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Met Survivorman

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Gotta bump this mess.
Yeah the horses episode was pretty bad, and he obviously talks it up for tv. Check out some of the cold episodes, those are the best.But, pretty much what speedz said. Like, 'We're gonna drop you off in the middle of Shitballs Alaska with a coat and shit, and a slice of whale blubber and a piece of flint, then we'll be back in a week. GL!' Also I'm sure he has a satellite phone for emergencies of whatever, but he usually does find his own food and water after like the 2nd day.
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so was this past season les' last? I saw somebody post that above but haven't heard anything about it. I haven't been watching it since it comes on friday nights and surprisingly enough I've had some semblance of a life on the weekends, but it's still my favorite show on tv.I want him to keep doing it for years, but I do need a stopping place so I can buy the whole series on dvd and masturba watch them repeatedly.

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so was this past season les' last? I saw somebody post that above but haven't heard anything about it. I haven't been watching it since it comes on friday nights and surprisingly enough I've had some semblance of a life on the weekends, but it's still my favorite show on tv.I want him to keep doing it for years, but I do need a stopping place so I can buy the whole series on dvd and masturba watch them repeatedly.
Survivorman is officially finished. From the always accurate Wikipedia:"Les Stroud has publicly announced that he will stop filming his popular Survivorman TV series after the third season. Stroud is leaving the highly popular series because he says that 'a person can only go without eating for a week at a time, a limited number of times, before it begins to wear on you.'"
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I got both books by Les Stroud and Bear Grylls for Christmas. I haven't been able to read either yet but am looking forward to comparing and contrasting the two.
I'll be waiting for both book reports. If Bear is giving as outlandish advice as he does on tv then that really borders on criminal, or at least civil liability. I can understand going over the top on tv to an extent as tv is more about entertainment than informational content. However, if someone is purchasing a book on survival tactics then they are most frequently doing so for informational purposes with a greater number of those buyers actually utilizing said tactics.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I just watched Bear slide down a hill with part of a parachute to slow him down. Good god this is getting more and more ridiculous by the episode.Survivorman stayed in the Article circle for a week.EDIT: Bear now just purposefully went into an ice crevice. Good lord how has he not been sued.

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I just watched Bear slide down a hill with part of a parachute to slow him down. Good god this is getting more and more ridiculous by the episode.Survivorman stayed in the Article circle for a week.EDIT: Bear now just purposefully went into an ice crevice. Good lord how has he not been sued.
I watched the Man vs Wild where he was in south america, I can't remember the place now but I am pretty sure it was the new season.He killed a 10-12 foot python or boa to eat, and I never saw him eat it at more than one sitting. It seems to me like that's much too big of a meal to kill for a tv show, too much waste. Les Stroud ftw.
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Hey look, Survivorman in the Georgia Swamps and he slaughtered a turtle AND a snake in the same day! Surely he could've lived off....I don't know grass & roots?Edit: LOL and he just built this stupid shitty 3 log raft and totally took a header into the swamp when it failed. God he is such a whiny boring tool. Ok i'm done.

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I'm very jealous that you met him, Gov. In fact, if I were to be stranded on a (desert island, high mountain range, jungle, swamp, ...) he would definitely be my top (non-sexual) choice of person to be stranded with.

Survivorman > Man vs Wild :club:
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I would hope so. Those of us with brains aren't impressed with your criticisms.FACE!
I just wouldn't want you "people with brains" to mislead people into thinking Les is some kind of survival super hero who doesn't slaughter wildlife to stay alive. A lot of the posts in here might make you think that.
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I watched an epsiode of Survivorman a few weeks ago, it was a behind the scenes episode. Him and his crew go into the areas ahead of time with locals and experts, basically scouting the areas out. The experts/locals brief him on what is good to eat/drink etc, he also gets a chance to see the potential areas from a helicopter or boat.He showed footage of when he was in Alaska for an epsiode, it was supposed to be in a remote area where no one ever travels. There was a fishing boat he had to keep off of the cameras in the background.What do you think of him going into these situations with the survival techniques taught by locals still fresh in his mind?

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I watched an epsiode of Survivorman a few weeks ago, it was a behind the scenes episode. Him and his crew go into the areas ahead of time with locals and experts, basically scouting the areas out. The experts/locals brief him on what is good to eat/drink etc, he also gets a chance to see the potential areas from a helicopter or boat.He showed footage of when he was in Alaska for an epsiode, it was supposed to be in a remote area where no one ever travels. There was a fishing boat he had to keep off of the cameras in the background.What do you think of him going into these situations with the survival techniques taught by locals still fresh in his mind?
He would be an idiot not to. He never hid that fact. He does not know every plant and bug that are edible by heart. Also it is still a TV show and although he still has to actually do the things he says he does, they do have safety features set up.
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Hey look, Survivorman in the Georgia Swamps and he slaughtered a turtle AND a snake in the same day! Surely he could've lived off....I don't know grass & roots?Edit: LOL and he just built this stupid shitty 3 log raft and totally took a header into the swamp when it failed. God he is such a whiny boring tool. Ok i'm done.
I watched an epsiode of Survivorman a few weeks ago, it was a behind the scenes episode. Him and his crew go into the areas ahead of time with locals and experts, basically scouting the areas out. The experts/locals brief him on what is good to eat/drink etc, he also gets a chance to see the potential areas from a helicopter or boat.He showed footage of when he was in Alaska for an epsiode, it was supposed to be in a remote area where no one ever travels. There was a fishing boat he had to keep off of the cameras in the background.What do you think of him going into these situations with the survival techniques taught by locals still fresh in his mind?
and there's your answer
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He would be an idiot not to. He never hid that fact. He does not know every plant and bug that are edible by heart. Also it is still a TV show and although he still has to actually do the things he says he does, they do have safety features set up.
Agree here, that's just part of being prepared. Nobody in their right mind would go to some of these areas without trying to learn about the local wildlife, plants, poisonous stuff etc.
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well I will, but I will have you know it will NOT be because of your post.
Good cause I will not be held responsible for your lolstd's.
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I just wouldn't want you "people with brains" to mislead people into thinking Les is some kind of survival super hero who doesn't slaughter wildlife to stay alive. A lot of the posts in here might make you think that.
Nobody defending Les would say he doesn't kill and eat animals...that doesn't even make any sense. But he does it for real, and actually consumes what he kills. What he does is no different than hunting.
I watched an epsiode of Survivorman a few weeks ago, it was a behind the scenes episode. Him and his crew go into the areas ahead of time with locals and experts, basically scouting the areas out. The experts/locals brief him on what is good to eat/drink etc, he also gets a chance to see the potential areas from a helicopter or boat.He showed footage of when he was in Alaska for an epsiode, it was supposed to be in a remote area where no one ever travels. There was a fishing boat he had to keep off of the cameras in the background.What do you think of him going into these situations with the survival techniques taught by locals still fresh in his mind?
Of course he gets tips, and it's telling that they showed the behind the scenes episode...this isn't nearly the same as Man vs Wild being outed as a fraud.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks Sal for reminding me of this somewhere else.The odds that a Bear Grylls survival tactic gets someone killed just went from pretty likely to absolutely certain.In the most recent episode he decided to go into a cave "that looked like it might go through" and swim through cave tunnels underwater with nothing more that a rope and makeshift torch to cut a few miles off of his journey. Magically he appeared from the other side and jumped into a lagoon.

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Thanks Sal for reminding me of this somewhere else.The odds that a Bear Grylls survival tactic gets someone killed just went from pretty likely to absolutely certain.In the most recent episode he decided to go into a cave "that looked like it might go through" and swim through cave tunnels underwater with nothing more that a rope and makeshift torch to cut a few miles off of his journey. Magically he appeared from the other side and jumped into a lagoon.
Thank YOU for continuing to keep the ratings high :)It wasn't very magical that he made a sweet torch with wood that burns long and while exploring the cave found light at the other end. He also prefaced it with something along the lines of "this can be dangerous and isn't usually a good idea." But that doesn't stop him from fking around in the name of entertainment.He also did a pretty sweet Tarzan swing. Smart? No. Awesome? Yes.
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