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Well, here's my situation.I'm on a boring vacation with my laptop and wireless internet.Problem is, my bankroll got erased on a river in Razz last night (6-4-3-2-A on 5th street, he rivers a wheel with Q-J-5-3 showing.), and I can't deposit till I get back (around January 4th).Any ideas for what to do?

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Don't play Razz with your whole bankroll
Err...with a 9 dollar BR on FTP, thats quite difficult. I was card dead in Hold 'Em, and I've cashed all but one of the Razz tournies I've played. It would make sense that I play Razz - the scary part is I was actually up 4 bucks at the time and was playing to get to 10 and then go heads up.Only problem is, the guy had been at a table with me previously and was a known chaser. He hit, for the second time I'd seen.I played it right, just like every other time I hit 6-4-3-2-A on 5th or 6th. shoving with 2nd nuts into a Q-J-5-3 board is a no-brainer.Either way...I mean ideas as to what to do with my time now :club:
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Freerolls baby!
Freerolls make me sick :(The FTP ones are bingo.And the Stars ones I have my tickets for are Sat/Sun, and today is Monday. :(I think I MIGHT have a stake coming in for the $1 Ferguson Razz tourney.But that might not be coming in.What is "moohla.com"?
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Build up 500k in play chips and sell them off to one of those sites who buys them.
Maybe.I'll think about it during dinner.Those sites dont always go through though.Maybe build 500k on FTP and play the $40 tournament :club:
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that should have been the /threadAlso, is it just me or is this some lame attempt at getting a stake?
No.I was looking for ideas to do something, poker or not, as this is the most boring holiday where I am.Hence my questioning of what Moolah.com was.I don't stake-beg.
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...Well, I certainly feel welcome being new and just posting a general question since I'm thoroughly bored with nothing to do, being accused of begging. Since I not only asked for poker ideas but also for off-poker ideas, I thought the fact that I wasn't begging was clear. Thanks!
.. get 400 posts and then ask that question.. there prolly wont be a problem then.
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.. get 400 posts and then ask that question.. there prolly wont be a problem then.
Alright, if that's the way I gotta go.Sorry to bother if I did, just thought I'd ask since I had no ideas...:club:
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TY to all non-flames.I'd like a lot of posts but I don't like to spam :(Or post irrelevant comments (but this one, I have nothing else better, honestly. Sorry.)

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TY to all non-flames.I'd like a lot of posts but I don't like to spam :(Or post irrelevant comments (but this one, I have nothing else better, honestly. Sorry.)
it took me 2 years to get 200 posts. i've been to "ignore me cuz i dont post" land before
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it took me 2 years to get 200 posts. i've been to "ignore me cuz i dont post" land before
Ah, hopefully it doesn't take me quite as long. I'd like to be active, but not a spammer.K, I'm off to go make actual relevant posts. :club:
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