colonel Feathers 5 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 I hate the clintons with a passion, but if it comes down to clinton or mccain Im voting for clinton.Cause eitherr one will screw up this country, and Id rather a liberal dem get the blame. Link to post Share on other sites
AKChadness 0 Posted January 24, 2008 Share Posted January 24, 2008 at that time there were minutemen. They had to be ready to fight on que. We don't have that anymore.idk about you, but if our country got invaded i would be right there with anyone else rdy to fight at the blink of an eye. Link to post Share on other sites
NickZepp 0 Posted January 24, 2008 Share Posted January 24, 2008 I hate the clintons with a passion, but if it comes down to clinton or mccain Im voting for clinton.Cause eitherr one will screw up this country, and Id rather a liberal dem get the blame.This country is so great that one man even a president can't screw it up unless he/she gets a lot of help. Link to post Share on other sites
Tiltinagain 973 Posted January 24, 2008 Share Posted January 24, 2008 ... How is Ron Paul 'loony' ? Every single candidate is the exact same except Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. WTF are they saying that is different ? They are all pro war, pro welfare state, all have aggressive foreign policy and have no clue how the Federal Reserve is destroying the US from the inside out. How would you like it if China came into your country and rolled around in tanks imposing curfews on you and your citizens, stealing your oil, instituting an income tax and had killed 1 million of your people ? War is NOT ****ing peace. Go read the constitution. Since when is the gov't not answerable to the people ? A few Thomas Jefferson quotes:When the government fears the people there is liberty; when the people fear the government there is tyranny.I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a moneyed aristocracy that has set the Government at defiance. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.Does the government fear us? Or do we fear the government? When the people fear the government, tyranny has found victory. The federal government is our servant, not our master!The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered. Anyone find it funny he predicated 200 yrs ago what is happening today ? So these central banks of the western nations can take away gold standards from the $ supply and then create $ backed by nothing. Now this gives them power to just print $ when they need it. With gold you can't just print more gold because it takes long periods of time for it to form and that's what gives it value. Now with fiat $ ( $ backed by nothing ) when the US needs more $ for this genocide for Iraqi oil they just print it out of thin air. So if you have an economy with 100 tv's in it and 100 dollars, each tv is worth 1 dollar. Now you inject another 100 dollars into this economy and all of a sudden with more $ in the economy now these tv's are worth 2 dollars each. Inflation ( or printing of $ which is driving the cost of living to go up and making the purchasing power of people go down ). The central banks build these financial and housing bubbles by cutting interest rates which is nothing more than printing more money. Now costs of living goes up 8% and people's wages go up 2% they have been robbed of 6% of their $. It's been stolen from them. If I go and print $ off my own printing press all of a sudden it's considered fraud and a criminal charge ? Hence the term " the rich get richer and the poor get poorer". The middle class is being eliminated because of this fraud and the rich are the ones who it is benefitting. The 3 I's take almost all of your $. Income tax, Inflation, Interest. They can't keep raising taxes to support this war so they just go to the hidden tax, the inflation tax. They can't keep telling people year after year their going to raise taxes 5% for this war because everyone would be against it so they just print the $ through inflation tax and it's hidden from most of the public and they get away with it. As Ron Paul says "we borrow 10 billion from China, in which we give to Musharraf, who's a military dictator who overthrew an elected gov't. Then we go to war, loose all these lives, promotiting democracy in Iraq. ??????????? That make any sense to anyone else ? BTW Fox News the so called "Fair and Balanced" news agency cut out that clip from Ron Paul. What most people don't understand is when reading your newspapers, radio stations, tv networks, 1000's of these media outlets across the US, most of them are owned by 5 companies. News Corporation, General Electric, Disney, Time Warner and CBS Corporation. You think for 1 second General Electric would let some news broadcaster from NBC to be against these wars when General Electric is the biggest supplier of military arms to the US military ? Yeah their going to take billions of profits out of their pockets because their moral people. Anyone find it funny these 'front runners' are CFR members as well as the heads of these 5 media conglomorates ? Wake the **** up people. So Ron Paul is considered a loony because he believes in civil liberties ? doesn't think war is peace ? Wants to cut down federal spending and the size of the federal govt' ? Wants $ to be backed by something like gold so gov't can't print and overspend ? Wants to STOP the trillion dollar spending overseas on foreign policy and eliminate the income tax by spending WAY less $ ? Wants to get rid of the Department of Education ? Aren't kids in the US dumber than ever and yet they keep spending more on this department ? Umm okay your spending MORE $ and the kids are getting DUMBER ? WOW that department is really working! My guess is they are dumbing kids down for a reason so they don't think to much and just listen to what the gov't tells them. If you consider Ron Paul 'loony' WTF does that make the other candidates ? For a final quote from Thomas Jefferson "the man who reads nothing is more educated than the man who reads newspapers"LOL much?? Link to post Share on other sites
pokerdan97 0 Posted January 24, 2008 Share Posted January 24, 2008 LOL much??Good reply I see your a real thinker. You should get an understanding of how the real world works if you wish to post in this thread. Link to post Share on other sites
taylorhb0 0 Posted January 25, 2008 Share Posted January 25, 2008 idk about you, but if our country got invaded i would be right there with anyone else rdy to fight at the blink of an eye.We have a national guard for a reason. Link to post Share on other sites
akoff 0 Posted January 25, 2008 Share Posted January 25, 2008 Guns kill peopleNo people do!There isn't any point. A lot of these school shootings wouldn't even happen without the 2nd amendment.Yea you keep thinking that. BTW- I don't own a gun, or need one but the gun is not the problem. Link to post Share on other sites
nutzbuster 7 Posted January 25, 2008 Share Posted January 25, 2008 We have a national guard for a reason.Yeah, but it's too late to ever bring up an idea to ban guns from the general public. Highly unlikely that it will never happen as it is now an entrenched aspect of the fabric of this counties culture. Criminals will always be able to guns no matter what. There is a huge underground market, and restriciting or eliminating gun ownership, or the ablity of common folks to purchase firearms, would only result in government and criminals being the only ones who have them. Anyone who thinks that is a good idea needs their head examined. Link to post Share on other sites
NickZepp 0 Posted January 25, 2008 Share Posted January 25, 2008 There isn't any point. A lot of these school shootings wouldn't even happen without the 2nd amendment.Doesn't really matter if it's legal or not to have guns. I bet you find that most of these shootings happen with guns that they didn't even get from the family. Crazy people will do crazy things, doesn't really matter how legal it is. I think everyone should have teh right to own anything to protect themselves. And guns can do that for some people. But I also believe television or radio shouldn't be censored. I think that's against the right to free speech. Link to post Share on other sites
akoff 0 Posted January 25, 2008 Share Posted January 25, 2008 Yeah, but it's too late to ever bring up an idea to ban guns from the general public. Highly unlikely that it will never happen as it is now an entrenched aspect of the fabric of this counties culture. Criminals will always be able to guns no matter what. There is a huge underground market, and restriciting or eliminating gun ownership, or the ablity of common folks to purchase firearms, would only result in government and criminals being the only ones who have them. Anyone who thinks that is a good idea needs their head true Link to post Share on other sites
aucu 3 Posted January 25, 2008 Share Posted January 25, 2008 DanielLittle surprised that Hillary just annoyed you and your kind words for Bill Clinton. Understanding who Hillary and Bill really are you was being very kind.Their goal is to make Obama a black candidate not a mainstream candidate and to bring him down to their level.If you study Hillary’s history and who her mentor was you will be able to clearly see the tactics being used to destroy the best candidate Obama.Her mentor was Saul Alinsky and here are three of his Rules for Radicals that the Clinton’s use very well.1. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.2. Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.3. The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength.Check it out whom the Clinton’s are and their only goal is to destroy Obama.So Clinton want's to "Swift Boat" ObamaVery common on all sides. Link to post Share on other sites
nudist30 0 Posted January 26, 2008 Share Posted January 26, 2008 I am new here and I would like to clear up a few things about all the Hillary bashing and all the democratic bashing. Daniel you are a very funny guy and I understand why you were annoyed at the democratic debates but remember this, In Nevada Obama's union supporters were trying to intimidate voters by making them work during the voting times, this wasnt just 1 or 2 voters they were doing this to. This was to all of the union workers who were backing Clinton instead of Obama the Unions choice for nominee. I am not a racist and nor would i ever be one. Obama has made some fine points in the brief time he has been campaigning but yet many of those same points are the same as Hillary has. I think you all have to remember is that Obama has only been a US senator for 2 years while Hillary has been one for 8 years along with the fact that she has had the experience of being in the national arena for 8 years before that when Bill was in the white house. I am a Democrat and not afraid to say it. Have I made up my mind who I am going to vote for in the Minnesota Primary. No I have not. I am heavily leaning towards Hillary because overall I believe she has the best ideas, the greatest experience and I believe the ability to unite both republicans and democrats in congress such as Bill did when he was in the white house. Remember there was a lot of legislation that Bill actually sat down with Congress with and passed and compromised. When was the last time not including the recent Economic stimulus package did Bush actually sit down with congress and do a compromise. It basically was his way or the highway. We don't need another REPUBLICAN president like that. If we elect one then this country might as well go back to the stone age because that is exactly where we are headed now. The only way that Obama can change the way I feel about him is to address specifically what he is going to do with regards to the economy, health care, the war in IRAQ, and other issues. He has not done that. Hillary meanwhile has done that. If Obama wants my vote he is going to have to stop sliding past questions about his experience in the past and what he is going to do for this country in specifics. Furthermore if you remember OBAMA was attacking Hillary farther along about Hillary's record for many months before finally Hillary started to fire back so you say that she is becoming very forceful in her attacks on the statements that she made in response to speeches and statements OBAMA made about Reagan and about Her in specifics well I don't know about you but if you had 6 months of Verbal and video attacks brought on you and had not responded, would you not respond in kind? People we are in an election year in the states here where we have 3 serious problems facing our country, #1 the war in Iraq, #2 Our Economy, #3 Major problems in the health care arena in this country #4 Our civil rights as described by our constitution that is being destroyed by Bush's laws, and finally #5 of course online poker legislation that needs to be overturned(mind you not a single republican except for Paul has said they would support overturning that legislation). How do we get those issues resolved. Well putting another republican in the white house surely isnt going to do that and frankly I don't think Obama would be able to. Hillary has the knowledge, experience, and ability to unite many different areas of congress to fight all these areas and she has shown that in her Senate Career. I know you said she voted for the war in Iraq but if you actually watched her on Meet the press a couple sundays ago she explained why she did that because she honestly thought that the inspectors would be given a chance to diplomatically resolve the situation. As you all can recall that Bush had no intention of letting that process go through. Matter of fact the Inspectors were in IRAQ when the military invaded. I believe that had Hillary had not had the wool pulled over her eyes just like everyone else in congress did back then and knew that Bush was planning an invasion she and the majority of congress would have voted against the use of force in IRAQ. Finally, I will say this that we have worn out our welcome in Iraq. Iraqis need to be able to handle their own situations and form their own government and not have a foreign power dictate terms of how to do that. Did we let the UK dictate terms to us about how to form a government back in 1776. No we declared our independence and fought them and formed our own government. The Iraqis need to be able to do that. Until we are out of Iraq more and more americans will die not because of some sort of insurgency but because eventually the Iraqis are going to say thanks for the help in getting rid of saddam but we dont need you anymore and the majority of the population will turn against us. It will happen if we end up having 8 more years of Bush in the white house or another republican that would act like him. Think about the whole situation before you start bash Hillary up and down. Oh one more thing you say that Hillary made this a nomination battle based on Race. That is not true either. If you think about it she has strongly suggested otherwise while all you hear from Obama in SC is about how he will be helpful to the black people if he is president. He has not gone in front of any churchgoers that are predominately white or a mix of white and black but has only gone to predominately black churches and gave many speeches so who exactly is playing the Race cared is it Hillary or Obama. I dont know I think I would lean towards obama on that one. He needs to really change his tactics if he is to get my vote. If he were to come clean and start getting specific on all the issues then I would take a good hard look at the guy. Until he does that Hillary is my choice right now. Link to post Share on other sites
JustDoIt 10 Posted January 27, 2008 Share Posted January 27, 2008 I am new here and I would like to clear up a few things about all the Hillary bashing and all the democratic bashing. Daniel you are a very funny guy and I understand why you were annoyed at the democratic debates but remember this, In Nevada Obama's union supporters were trying to intimidate voters by making them work during the voting times, this wasnt just 1 or 2 voters they were doing this to. This was to all of the union workers who were backing Clinton instead of Obama the Unions choice for nominee. I am not a racist and nor would i ever be one. Obama has made some fine points in the brief time he has been campaigning but yet many of those same points are the same as Hillary has. I think you all have to remember is that Obama has only been a US senator for 2 years while Hillary has been one for 8 years along with the fact that she has had the experience of being in the national arena for 8 years before that when Bill was in the white house. I am a Democrat and not afraid to say it. Have I made up my mind who I am going to vote for in the Minnesota Primary. No I have not. I am heavily leaning towards Hillary because overall I believe she has the best ideas, the greatest experience and I believe the ability to unite both republicans and democrats in congress such as Bill did when he was in the white house. Remember there was a lot of legislation that Bill actually sat down with Congress with and passed and compromised. When was the last time not including the recent Economic stimulus package did Bush actually sit down with congress and do a compromise. It basically was his way or the highway. We don't need another REPUBLICAN president like that. If we elect one then this country might as well go back to the stone age because that is exactly where we are headed now. The only way that Obama can change the way I feel about him is to address specifically what he is going to do with regards to the economy, health care, the war in IRAQ, and other issues. He has not done that. Hillary meanwhile has done that. If Obama wants my vote he is going to have to stop sliding past questions about his experience in the past and what he is going to do for this country in specifics. Furthermore if you remember OBAMA was attacking Hillary farther along about Hillary's record for many months before finally Hillary started to fire back so you say that she is becoming very forceful in her attacks on the statements that she made in response to speeches and statements OBAMA made about Reagan and about Her in specifics well I don't know about you but if you had 6 months of Verbal and video attacks brought on you and had not responded, would you not respond in kind? People we are in an election year in the states here where we have 3 serious problems facing our country, #1 the war in Iraq, #2 Our Economy, #3 Major problems in the health care arena in this country #4 Our civil rights as described by our constitution that is being destroyed by Bush's laws, and finally #5 of course online poker legislation that needs to be overturned(mind you not a single republican except for Paul has said they would support overturning that legislation). How do we get those issues resolved. Well putting another republican in the white house surely isnt going to do that and frankly I don't think Obama would be able to. Hillary has the knowledge, experience, and ability to unite many different areas of congress to fight all these areas and she has shown that in her Senate Career. I know you said she voted for the war in Iraq but if you actually watched her on Meet the press a couple sundays ago she explained why she did that because she honestly thought that the inspectors would be given a chance to diplomatically resolve the situation. As you all can recall that Bush had no intention of letting that process go through. Matter of fact the Inspectors were in IRAQ when the military invaded. I believe that had Hillary had not had the wool pulled over her eyes just like everyone else in congress did back then and knew that Bush was planning an invasion she and the majority of congress would have voted against the use of force in IRAQ. Finally, I will say this that we have worn out our welcome in Iraq. Iraqis need to be able to handle their own situations and form their own government and not have a foreign power dictate terms of how to do that. Did we let the UK dictate terms to us about how to form a government back in 1776. No we declared our independence and fought them and formed our own government. The Iraqis need to be able to do that. Until we are out of Iraq more and more americans will die not because of some sort of insurgency but because eventually the Iraqis are going to say thanks for the help in getting rid of saddam but we dont need you anymore and the majority of the population will turn against us. It will happen if we end up having 8 more years of Bush in the white house or another republican that would act like him. Think about the whole situation before you start bash Hillary up and down. Oh one more thing you say that Hillary made this a nomination battle based on Race. That is not true either. If you think about it she has strongly suggested otherwise while all you hear from Obama in SC is about how he will be helpful to the black people if he is president. He has not gone in front of any churchgoers that are predominately white or a mix of white and black but has only gone to predominately black churches and gave many speeches so who exactly is playing the Race cared is it Hillary or Obama. I dont know I think I would lean towards obama on that one. He needs to really change his tactics if he is to get my vote. If he were to come clean and start getting specific on all the issues then I would take a good hard look at the guy. Until he does that Hillary is my choice right now.lmao "I believe she has the best ideas, the greatest experience"lmao What planet do you live on? "I believe the ability to unite both republicans and democrats in congress"Sad, what a wasted voted! Link to post Share on other sites
Tiltinagain 973 Posted January 27, 2008 Share Posted January 27, 2008 Good reply I see your a real thinker. You should get an understanding of how the real world works if you wish to post in this thread.Gee I guess you're right, I'M the one that needs to get an understanding of how the real world works, interesting.Obviously I was right about where you were getting your information since you didn't dispute it.I guess you define a "real thinker" as one that follows the writings of a group of extreme alarmists and then re-writes their views, almost verbatum, on a poker forum and, like everyone else I know that follows that site, berates anyone that dares not to be brainwashed into the same ignorant BS as themselves.A thinker thinks for themselves. I recommend you give it a try sometime. Link to post Share on other sites
nudist30 0 Posted January 27, 2008 Share Posted January 27, 2008 lmao "I believe she has the best ideas, the greatest experience"lmao What planet do you live on? "I believe the ability to unite both republicans and democrats in congress"Sad, what a wasted voted!you must be a George Bush Lover then. If you believe that the vote I will cast for most likely Hillary unless Obama shapes up. I mean you must really love BUSH if you want to say those words. Well dude be it as it is that it is true that Hillary does have the most experience and the best chance to change this country in a greatly positive way. Also, she has the best chance in the democratic party of beating any of the republican challengers that decide to become the nominee. You are sad that is what I have to admit. So keep on loving BUSH and keep on loving OBAMA because both wont get you anywhere. Link to post Share on other sites
nudist30 0 Posted January 27, 2008 Share Posted January 27, 2008 DanielLittle surprised that Hillary just annoyed you and your kind words for Bill Clinton. Understanding who Hillary and Bill really are you was being very kind.Their goal is to make Obama a black candidate not a mainstream candidate and to bring him down to their level.If you study Hillary’s history and who her mentor was you will be able to clearly see the tactics being used to destroy the best candidate Obama.Her mentor was Saul Alinsky and here are three of his Rules for Radicals that the Clinton’s use very well.1. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.2. Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.3. The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength.Check it out whom the Clinton’s are and their only goal is to destroy Obama.Dude that was not her mentor you are thinking about someone else. Secondly, OBAMA is the one that is making himself out to be the BLACK canidate. Why is it in SC the in all the speeches he gave they were at predominately black churches and organizations? Why did you not see him give speeches in predominately white churches? Secondly he is the one who is playing the race card not Hillary. I watched 3 of his speeches that I had TIVO'ed and clearly clearly he spoke about helping the black population and oh yeah the rest of the country. Notice he spoke about the blacks first and everyone else second. You have alot to learn dude. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted January 27, 2008 Share Posted January 27, 2008 Dude that was not her mentor you are thinking about someone else. Secondly, OBAMA is the one that is making himself out to be the BLACK canidate. Why is it in SC the in all the speeches he gave they were at predominately black churches and organizations? Why did you not see him give speeches in predominately white churches? Secondly he is the one who is playing the race card not Hillary. I watched 3 of his speeches that I had TIVO'ed and clearly clearly he spoke about helping the black population and oh yeah the rest of the country. Notice he spoke about the blacks first and everyone else second. You have alot to learn dude.I think you are right at least about hillary not having that other guy as a mentor. Clearly her mentor was Karl Marx.To pretend a black guy can run for president and his race not be an issue is to pretend too much. I am cool with him talking about working in the black communities to help them get out of the squallor the democrats have left them in for 50 years. Only positive things for this country can come about with their communities getting better.And isn't SC like over 50% black in population? Smart campaigning for anyone to court the black vote in SC.When I was driving through Georgia and South Carolina I was listening to black preachers on the radio, I would campaign in black churches just for their worship alone if I was running for president. Link to post Share on other sites
nudist30 0 Posted January 27, 2008 Share Posted January 27, 2008 I think you are right at least about hillary not having that other guy as a mentor. Clearly her mentor was Karl Marx.To pretend a black guy can run for president and his race not be an issue is to pretend too much. I am cool with him talking about working in the black communities to help them get out of the squallor the democrats have left them in for 50 years. Only positive things for this country can come about with their communities getting better.And isn't SC like over 50% black in population? Smart campaigning for anyone to court the black vote in SC.When I was driving through Georgia and South Carolina I was listening to black preachers on the radio, I would campaign in black churches just for their worship alone if I was running for president.Karl Marx LMAO you must be a BUSH lover too. LOL. You are so screwed in the head. And no that is not smart if he was smart he would make speeches at predominately white churches and organizations along with the black churches and organizations. But he wasnt and he was the one waving the race card around. I think you all have to remember that BUSH is the one who got us here to this point where our country is going into recession and we are in a country that really doesnt want us there. But hey most of you in this thread are BUSH lovers so you are too dumb, stupid and ignorant to even realize that. There are a few that share similar sentiments to me and that is nice but in the end Hillary will prevail and will win the general election and for you BUSH lovers your nice comfy seat in the white house is about to go BYE BYE Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted January 27, 2008 Share Posted January 27, 2008 Karl Marx LMAO you must be a BUSH lover too. LOL. You are so screwed in the head. And no that is not smart if he was smart he would make speeches at predominately white churches and organizations along with the black churches and organizations. But he wasnt and he was the one waving the race card around. I think you all have to remember that BUSH is the one who got us here to this point where our country is going into recession and we are in a country that really doesnt want us there. But hey most of you in this thread are BUSH lovers so you are too dumb, stupid and ignorant to even realize that. There are a few that share similar sentiments to me and that is nice but in the end Hillary will prevail and will win the general election and for you BUSH lovers your nice comfy seat in the white house is about to go BYE BYEThere's always Jeb Bush in 2012He can fix everything the democrats screw up, like Bush did after Clinton.And you are right, most people on here love Bush and wish we could have 4 more years.But then again, we are smarter than most forums. Link to post Share on other sites
nudist30 0 Posted January 27, 2008 Share Posted January 27, 2008 There's always Jeb Bush in 2012He can fix everything the democrats screw up, like Bush did after Clinton.And you are right, most people on here love Bush and wish we could have 4 more years.But then again, we are smarter than most forums.No you the BUSH lovers are the ignorant jackasses that got us in all this BS in the first place if you think about. All BUSH wanted in IRAQ was to get richer off the oil and that is exactly what he is doing. You and the rest of you BUSH lovers are too stupid and intolerant and ignorant to even see it. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted January 27, 2008 Share Posted January 27, 2008 No you the BUSH lovers are the ignorant jackasses that got us in all this BS in the first place if you think about. All BUSH wanted in IRAQ was to get richer off the oil and that is exactly what he is doing. You and the rest of you BUSH lovers are too stupid and intolerant and ignorant to even see it.I don't think you want to blame other for being intolerant there skippy.I am interested in how you got ahold of the Bush bank account number so you can show us that Bush got rich off the war. Who do you think he is? LBJ ( He's the democrat that had a brother that sold Huey helicopters to the military and lo and behold, Johnson escaladed the Vietnam war so we would need more hueys.)Deep down you know that Bush is a good president. you are just trying to fight the desire to embrace big brother Bush and admit he is always right. Link to post Share on other sites
NickZepp 0 Posted January 27, 2008 Share Posted January 27, 2008 No one is really making money off the war in Iraq. I know the US isn't. And you can't just abandoned Iraq now and try and leave there. It'll end up a much worse situation then we left it. I think most of the problems with Iraq were how we started there. We weren't doing a good job. Recently we've done much better and are now succeeding in areas in Iraq. I hope we stay in Iraq till that situation is resolved. If our next president just leaves there and pulls out of Iraq it would probably be seen as a victory by Al Quada(sp?)Bush isn't the greatest president ever but he's nowhere near as bad as the liberals would want you to believe. I would say he did a better job then the 2 presidents before him which isn't saying anything. Link to post Share on other sites
nudist30 0 Posted January 27, 2008 Share Posted January 27, 2008 I don't think you want to blame other for being intolerant there skippy.I am interested in how you got ahold of the Bush bank account number so you can show us that Bush got rich off the war. Who do you think he is? LBJ ( He's the democrat that had a brother that sold Huey helicopters to the military and lo and behold, Johnson escaladed the Vietnam war so we would need more hueys.)Deep down you know that Bush is a good president. you are just trying to fight the desire to embrace big brother Bush and admit he is always right.First of all it is a known fact that BUSH is an OIL man tried and true first of all you intolerant BUSH lover so you just forgot that huh???? AHHH DICK is too an oil man also. Bush a good president??? Yeah right if anything hes a murderer for causing 9/11 to happen. He knew exactly what was going to happen that day on 9/11 why the hell do you think he was in florida when if you look at his schedule from the week before he was supposed to be in washington that day. The only way he could get us into a war against terrorism and against IRAQ was to finance an attack on our soil. You want a mastermind take a look at him. Where was our military that day??? No where to be seen in DC when the supposed plane that hit the pentagon flew over the white house, capitol and other federal buildings numerous times. Those government buildings are supposed to be the most restricted airspace in the world but nothing was done. I am not fighting any embracing of bush and admitting he is always right when that jackass is exactly what is wrong with this country. So take that and shove it somewhere where the sun dont shine. Ask BUSHY why 25 million went from his OIL accounts to Bin Laden's family's accounts in the week before 9/11. Go ahead and ask him I bet he pleads the 5th LMAO. Link to post Share on other sites
nudist30 0 Posted January 27, 2008 Share Posted January 27, 2008 No one is really making money off the war in Iraq. I know the US isn't. And you can't just abandoned Iraq now and try and leave there. It'll end up a much worse situation then we left it. I think most of the problems with Iraq were how we started there. We weren't doing a good job. Recently we've done much better and are now succeeding in areas in Iraq. I hope we stay in Iraq till that situation is resolved. If our next president just leaves there and pulls out of Iraq it would probably be seen as a victory by Al Quada(sp?)Bush isn't the greatest president ever but he's nowhere near as bad as the liberals would want you to believe. I would say he did a better job then the 2 presidents before him which isn't saying anything.Man I will tell you something there Nick you must be a real idiot if you believe everything you just posted. Dude BUSH is an oil man and he is making a ton of money off of IRAQ why the hell do you think we are there. Wow you missed the ball on that one. And yes BUSH is that bad see the post i put above. Those are all known facts and congress continues to try and investigate BUSH because they know there is alot wrong with him. Eventually the other shoe will drop when Hillary gets into the white house and BUSH will be in serious trouble. Link to post Share on other sites
NickZepp 0 Posted January 27, 2008 Share Posted January 27, 2008 Man I will tell you something there Nick you must be a real idiot if you believe everything you just posted. Dude BUSH is an oil man and he is making a ton of money off of IRAQ why the hell do you think we are there. Wow you missed the ball on that one. And yes BUSH is that bad see the post i put above. Those are all known facts and congress continues to try and investigate BUSH because they know there is alot wrong with him. Eventually the other shoe will drop when Hillary gets into the white house and BUSH will be in serious trouble.We aren't making any money of oil in Iraq. If we really were then gas prices wouldn't be sky high like they are. The Iraq war has nothing to do with oil, because we aren't getting any more oil than anyone else and aren't getting it any cheaper I'm not saying he's a perfect President or even a great President. I'm saying he's not as bad as Hillary or Obama will make you believe. Link to post Share on other sites
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