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If you had to choose 3 well known poker pros to be stuck on a desert island with, who would you pick and why?If you could be reincarnated as any animal, what animal would you be and why?
I would prefer that it wouldn't be three poker players. :club: I don't believe in reincarnation.
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are you taking apps for coaching/mentoring?
If anybody is interested in any lessons from me they can private message me and we can discuss it. :club:
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You are pretty young guy, and have had success in poker. Do you see yourself playing poker for a living until retirement, or do you think you will ever get a real job?I would imagine getting a normal job would be difficult, when you have made over $200,000 for a couple days work.
I enjoy playing poker as a job and the freedoms that come with it. I don't plan on doing something else, but in the future I think I will have other sources of income along with playing poker. When I was growing up I always knew that I would not have a regular job.
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Congrats again, my question is How do you stay focused in a super-long tournament, whether it be on-line or live? If this question has already been asked then I apologize I was too lazy to read all of them before I started typing this. :club:
Getting a good night's sleep and eating well during a tournament help a lot in staying focused. Feeling that you are prepared going into a tournament helps make it a lot easier to stay focused and play your best. Limiting the distractions that usually happen when you're playing is very key in staying focused so that you can play your best for the longest amount of time.
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There are still a few questions left that I'm going to answer. If you have any questions about my responses or thought of any new questions to ask feel free. :5c:ts:3h:4h:club:

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do you ever catch yourself feeling like you're playing not to lose? if so, how often?
Interesting question. No I haven't, but if I felt like that I would quit right way. You don't want to be in a situation where you are uncomfortable playing, if possible.
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do you play any other games besides poker? like chess or backgammon?
I played a little bit of chess and checkers, along with other games when I was growing up.
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Fluff going back to the late night/early moring of the EWSOP there was a few of us left watching the last hour of the HU match with JJ and the Russian. I think we briefly talked about tells that JJ and the Russian had at that time as we were predicting the plays made. I know you have read the book that Joe Navaro wrote have you attended any of his lectures on tells? When I play poker I swear by his words. It is amazing the tells people give off. Can you mention some of your tell stories of others. Do you have tells
JJ and the Russian's tells became very obvious when they were both tired. When most people become tired they lose focus and don't conceal their tells at all and usually don't realize it.I have not attended any of his lectures on tells. It is crazy how many tells you notice on people after you know what to look for. I can't think of any tells stories offhand, but I spot them all the time when I play live. I do have a few tells that I know of. I recognize it right away if I give something away usually even if nobody else noticed it. I think I am fairly good at concealing my tells. Everybody has tells even if they are not aware of them. :club:
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Can you elaborate on some live physical tells you use, any tricks for easily noticing them? How do you avoid giving off tells yourself?Who's the best player youve playe against?Thanks for doing this btw. Real cool of ya
Foot tells, hand tells and actor tells are a few that you can spot if you know what you are looking for. An actor tell is when someone tries to portray that they are weak when they're really strong or when somebody is trying to deceive you in some way. Most people think they are good at doing it but it is usually easy to spot.Your body is usually in some sort of the standard position at the table. When you deviate from this position, you're usually giving something away. For instance, if you've folded quite a few hands and row and are slouching in your chair but you see aces you may straighten up and pull your chair in. A lot of the tells are much more subtle than that but some are surprisingly obvious.I played against quite a few of the TV pro type players and a lot of other well-known players. I can't think of one player that played amazingly well and gave me a lot of problems when I was at the table off hand. A lot of them played really good though.
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How many cash game hours online do you play in an average week?When you first started online what limits were you playing? Did you only have to deposit once?I know you don't regret your epic HU battle now but did you struggle emotionally with that loss at the time? Maybe when you first woke up the next day? :)Has the naturally speaking software worked well?

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Fluff, I will be in the FCP house weeks 3 and 4 (June 14 to 27). Two questions.Can you please win your bracelet in that time period so I can be there on the rail?Can I sweat one of your online sessions?

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Fluff, I will be in the FCP house week 1 (May 29 to June 5). Two questions.Can you please win your bracelet in that time period so I can be there on the rail?Can I sweat one of your online sessions?
FYP to apply to me...
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