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Combining Cereals

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Well IMO the chewable lactaid pills work better for some reason. But as long as you take it right before you have dairy, you should be good.
I haven't tried one in about 8 years, maybe they are better, I will try it sometime.
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I like to mix Rice Crispies with plain cheerios.I also like Golden Grahams with corn flakes.Kix and Chex.We had like 15 types of cereal available every day in high school in the cafeteria and the hot food was sub-par. I did a lot of mixing....

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I like to mix Rice Crispies with plain cheerios.I also like Golden Grahams with corn flakes.Kix and Chex.We had like 15 types of cereal available every day in high school in the cafeteria and the hot food was sub-par. I did a lot of mixing....
Squash would take a whole lot out of you huh?
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I tried it a couple times. Usually my wife goes to her parents on Sunday and I get to hang out at home and do whatever. I usually drink chocolate milk, get sliders from the local hamburger shop and sit on the toilet.
I'm confused, then, how your life is not complete.
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Kellogs Smacks + KixorKellogs Smacks + Special K

I like to add marshmallows to cereals like fruit loops and trix. Of course I have done something that silly since I was at least 26.
yea. two kids. VERY SILLY.
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To me,Banana Nut Crunch and Raisin BranTOTAL flavor explosion.... also filling.

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I don't eat cereal. I can't stand the taste of milk. haven't had a glass since I was like 6 years old. It's not an intolerance thing. I quite enjoy ice cream/cheese/cream in coffee.Just plain milk makes me want to puke.
Same here. I do eat cereal on occasion but I barely use any milk. Soy milk is good on cereal though especially if it is flavored.Plain milk is just gross. The smell, the taste... yuck... everything about it.
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Squash would take a whole lot out of you huh?
first of all, play squash. it is a great work-out. being in shape is a huge asset since there is not a lot of court to cover. (good squash features lots of minute long + points)2nd, I played squash for one year in high school. I also played tennis and football. Do those get to count as real sports?3rd, I am being defensive.4th, blow me.
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Listen...this is dangerous territory you are getting into. I mean any normal person can think it harmless but the practice of combining cereals should be left to the professionals. The wrong combination could result in a cosmic vortex that could send the galaxy into an astronimical spin that would lead to the end of the universe!
Holy smokes!!!!!!!! You mean THESE are the particles they are hurling at eachother in the super collider outside of Geneva!!!Those fargin bastiges!!! :club:
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Dr. Egon Spengler: [hesitates] We'll cross the streams. Dr. Peter Venkman: 'Scuse me Egon? You said crossing the streams was bad! Dr Ray Stantz: Cross the streams... Dr. Peter Venkman: You're gonna endanger us, you're gonna endanger our client - the nice lady, who paid us in advance, before she became a dog... Dr. Egon Spengler: Not necessarily. There's definitely a *very slim* chance we'll survive. [pause while they consider this] Dr. Peter Venkman: [slaps Ray] I love this plan! I'm excited to be a part of it! LET'S DO IT!

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I don't know about mixing cereals, but frosted flakes on buttered toast was my all time favourite screwed up combo for breakfast as a kid. Followed it up with chip sandwiches for after school snack.

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