He stays silent. About 2 minutes later on a QQ4 flop. He gets c/r by a short stack. He then proceeds to 3bet ship with 98o and gets promptly snapped for Q9 which holds, then he leaves again. Simply awesome.
I love you, you're my new hero. Please, let us have babies...
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feral_cow_icon.gifbeware the feral cow packs. they hunger.PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em $0.02/$0.05 - 6 playersBB: $6.05 UTG: $5.00 UTG+1: $7.46 CO: $3.78 Button: $4.87 SB: $14.29 (Hero)Preflop: ($0.07) Hero is SB with Kd.gifKh.gif (6 players)UTG folds, UTG+1 calls $0.05, CO calls $0.05, Button folds, Hero raises to $0.25, BB calls $0.20, UTG+1 calls $0.20, CO calls $0.20Flop: ($1.00) 5s.gif3h.gif7h.gif (4 players)Hero bets $0.75, BB calls $0.75, UTG+1 calls $0.75, CO foldsTurn: ($3.25) 9h.gif (3 players)Hero bets $1.75, BB folds, UTG+1 calls $1.75*** RIVER *** [5s 3h 7h 9h] [Qc]Nashtak: checks chip crazy4u: bets $0.40Nashtak: calls $0.40I must admit. I was pretty lost on the turn.
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Ugh, that is a weird spot. Villain only has $4.75-ish left so bet/folding would be bad imo. Hard to imagine worse will call anything so I think bet/calling is a decent play. NH

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Just had my second best day of cash games ever (bb wise, not dollars):Picture3-29.pngAlso, completed the 10k hands at 10nl and will be moving back to 25nl :DBlog update with more info o0o0o0o0o0o0o0oo0o0o0o

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Just had my second best day of cash games ever (bb wise, not dollars):Picture3-29.pngAlso, completed the 10k hands at 10nl and will be moving back to 25nl :DBlog update with more info o0o0o0o0o0o0o0oo0o0o0o
boom!!that 10,000th hand must have felt great.now that you're back at 25nl, i can quit these stupid sng's and get back to cashgames...
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feral_cow_icon.gifbeware the feral cow packs. they hunger.PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em $0.02/$0.05 - 6 playersBB: $6.05 UTG: $5.00 UTG+1: $7.46 CO: $3.78 Button: $4.87 SB: $14.29 (Hero)Preflop: ($0.07) Hero is SB with Kd.gifKh.gif (6 players)UTG folds, UTG+1 calls $0.05, CO calls $0.05, Button folds, Hero raises to $0.25, BB calls $0.20, UTG+1 calls $0.20, CO calls $0.20Flop: ($1.00) 5s.gif3h.gif7h.gif (4 players)Hero bets $0.75, BB calls $0.75, UTG+1 calls $0.75, CO foldsTurn: ($3.25) 9h.gif (3 players)Hero bets $1.75, BB folds, UTG+1 calls $1.75*** RIVER *** [5s 3h 7h 9h] [Qc]Nashtak: checks chip crazy4u: bets $0.40Nashtak: calls $0.40I must admit. I was pretty lost on the turn.
I struggle when facing an ugly turn or river (especially the turn). When i know i'm in a good spot and want to increase the pot then an ugly cards shows up, i feel like slowing down then folding to a bet is too weak. Yet, i must have POW'ed tons of cash on scare cards. It's especially true on the turn since if i check in position, i lose that advantage when he decides to barrel on the river or bet for value if he was slowplaying the turn. Therefor, i sometime end up betting in between 1/2 to 2/3 of the pot, just to be able to check down the river and not be bluffed out which is super bad.It was easy on that hand, since villain bet so small. What if he bet at least half the pot tho.
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I have 18.5 BI spread across 4 50nl Rush tables
Lol, but how much are you in? Like 2k?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHA I'm so funny!
...and I'm actually up a significant amount of money! smile.gif
<--------- Owned.
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Maybe this is coincidence but I saw a lot more short stackers playing 10nl than I ever saw playing 5nl. I usually try to avoid sitting at tables with more than one because I find it near impossible to find one without at least one. However an hour after I sat down I'd look around and there would be like four <40bb stacks and only 2 or 3 others are actually using top-off.

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