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Teach me? :club::5c:D:3h:ts
Until recently, when people asked me if I teach I always say no. Around spring of last year I started helping out in teaching my friend. He was an okay player, but he had a lot of drive to get better. In the year since then, he has learned a lot and got immensely better. If somebody wanted me to teach them I may be willing to do that now. :D:qh:D:D:4h
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Keep posting any questions you may have for me. I'll answer some more later tonight. :club:

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Until recently, when people asked me if I teach I always say no. Around spring of last year I started helping out in teaching my friend. He was an okay player, but he had a lot of drive to get better. In the year since then, he has learned a lot and got immensely better. If somebody wanted me to teach them I may be willing to do that now. :5c:ts:3h:4h:club:
Uhoh, expect your PM box to be full in about 5 minutes.And lol at me, I was gonna try to bold part of your reply and forgot that your whole reply was already bolded. lol
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Does the red hair help you :club: or hurt you :ts ?
I only have red hair in my beard when it gets longer. It definitely helps me, lol!
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Until recently, when people asked me if I teach I always say no. Around spring of last year I started helping out in teaching my friend. He was an okay player, but he had a lot of drive to get better. In the year since then, he has learned a lot and got immensely better. If somebody wanted me to teach them I may be willing to do that now. :3h:4h:qh:5c:club:
Keep posting any questions you may have for me. I'll answer some more later tonight. :ts
Ok...If I'd ask you to teach me for free, would your answer be the same one as the one to this question?
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What level was the biggest challenge for you to overcome?Did you ever get coached?Do you coach?Are you self taught, do you have a close group of poker friends (if so, who are they?) or how did you just become so quietly successful on here? What do you think are the biggest differences between beating... say 2-4nl and beating 10-20nl and above?
Questions 1 and 5- The level of play overall gets better once you reach 3/6nl and 5/10nl is definitely noticeable. At those stakes there still a fair amount of weak players in the games, making easily exploitable mistakes over and over. At 10/20 no limit and more so at 25/50 no limit the games are usually based on one or maybe two players in a six handed game that have less noticeable weaknesses and are often not sitting with a full stack. The regulars at these stakes play not only a strong fundamental game are able to make adjustments very quickly to counteract their opponents. There is a lot of meta game when you play at 25/50 no limit and higher. Game selection is very important at higher stakes and that's why you see six handed games breaking right after a weak player leaves and why there are so many regulars not playing each other at heads up tables.
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Ok...If I'd ask you to teach me for free, would your answer be the same one as the one to this question?
Could you rephrase your question? I don't understand what you are asking.
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What level was the biggest challenge for you to overcome?Did you ever get coached?Do you coach?Are you self taught, do you have a close group of poker friends (if so, who are they?) or how did you just become so quietly successful on here? What do you think are the biggest differences between beating... say 2-4nl and beating 10-20nl and above?There's some since this thread is lacking for some reason!
I have never been coached.As I answered in a question earlier, I am willing to coach people now. I feel like I'm great at analyzing players games and assessing what they're doing wrong and giving them good advice on how to correct it. A lot of my advice is very outside of the box thinking. I know the stock answer to a lot of questions, but I feel there are better ways to do things. I feel one of my greatest strengths is in thinking of new ways to do things. I feel many players try to learn by following by example. I have never been one to stand by the status quo. There are many things about poker that have yet to be thought of. I feel many players don't even consider the possibility of thinking of new intricacies about no limit hold'em or other poker games all by themselves. :club:
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Are you self taught, do you have a close group of poker friends (if so, who are they?) or how did you just become so quietly successful on here?
Originally I had a group of friends that I played home games with that I would talk to about poker. As I progressed with my game I felt there wasn't one person or group that had all the answers. I have read all the good poker forums. I've read a lot of the good poker books. I read or listen to varying peoples advice and decide for myself if I choose to agree with them. I have followed the live updates in big tournaments for a while and when I read them I try to analyze why players played a hand the way they did. One thing that I do that I don't think other players do very much is watch and study players online and think of ways to beat them before I even sit down to play a single hand.
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What goes on in your mind when you decide to call a large river bet with Q high? :5c:club::ts:3h:qh:4h
I had an amazing read on Dario in that tournament. I had a variety of physical tells on him and I played very focused the entire tournament. In that specific hand, I felt I had narrowed his range down so much that I knew I had the best hand.
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In person do you speak in bold voice with lots of smileys?
I do smile a lot people have told me. :club:
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Keep posting questions everybody. Feel free to ask some creative questions too. I feel through reflecting on my game and process not only can others learn what I can learn as well.

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Can you talk a little bit about your personal game selection? Do you think you progressed through the levels because of picking really good spots while building your roll or did you challenge your self with a lot of tough opponents to increase your skill level?I'll just bring it up now. That epic match KwaaZyPoka (where you lost 40+ buyins), regrets?Biggest thing that held you up becoming as successful poker player as you are now?
What are some of the more difficult changes you had to make going from a cash game standpoint / out look on the game to a tournament player standpoint / out look on the game and overall effective strategy?If that wasn't worded well, lemme know and I'll try and fix it up.
Answer these two please?
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You are pretty young guy, and have had success in poker. Do you see yourself playing poker for a living until retirement, or do you think you will ever get a real job?I would imagine getting a normal job would be difficult, when you have made over $200,000 for a couple days work.Also something I have always been curious about from players who have large tourney winnings, once you have withheld the necessary taxes, does the majority of this money go into your BR to be able to play larger games? If so, does this just continue for you? Also how do you segregate BR vs. living fun money, when you have such sizable live scores?

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Was meeting me the best part of your Vegas trip in December?
I remember I thought was funny that the day I met you was that it was snowing outside in Las Vegas because we are from areas where it snows a lot and and obviously didn't expect snow and we came to Las Vegas.
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Can you elaborate on some live physical tells you use, any tricks for easily noticing them? How do you avoid giving off tells yourself?Who's the best player youve playe against?Thanks for doing this btw. Real cool of ya

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Can you elaborate on some live physical tells you use, any tricks for easily noticing them? How do you avoid giving off tells yourself?Who's the best player youve playe against?Thanks for doing this btw. Real cool of ya
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Who's the smelliest/unkept pro you've brushed elbows with?What's the funniest thing a poker dealer has ever said to you?Can you look back at a particalur ephiphany-type moment in your poker career where you truly for the first time honestly believed you were destined to "make it" as a player? :club: B) :ts
Eskimo Clark seemed like he was the unkept pro. He seemed to be wandering around the high-stakes area at Bellagio a lot but never in the gamesI can't think of anything specifically funny, but there are a few dealers that tell a lot of jokes at the tables that are pretty funny. The dealers tend to be more serious at 10/20 no limit games and up live unfortunately.As I grew up I was usually told that whatever I decided to do that I could do it. I've always believed I would make it as a poker player .
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What are some of the more difficult changes you had to make going from a cash game standpoint / out look on the game to a tournament player standpoint / out look on the game and overall effective strategy?If that wasn't worded well, lemme know and I'll try and fix it up.
Could you rephrase your question. I don't quite understand what you are asking. It seems like a very multifaceted question.
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