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A year ago you were shouting how the economy was fine because of the 4.6% unemployment rate. Now it is at 8.1%. Is everything still peachy for you?Friday, September 19th, 2008, 6:30 AM ----------------------------------------------Don't make the mistake of equating volatile bearish markets with failing economy. Interestingly enough, since february, still growing. Slowly, but growing. BG and LMD? Still not wrong. Time will tell. Last I checked unemploymt was still at a manageable 6%, with the holiday season coming up. Don't worry, Kenny, I am confident there will be some ups and downs and you will poke your head around during the most obvious times but for the most part you till hide while things are good because like most you're clueless.No disrespect.http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...t&p=2797898LOL, still at a "manageable" 6%. Didn't see anything coming down the line. You thought growth was coming because of...lol...wait for it...THE HOLIDAY SEASON. Wow. More Keynesian thinking that spending every dime you have and borrowing until your drowning in debt is a good idea. Friday, September 19th, 2008, 1:59 PM ---------------------------------------------I can't help those who fail to grasp something as simple as " 94% of the working population still have jobs."It's not great. I'm not happy with it. There is no doubt a bearish cycle occuring. As of yet, no failure. You can't lie about the facts, son. http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...t&p=2798455Here you wouldn't even admit we were in recession yet. You couldn't grasp that things were going to get much worse, believing it was just a "bearish cycle". LOL.Friday, September 19th, 2008, 11:19 PM ----------------------------------------------What the negative ninnies don't see is that what has been done recently might actually prove to be profitable for the taxpayer, in the not so distant future. Like I said earlier I will have alot more to say on like tuesday after I spend my weekend on the phones with clients and researcing what Schwabs experts have to say. http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...t&p=2799185LOL. Oh so you thought that the TARP was going to be profitable for the taxpayer? How did that go? Oh yeah, wasted billions with conditions getting gradually horrible. Of course, a Republican passed it so it had to have been good right?Wednesday, September 24th, 2008, 9:36 AM ---------------------------------------------------That 700 billion could end up being quite the investment in the U.S. , if done right.Anyone want to venture a guess why? http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...t&p=2806451Oops! Guess it wasn't "done right."Wednesday, September 24th, 2008, 7:26 PM ---------------------------------------------------It's not really all that much of a bailout when the plan is to buy you out at cents on the dollar.If you owned 700 Dodge pickups at 30,000 a piece and things went south and someone offered you 3000 a piece, would you consider yourself bailed out?The answer of course is no. So, when you look at this plan think about it as an investment in the U.S. economy, look at it is an investment in your 401K, your home value, your bank balance... this is serious stuff. It is so intertwined that any move to the good or bad effects it, simple as that.Also, the 700 billion wouldn't happen all at once, it would happen over time if they do it right. They will, or I will say SHOULD, look at each and every situation on it's own merits, and I will tell you this, some banks will want no part of it, what for? If it works there investments go up. The ones that can take the hit will stand pat.I want a free market- I also don't want to kill a man, but I think I am smart enough to know when both of those ideals need to sacrificed for the greater good. A position is worthless if the only defense is the position itself. http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...t&p=2807492Yeah, your right. Not much money that 700 BILLION DOLLARS. Oh BTW, did the investment work?Friday, November 14th, 2008, 8:12 AM --------------------------------------------The liberals are coming, get used to it. [On too many bailouts]http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...t&p=2886457LOL, now this is where it gets priceless! Just two months before the 700 billion dollar bailout and car bailouts were a good idea. But not the liberals are coming. Spending out the window right. But what about the Republicans? LOL hypocrite = joke.Saturday, November 15th, 2008, 11:16 AM -------------------------------------------------Never even posted in the thread that I can recall. Thanks for playing.That being said, bailing out inefficient models is not the way to go. Of course, that won't mean dick during Obamas 4 years, which is good for my side of the coin.http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...t&p=2888219NOW bailing out inefficient models is bad? What about two months eariler in September? What changed LMD? Oh, the team changed so your cheer changed.I was against all of these stupid bailouts from the beginning, foresaw that we were in recession last FEBRUARY, knew that unemployment was going up, knew the car bailout was coming when cop said it wasn't. So tell me, who was right?

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I'm torn between "Wow, very impressive", and "you've got a lot of free time".
They're both true.OP should work for the Daily Show......they do segments like this all the time. Always good fun.
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A year ago you were shouting how the economy was fine because of the 4.6% unemployment rate. Now it is at 8.1%. Is everything still peachy for you?Friday, September 19th, 2008, 6:30 AM ----------------------------------------------Don't make the mistake of equating volatile bearish markets with failing economy. Interestingly enough, since february, still growing. Slowly, but growing. BG and LMD? Still not wrong. Time will tell. Last I checked unemploymt was still at a manageable 6%, with the holiday season coming up. Don't worry, Kenny, I am confident there will be some ups and downs and you will poke your head around during the most obvious times but for the most part you till hide while things are good because like most you're clueless.No disrespect.http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...t&p=2797898LOL, still at a "manageable" 6%. Didn't see anything coming down the line. You thought growth was coming because of...lol...wait for it...THE HOLIDAY SEASON. Wow. More Keynesian thinking that spending every dime you have and borrowing until your drowning in debt is a good idea. Friday, September 19th, 2008, 1:59 PM ---------------------------------------------I can't help those who fail to grasp something as simple as " 94% of the working population still have jobs."It's not great. I'm not happy with it. There is no doubt a bearish cycle occuring. As of yet, no failure. You can't lie about the facts, son. http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...t&p=2798455Here you wouldn't even admit we were in recession yet. You couldn't grasp that things were going to get much worse, believing it was just a "bearish cycle". LOL.Friday, September 19th, 2008, 11:19 PM ----------------------------------------------What the negative ninnies don't see is that what has been done recently might actually prove to be profitable for the taxpayer, in the not so distant future. Like I said earlier I will have alot more to say on like tuesday after I spend my weekend on the phones with clients and researcing what Schwabs experts have to say. http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...t&p=2799185LOL. Oh so you thought that the TARP was going to be profitable for the taxpayer? How did that go? Oh yeah, wasted billions with conditions getting gradually horrible. Of course, a Republican passed it so it had to have been good right?Wednesday, September 24th, 2008, 9:36 AM ---------------------------------------------------That 700 billion could end up being quite the investment in the U.S. , if done right.Anyone want to venture a guess why? http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...t&p=2806451Oops! Guess it wasn't "done right."Wednesday, September 24th, 2008, 7:26 PM ---------------------------------------------------It's not really all that much of a bailout when the plan is to buy you out at cents on the dollar.If you owned 700 Dodge pickups at 30,000 a piece and things went south and someone offered you 3000 a piece, would you consider yourself bailed out?The answer of course is no. So, when you look at this plan think about it as an investment in the U.S. economy, look at it is an investment in your 401K, your home value, your bank balance... this is serious stuff. It is so intertwined that any move to the good or bad effects it, simple as that.Also, the 700 billion wouldn't happen all at once, it would happen over time if they do it right. They will, or I will say SHOULD, look at each and every situation on it's own merits, and I will tell you this, some banks will want no part of it, what for? If it works there investments go up. The ones that can take the hit will stand pat.I want a free market- I also don't want to kill a man, but I think I am smart enough to know when both of those ideals need to sacrificed for the greater good. A position is worthless if the only defense is the position itself. http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...t&p=2807492Yeah, your right. Not much money that 700 BILLION DOLLARS. Oh BTW, did the investment work?Friday, November 14th, 2008, 8:12 AM --------------------------------------------The liberals are coming, get used to it. [On too many bailouts]http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...t&p=2886457LOL, now this is where it gets priceless! Just two months before the 700 billion dollar bailout and car bailouts were a good idea. But not the liberals are coming. Spending out the window right. But what about the Republicans? LOL hypocrite = joke.Saturday, November 15th, 2008, 11:16 AM -------------------------------------------------Never even posted in the thread that I can recall. Thanks for playing.That being said, bailing out inefficient models is not the way to go. Of course, that won't mean dick during Obamas 4 years, which is good for my side of the coin.http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...t&p=2888219NOW bailing out inefficient models is bad? What about two months eariler in September? What changed LMD? Oh, the team changed so your cheer changed.I was against all of these stupid bailouts from the beginning, foresaw that we were in recession last FEBRUARY, knew that unemployment was going up, knew the car bailout was coming when cop said it wasn't. So tell me, who was right?
Geez I hate this guy. What changed? Things weren't done right. That's why many times I have qualified my support, if you can call it that, for certain things with that ever present "if it's done right." It very clearly has not been done right, for the most part the bank "bailout" ignored what it was supposed to be, or what it was sold as, and just turned it into cash infusions which I was against. Don't pay attention to the details, though. Now, all that being said, I still had hope a few months back that Lord Obama would not be the anointed and we would not just barrel into socialism at a speed hard to comprehend, so that has definitely changed. Yes, the team changed, thus the game has changed. I don't have any issues changing my thought process based on that, one must always adjust for a changing landscape. Get a life.
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Geez I hate this guy. What changed? Things weren't done right. That's why many times I have qualified my support, if you can call it that, for certain things with that ever present "if it's done right." It very clearly has not been done right, for the most part the bank "bailout" ignored what it was supposed to be, or what it was sold as, and just turned it into cash infusions which I was against. Don't pay attention to the details, though. Now, all that being said, I still had hope a few months back that Lord Obama would not be the anointed and we would not just barrel into socialism at a speed hard to comprehend, so that has definitely changed. Yes, the team changed, thus the game has changed. I don't have any issues changing my thought process based on that, one must always adjust for a changing landscape. Get a life.
The sad thing is, you and I probably don't differ as much in politics as you think. I know you think I'm a hardcore Democrat and an Obama lover, but that is far from being the case. I really just can't stand people who cheer for one of the "teams" and don't look at things objectively. If you are afraid of socialism, then why support the Bush education expansion of "No Child Left Behind"? Why support the Bush TARP? Why support the huge expansion of government under Bush, budget wise and power wise?Why support the Bush auto-bailout?"On December 12, 2008, General Motors stated that it was nearly out of cash, and may not survive past 2009. The U.S. Senate voted and strongly opposed any source of government assistance through a bailout bridge loan (originally worth $14 billion in emergency aid) which was aimed toward helping the struggling Big Three automakers financially, despite strong support from former President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama, along with some mild support from both parties (Democratic and Republican).""On December 19, 2008, Bush approved a bailout plan and gave General Motors and Chrysler $13.4 billion in financing from TARP (Troubled Assets Relief Program) funds, as well as $4 billion to be "withdrawn later.""This isn't socialism?? I really don't get it. You argue, "Oh well if they do it right, it could be very profitable and good." No! They can't get it right. Bush and the Republicans can't get it right for the same reason Obama and the Democrats can't get it right. Because socialism doesn't work and the government operates outside of the profit/loss mechanism for resource exchange. Government can't do anything right! You may hate me, but boy did I have this thing pegged last February. (Except for the price of oil falling through the floor, I mean who saw that :club:)
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The sad thing is, you and I probably don't differ as much in politics as you think. I know you think I'm a hardcore Democrat and an Obama lover, but that is far from being the case. I really just can't stand people who cheer for one of the "teams" and don't look at things objectively. If you are afraid of socialism, then why support the Bush education expansion of "No Child Left Behind"? Why support the Bush TARP? Why support the huge expansion of government under Bush, budget wise and power wise?Why support the Bush auto-bailout?"On December 12, 2008, General Motors stated that it was nearly out of cash, and may not survive past 2009. The U.S. Senate voted and strongly opposed any source of government assistance through a bailout bridge loan (originally worth $14 billion in emergency aid) which was aimed toward helping the struggling Big Three automakers financially, despite strong support from former President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama, along with some mild support from both parties (Democratic and Republican).""On December 19, 2008, Bush approved a bailout plan and gave General Motors and Chrysler $13.4 billion in financing from TARP (Troubled Assets Relief Program) funds, as well as $4 billion to be "withdrawn later.""This isn't socialism?? I really don't get it. You argue, "Oh well if they do it right, it could be very profitable and good." No! They can't get it right. Bush and the Republicans can't get it right for the same reason Obama and the Democrats can't get it right. Because socialism doesn't work and the government operates outside of the profit/loss mechanism for resource exchange. Government can't do anything right! You may hate me, but boy did I have this thing pegged last February. (Except for the price of oil falling through the floor, I mean who saw that :club:)
That's where we differ. Things of this nature have been done before, with profitable or net zero results. I was of the mind that it could be done. And, it could have been, just nobody was listening to me, or a thousand other people way more qualified than me saying "Ok, do it, but do it like this and you have a chance."
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That's where we differ. Things of this nature have been done before, with profitable or net zero results. I was of the mind that it could be done. And, it could have been, just nobody was listening to me, or a thousand other people way more qualified than me saying "Ok, do it, but do it like this and you have a chance."
That's like me saying that I along with a thousand other people smarter than me said to go ahead and let failing businesses fail and we might have a chance. What if?I seem to remember taking quite a ribbing from LMD and Cop too. The bottom line is you could have done it any way you wanted to and shit still wouldn't be better. Marginally? Maybe. To the point of actually making a difference? No flipping way. When CEO's don't even know how much toxic assets they have that you wanted to buy or have transferred to a faux institution.......it wouldn't make an iota of difference what they did with the TARP package. The bailouts will continue until god knows when and I would love for someone to make an argument otherwise.Speaking of Cop....did we simply bore him with our ignorance or does he just not like eating crow?
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The sad thing is, you and I probably don't differ as much in politics as you think. I know you think I'm a hardcore Democrat and an Obama lover, but that is far from being the case. I really just can't stand people who cheer for one of the "teams" and don't look at things objectively.
good for you. granted, I don't torture myself by pounding old LMD posts, but you and I think alike on this point, and I think it's way too rare these days.
Speaking of Cop....did we simply bore him with our ignorance or does he just not like eating crow?
he goes through phases where he posts in certain forums and doesn't in others. he put down money in a group betting effort in another forum. we haven't seen his input over there for months, so I don't think it's a crow-related matter.
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good for you. granted, I don't torture myself by pounding old LMD posts, but you and I think alike on this point, and I think it's way too rare these days.he goes through phases where he posts in certain forums and doesn't in others. he put down money in a group betting effort in another forum. we haven't seen his input over there for months, so I don't think it's a crow-related matter.
speaking of eating crow and making bets, cop and I had a bet on the election outcome, which I am starting to think had something to do with his disappearance...
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Speaking of Cop....did we simply bore him with our ignorance or does he just not like eating crow?
It is hard to act like the master of the universe when you turned out to be wrong about everything. Wrong about the Bradley effect. Wrong about McCain shocking the world. Wrong about how bad the economy was. Etc. I really hope he did not pull a ghost to get out of a bet with VB. That would be sad.
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speaking of eating crow and making bets, cop and I had a bet on the election outcome, which I am starting to think had something to do with his disappearance...
have you not PM'd him?
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It is hard to act like the master of the universe when you turned out to be wrong about everything. Wrong about the Bradley effect. Wrong about McCain shocking the world. Wrong about how bad the economy was. Etc. I really hope he did not pull a ghost to get out of a bet with VB. That would be sad.
Never bothered me
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