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$32 is plenty of money to play and build a bankroll. Why on Earth would you need a stake?
Mainly because I'd have to play way lower stakes on FT than I normally do on Stars, making the play kind of boring and pointless unless someone is staking me. It's not really so much a matter of need as it is of want.
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Lol, u got 32 dollars and u complain? I am broke, AND somebody refuses to give me 200 $ he lost on a bet with me.
Actually I have about 15k in debt. Because of school. Obv I'm trying to tp/m15k here, come on, help a dude out :club:
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In. Good luck to all those in.
My bad, I read this wrong...this thread was for HORSE. NVM, Im in the FTP KO Tourney. No wonder I couldn't find Jethro or Skully. :club::D :D
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