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2009 Wsop $10,000 World Championship No Limit Hold'em

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Featured TableSeat 1: Frank WardSeat 2: George HardieSeat 3: Claus NielsenSeat 4: James MoseleSeat 5: Sol BergrenSeat 6: Joe HachemSeat 7: George LusbySeat 8: Andrew DakoskiSeat 9: Jeff LisandroKick some Aussie ass at that table Sol.For those who don't know Sol Bergren was a finalist at both Protege 1 and 2 and is an infrequent FCP poster as shahmat and is of course Canadian

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Shuffle Up and DealCapt. Tom Franklin just called the "most famous words in poker" and cards are now in the air. Less than 30 seconds later, there were two near-simulatenous cries of the second most famous words, at least in this room-- "Penis on teh back!"

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Shuffle Up and DealCapt. Tom Franklin just called the "most famous words in poker" and cards are now in the air. Less than 30 seconds later, there were two near-simulatenous cries of the second most famous words, at least in this room-- "Penis on teh back!"
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gl and tid guys, what about JC?TreMomeyMy tbl next to break. 173k. finally won my first pot. funny kostrtsyn hand to post in a bit15 minutes ago from txtmarkysals36k. Win a pot lose a pot win a pot lose a pot7 minutes ago from TweetieAndy Seth BKICE_ 231500J.C. AlvaradoTeam PokerStars Pro 186000Adam Junglen 147600

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gl and tid guys, what about JC?TreMomeyMy tbl next to break. 173k. finally won my first pot. funny kostrtsyn hand to post in a bit15 minutes ago from txtmarkysals36k. Win a pot lose a pot win a pot lose a pot7 minutes ago from TweetieAndy Seth BKICE_ 231500J.C. AlvaradoTeam PokerStars Pro 186000Adam Junglen 147600
Which FCPer is Adam Junglen? I feel like I should know this, but....
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Which FCPer is Adam Junglen? I feel like I should know this, but....
Poker VT instructoralso invented the phrase: "Beef Jerkey? I Love it"
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bkice_lol down to 134k just bluff raised 542 in a reraised pot and got shoved on, this does not feel good.11 minutes ago from TwitterFonTreMomeyNew tbl. 12215 minutes ago from txtTreMomeySmith is at my tbl again now on my direct left. said he was planning on betting any river in hand against me. rest of tbl looks soft18 minutes ago from txt

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Aside from the FCPers, I think I'll cheer for Paul Wasicka...always thought he was an excellent player. Kevin Saul (Tweet) "sigh..guy on my left doesnt stop talking..thank g*d for ipods" lol

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bkice_lol down to 134k just bluff raised 542 in a reraised pot and got shoved on, this does not feel good.11 minutes ago from TwitterFonTreMomeyNew tbl. 12215 minutes ago from txtTreMomeySmith is at my tbl again now on my direct left. said he was planning on betting any river in hand against me. rest of tbl looks soft18 minutes ago from txt
The early birds of a feather is worth two in a bush.
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markysals24.k first break 800/1600/200 next. Someone call jet blue and move my flight up to tonight please1 minute ago from TweetieTreMomey188k at first break2 minutes ago from txtbkice_127k starting 800/1600-200 gonna stay positive and wait for things to turn around13 minutes ago from TwitterFonadamjunglen173k to end the level.26 minutes ago from TweetieJ.C. AlvaradoTeam PokerStars Pro165000ChrisTessaro95K end of level one30 minutes ago from mobile webChrisTessarogutted just lost 90K with pocket aces versus pocket KK king on the river2 minutes ago from mobile websigh Gruven

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TreMomey190ish. pretty card dead4 minutes ago from txt ChrisTessaroso sick down to 2600 back to about 25K now still fighting30 minutes ago from mobile web J.C. AlvaradoTeam PokerStars Pro230000markysals****ing joke of a god damn tournament. JJ<QQ then 66<JJ I'm out. Must be nice to have second best every mother ****ing hand5 minutes ago from Tweetiesigh, gg5 minutes ago | Posted by FerricRamsiumPlayer of the Year: Who Else?A boisterous ovation just erupted from the featured table, and we could see Jeff Lisandro standing up and shaking hands with Commissioner Jeffrey Pollack as some quick words were exchanged. The rest of the featured table stood to shake Lisandro's hand as well as the roaring applause continued. A moment later, Media Director Nolan Dalla confirmed our suspicions over the PA system.Jeff Lisandro has just locked up Player of the Year honors for 2009! It was a remarkable and historic Series for Lisandro, picking up three bracelets over the course of the seven weeks. And he's still in the running for number four, we might add. What's even more remarkable is how he did it, absolutely running over three final tables to win the Stud Triple Crown -- one bracelet in each of Stud, Stud Hi/Lo, and Razz.Congratulations to Jeff Lisandro for his amazing run and on capturing one of the most significant titles here at the WSOP, Player of the Year!

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