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10c/25c Plo (6 Max) Combo Draw Hu

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I don't play this deep stacked very often.Button is 44/22/1.38 He seems to play well.PokerStars Pot-Limit Omaha High, $0.25 BB (6 handed) Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver Cards)Button ($179.95)SB ($25.30)BB ($50.75)UTG ($9.75)Hero ($172.30)CO ($15.35)Preflop: Hero is MP with 8c.gif, td.gif, jh.gif, 4c.gif. UTG calls $0.25, Hero calls $0.25, CO calls $0.25, Button raises to $1.6, 2 folds, UTG folds, Hero calls $1.35, CO calls $1.35.Flop: ($5.40) 9c.gif, ac.gif, 8s.gif(3 players)What's our preferred line on this flop?Check/raise?Bet/fold?Check/call?

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I like a bet. Our hand is pretty strong, and it's hard to be really crushed here if it gets heads up, so it makes sense to try to take it down without a showdown. The pot is big enough to be worth taking a shot at. If you get raised, I think it would be a call, since the only way you are in big trouble is if villain has a set and a higher flush draw, which is a pretty remote possibility.Then again, since you said you think villain is a good player, maybe it is better just to go into passive mode by check-calling, since you are so deep and oop. I don't think there is necessarily a right answer in this situation, but my first instinct is to bet.

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If he's a good player that means he could be raising quite a wide range here on the button with limps galore. Hero's hand looks extremely pretty, but looks can be deceiving. If villain has TJ with higher clubs we are dead as a doornail. Check/call..keep the pot small here this deep. If you hit gin with the TJ bet into him on turn. If flush comes you have tough decisions the rest of the way anyway.

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I am not sure about betting this hand with 2 players behind us , one being the pf raiser. If we bet , we don't want to get called because we will check a lot of turn cards.If we bet , we don't want to get raised because this isn't a draw i am comfortable chasing with this deep. You don't want to lose 7 BI's with 8 high flush.PF call is a mistake and cheapest way to turn from that mistake is check calling flop and re evaluating on turn IMO.

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PF call was definitely a leak in my game. I decided to compound my error on this flop by electing to play in the worst manner possible.I checked the flop with the intention of raising. CO checked as well and the button obliged me by potting it here. I carried through with my plan, check-raising to ~$20 to go. Once again CO obliges me by folding and I am heads-up with the original raiser on the button.At this point, button reps aces and repops it to ~$70-to-go and I decide to put him on naked aces with no flush or straight draws. Why do I put him on this hand, you ask? Well it is the *only* hand that is not TOTALLY crushing me at this point, and if he has that hand then I can find an excuse to call his 4-bet OOP.I call.The turn brings another 8, so now I have trip 8's, but *EVERY* hand that I could possibly put my opponent on now has me totally crushed... except perhaps a hand like [T :spade: J :heart: Q :club: K :club: ], which still has half the deck to improve to beat my hand.I check and button checks behind.The river brings a jack, so I went runner runner FH, but my opponent has played the hand like AAxx on every street, so I suspect this card is just nice enough to get me in trouble. I check to my opponent and after ~3 seconds, he moves allin for ~$100.I mull over the obvious fold for 10 seconds before finally deciding to buck the trend of butchering the hand and fold my ignorant full house. My opponent and I had been on friendly terms, so he obliges me by showing his hand (aces full, obv.)I *knew* I butchered this hand *completely*, and felt it necessary to post it here, both to confirm how poorly I played, and as a personal reminder that I am accountable for my play *especially* in the big pots.Cheers and thanks for the advice,Merby

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