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i'm finally almost fully recovered from the damn swine flu. Lost 17 lbs in 5 days, and had a scary ER visit. The doctors at the hospital said it was a really, really bad case. I'm happy to be alive. GET YOUR SHOT!

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i'm finally almost fully recovered from the damn swine flu. Lost 17 lbs in 5 days, and had a scary ER visit. The doctors at the hospital said it was a really, really bad case. I'm happy to be alive. GET YOUR SHOT!
New fad diet?
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It does suck, had it about a year ago, one of the fringe benefits of living in Mexico.If you want to lose weight getting an amoeba infection.

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Meh...don't want to cause people who should be getting vaccines not to.
Not only is speedz an expert on subzero climates bordering war zones, but he's also very socially conscious.
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Don't worry, she is all better now thanks to the miracle of 'detoxification' - http://www.desireejennings.com/
There was a 1-in-a-million chance of the flu shot giving her such a disturbing (dare I say entertaining?) disorder.There was even less a chance that the person that gets it would be attractive enough to make a career off of it.Bad luck is a form of luck.Good luck is a form of luck.Thus, Desiree Jennings is the luckiest woman in the world.
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glad to hear you are better! i agree, it does suck
ty! <3
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after my swine flu bout im down to 125 poundsgl general good to know you kicked it
ty sir!
look at it this way...at least you didnt come down with some sort of mystical carribean cruise ship infectious disease that inhibited you from using your cell phone or interwebz
LOL <3<3
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There was a 1-in-a-million chance of the flu shot giving her such a disturbing (dare I say entertaining?) disorder.There was even less a chance that the person that gets it would be attractive enough to make a career off of it.Bad luck is a form of luck.Good luck is a form of luck.Thus, Desiree Jennings is the luckiest woman in the world.
Yea, i remember seeing this like 3 months ago and thinking. wtf?? how is that possible?Then i saw her run backwards, and i thought. pfff Fake. then apparently some doctors said its 1 in a million. Now the only thing i have left to wonder is why her website requires a name and email sign up to get "the full story"...??
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Yea, i remember seeing this like 3 months ago and thinking. wtf?? how is that possible?Then i saw her run backwards, and i thought. pfff Fake. then apparently some doctors said its 1 in a million. Now the only thing i have left to wonder is why her website requires a name and email sign up to get "the full story"...??
because it's Bs or she wants to make money off it.
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Here only children and old people get vaccinated. More people die every year from the ordinary flu than from swineflu. So I'm not that worried about it.

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