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1-2 nl $200 buyin full ringhero $280 hero has 22preflop raiser $90cutoff $300preflophero limps raiser bets $8cutoff calls $8flop 2-4-9 rainbowhero checks, raiser bets $15 cutoff calls. hero bets $40 raiser goes all in cutoff calls.cutoff is a solid player he's cold called a bet and a raise on this street. what would you put him on? would you raise or call the all in? would you ever consider folding?

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would you ever consider folding?
In a $1-2 game, the only way I'm folding is if he accidentally exposes 99 or 44 to me. Otherwise, shipppp it. Let's hope you're up against two overpairs, QQ-JJ, etc
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If you're going to fold 22 when you DO hit a set on that flop, fold them preflop.
against the raiser i totally agree. but, don't you have to consider what the caller, who is a solid player, is calling all theses bets and raises with?
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At 1/2, I'm not laying this down ever. It's ridiculous to even think of it. If it's a bad beat post, please just spare us the drama and say you called and the guy had 99 or 44. If you made the hero laydown and got shown a better hand, here's a cookie for you. What more do you want here? I try to avoid making WSOP worthy laydowns at 1/2nl. Most times you're so rediculously far ahead of an overpair it's not even funny here.

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What position are you in? If I'm playing 22 UTG (and I usually don't), it's specifically because I think my opponents will put all their chips in with an overpair. Because the PFR is playing a half stack, I don't necessarily give the cut-off credit for a set. I'll pay him off.

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i pushed all in, but was pretty sure the cutoff was gonna show me a set. i encounter these types of hands once or twice a day. usually when i think i'm beat i am. as a matter of fact, i'd say that i lose about 75% of the time when i think i may be beat. i have only laid down in that situation once and would have won. i think i would probably be up around 3 buyins a week if i would listen to my gut more and just lay it down. 3 buyins is signifacant money. do you "have" to lose your money with bottom set? i've always said yes. lately i'm not sure. oh yea, he had top set.

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i didn't play this hand scared at all i reraised it twice. i play alot of hands. usually over 500 an hour. what i am saying is, that out of the thousands of hands i play a session, once or twice i can just "tell" or "smell" trouble. players at the $100 and $200 full ring nl games have improved immensely in the last six months or so. usually when i see somthing that strikes me as odd, such as calling 2 raises cold on a dry board, something out of the ordinary happens. i'm just wondering if i should follow my instincts more often, instead of just chalking it up to be an unavoidable cooler. i had a hand the other day, i flop top set on an all spade board. the villian check called my bets on the flop and turn. we checked the river and he had middle set. i won a modest pot. he played it very cautiously never taking the lead in the hand. an hour later, i had doubled up and so had he, we each had over 200 bb. i have 88 against him. the flop came 8 6 2 all hearts. i forget who made the small bets on the flop and turn. the turn and river were running 55 giving me top full. het comes out betting $12 on the river i make it $36. he insta shoves for over $200 . based on the last hand there's no way he has a flush he either flopped middle or bottom set and now has an underfull or quads. there's no other hand he has here. i insta call of course crossing my fingers. he hit the one outer for quads. i'm not crying about it. i knew it was one or the other. i knew i "had" to call. i guess what i'm getting at is, that when i "have to call", bad things usually happen.

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once or twice i can just "tell" or "smell" trouble.
What people don't seem to get for some reason is that these hands do not at all translate well to an online poker strategy forum. Everyone that's played live knows that there are hands where you'll catch a read, go with your gut, etc. That can NOT be translated into something that can be discussed online. From a metagame perspective, if you got all your money in every time you hit a set on this crappy of a board, you'll come out way ahead in the long run. That's the best you're gonna get in this kind of discussion board. No one can pick up a read, or get a gut feeling. oh, and BBFIDTS.
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Never fold this. Not even if they tell you their hand. Learn to hit one outers if your behind obv. See below for example and pay attention to text:Seat 1: mrak82 ($1,389.85)Seat 2: 6speed ($1,226.60)Seat 3: dhmaddog ($285.50)Seat 4: cudd517 ($621)Seat 5: lilrhu ($937.65)Seat 6: SILLYFISH23 ($1,045.35)cudd517 posts the small blind of $3lilrhu posts the big blind of $6The button is in seat #3*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to cudd517 [2c 2h]SILLYFISH23 foldsmrak82 calls $66speed foldsdhmaddog calls $6cudd517 calls $3lilrhu checks*** FLOP *** [6h 9d 2s]cudd517 bets $24lilrhu has 15 seconds left to actlilrhu raises to $48mrak82 foldsdhmaddog foldslilrhu: what im i going to lose to this time?cudd517 has 15 seconds left to actcudd517 calls $24*** TURN *** [6h 9d 2s] [Qd]cudd517 checkslilrhu bets $96cudd517 has 15 seconds left to actcudd517 raises to $258lilrhu has 15 seconds left to actlilrhu: my set no goodlilrhu: 99lilrhu raises to $883.65, and is all incudd517 calls $309, and is all inlilrhu shows [9c 9s]cudd517 shows [2c 2h]Uncalled bet of $316.65 returned to lilrhu*** RIVER *** [6h 9d 2s Qd] [2d]lilrhu shows a full house, Nines full of Twoscudd517 shows four of a kind, Twoscudd517 wins the pot ($1,251) with four of a kind, Twos*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $1,254 | Rake $3Board: [6h 9d 2s Qd 2d]Seat 1: mrak82 folded on the FlopSeat 2: 6speed didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: dhmaddog (button) folded on the FlopSeat 4: cudd517 (small blind) showed [2c 2h] and won ($1,251) with four of a kind, TwosSeat 5: lilrhu (big blind) showed [9c 9s] and lost with a full house, Nines full of TwosSeat 6: SILLYFISH23 didn't bet (folded)

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What position are you in? If I'm playing 22 UTG (and I usually don't), it's specifically because I think my opponents will put all their chips in with an overpair. Because the PFR is playing a half stack, I don't necessarily give the cut-off credit for a set. I'll pay him off.
I think this is right on. Because the PFR is short, he could be pushing with a much wider range of hands, and the Cut-Off would a lot less to call. In this case, I think I'd pay him off. HOWEVER, in different circumstances folding a bottom set might make a lot more sense. If both players are tight and deep stacked and this same situation comes up, well, hell yeah, you can fold if you like. It starts to become one of those situations where you at least know there is VERY GOOD chance you're up against an overset. And then just pick one decision and fly with it. You might be right or wrong, but it's not terrible poker either way.
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Never fold this. Not even if they tell you their hand. Learn to hit one outers if your behind obv. See below for example and pay attention to text:lilrhu: my set no goodlilrhu: 99lilrhu shows [9c 9s]cudd517 shows [2c 2h]*** RIVER *** [6h 9d 2s Qd] [2d]lilrhu shows a full house, Nines full of Twoscudd517 shows four of a kind, Twoscudd517 wins the pot ($1,251) with four of a kind, Twos
Damn, he's smart. He should listen to his instincts more often...
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