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The Seven Year Pick Up Line

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Back in the day when I was about 19 years old I used to joke around with girls at parites and ask them over for some Maccaroni and Cheeese during the football game the next day. It became somewaht of a joke and every girl that knew me well had heard the line at least a couple of times. Since than I have moved to a town not far from the town I grew up in but a different town none the less. Its been over two years that I have actually lved in this town and the people I sse out at the bar now are alot of the same people I used to party with when I was 19 or so. Anyways there is this girl that lives here, she is the best, used to work as a bartender, now is a nurse at the local old folks home and going to school to be an RN. She is cuter than I can describe plus she has a good job and is going to sshool to get another one.Anyways, a couple weeks ago we were drunk out at the bar and she was asking me when I was going to make her some Maccaroni and Cheese. I told her I always have some on tapt, jokingly because she remembered it from back in the day. Anyways, now evrerytime I see her out she keeps asking about the Mac and Cheese and I have called her at nnon a couple of the days after but she has been out of town those times and hasnt been able to come over. I seen her out tonight and she was apoloizing because she didnt show up for Mac and Cheese last weekend. I explained to her that I barely remembered calling her last weekend,(I did becasue I figured she was at the party I wanted to go to) and she said I gave her my address to come over for some Mac and Cheese. Thats hilarious because she lives tow blocks fomr me and everyone in my town knows where everyon lives. Anyways I guees there is no point to this story yet, but I am fully intent on calling her in the morning for some Mac and Cheese and will keep you upfated. I know SuitedAces is just going to ignore this, but I PROMISE you that I will do everythign that I can before this weekend is over and try to take things further. Anyways I had to get that off my chest i will call her at about 11 AM central and give an update after that.

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Back in the day when I was about 19 years old I used to joke around with girls at parites and ask them over for some Maccaroni and Cheeese during the football game the next day. It became somewaht of a joke and every girl that knew me well had heard the line at least a couple of times. Since than I have moved to a town not far from the town I grew up in but a different town none the less. Its been over two years that I have actually lved in this town and the people I sse out at the bar now are alot of the same people I used to party with when I was 19 or so. Anyways there is this girl that lives here, she is the best, used to work as a bartender, now is a nurse at the local old folks home and going to school to be an RN. She is cuter than I can describe plus she has a good job and is going to sshool to get another one.Anyways, a couple weeks ago we were drunk out at the bar and she was asking me when I was going to make her some Maccaroni and Cheese. I told her I always have some on tapt, jokingly because she remembered it from back in the day. Anyways, now evrerytime I see her out she keeps asking about the Mac and Cheese and I have called her at nnon a couple of the days after but she has been out of town those times and hasnt been able to come over. I seen her out tonight and she was apoloizing because she didnt show up for Mac and Cheese last weekend. I explained to her that I barely remembered calling her last weekend,(I did becasue I figured she was at the party I wanted to go to) and she said I gave her my address to come over for some Mac and Cheese. Thats hilarious because she lives tow blocks fomr me and everyone in my town knows where everyon lives. Anyways I guees there is no point to this story yet, but I am fully intent on calling her in the morning for some Mac and Cheese and will keep you upfated. I know SuitedAces is just going to ignore this, but I PROMISE you that I will do everythign that I can before this weekend is over and try to take things further. Anyways I had to get that off my chest i will call her at about 11 AM central and give an update after that.
The thread waits with baited breath
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You're not gonna kill her, are you?
^^^I laughed so hard at this i actually fell out of my chair and almost landed on my cat. nh, sir!
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Update: I text her and told her the Mac and Cheese would be ready aroun 12:30. She text me back and she is at work right now so i will try to get something going for tonight later. lol I hate when I start threads when i am drunk just as much as you guys do.

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lol I hate when I start threads when i am drunk just as much as you guys do.
Don't apologize, this is already a quality thread, with future hope of entertainment, to boot!We're pulling for ya.
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well at least, once before she shows up, so can he last longer the 2nd time around with her.
Remember:mac_cheese_image_1.jpgleads to:mary.jpgwhich leads to:theres_something_about_mary_cameron_diaz.jpg
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Drunk Update: I saw her tonight at the bar. I was at the abr earlier to have lunch and just ended up never leaving. Nut I didnt try to make a move on her when I was obviosly hammered. I was busy taking care of my riends who were drunker than me and she was laughing at that and also noticing how considerate I was even though I was in a drunken state as well. So she works tomorow but I will call her around noon and see if she wants to get together for supper. Or supre for you canadians.

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Drunk Update: I saw her tonight at the bar. I was at the abr earlier to have lunch and just ended up never leaving. Nut I didnt try to make a move on her when I was obviosly hammered. I was busy taking care of my riends who were drunker than me and she was laughing at that and also noticing how considerate I was even though I was in a drunken state as well. So she works tomorow but I will call her around noon and see if she wants to get together for supper. Or supre for you canadians.
never gonna happen.
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Update: I text her and told her the Mac and Cheese would be ready aroun 12:30. She text me back and she is at work right now so i will try to get something going for tonight later. lol I hate when I start threads when i am drunk just as much as you guys do.
Drunk spelling is fun to read.
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