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I'm a little confused about when to double/triple barrel. I was watching a CR video that Green Plastic made and he talked about two scenarios when it's good to double barrel. 1) When something changes about the board. Let's say the flop comes out 832 rainbow and your opponent calls your c-bet. Turn is a K. This is a decent spot to double barrel because the turn matches a few of your plausible holdings. 2) When nothing changes about the board. Flop is AJ4 and you c-bet, opponent calls. Turn is 7, opponent calls. River is 2, you bet, opponent folds. Since the turn or the river hasn't really changed anything, GP stated that it would be hard for the opponent to call without a monster, since you've showed great strength throughout the hand with the board remaining essentially the same.Anyway, double barreling is something I don't do all that often at these limits, which is probably correct because so many fishes call with so many different hands. So for the purposes of the question, here's a hand in which I double barrel. Against a a fishy player who will call with most pairs/draws, is this a good spot to double barrel? Against a tight player who would only call with a reasonable holding? Or in both cases, am I just throwing money away?Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $1 BB (6 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)Hero ($100)UTG ($100)MP ($135.50)CO ($101.50)Button ($119.75)SB ($122.60)Preflop: Hero is BB with Tclub.gif, Tspade.gif. 3 folds, Button raises to $3.5, 1 fold, Hero raises to $12, Button calls $7.50.Flop: ($23.50) Qspade.gif, 5club.gif, Jclub.gif(2 players)Hero bets $14, Button calls $14.Turn: ($51.50) Adiamond.gif(2 players)Hero bets $25...In this hand, against a tight player who would only call with a decent hand, is this a good spot to fire on the turn and river? Against a fishy player who will call with any pair/draw on the turn and any pair on the river? Or am I just burning money?Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $1 BB (6 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)CO ($100)Button ($157)SB ($46.45)Hero ($120)UTG ($89.85)MP ($61.15)Preflop: Hero is BB with Jdiamond.gif, Kdiamond.gif. 1 fold, MP calls $1, CO raises to $4.5, Button calls $4.50, SB calls $4, Hero raises to $23, MP folds, CO folds, Button calls $17.50, SB folds.Flop: ($55) 6club.gif, 4spade.gif, 4heart.gif(2 players)Hero checks, Button checks.Turn: ($55) 8spade.gif(2 players)Hero bets $35, Button calls $35.River: ($125) 8cHero bets $63 (All-In)...

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I play a fair bit lower than you do at 25nl 6 max but from personal experience I have found the most effective places to double barrell in are when, as you stated, the turn card hits somewhere around what they put you on. A lot of players at 25nl seem to float the flop fairly light if it comes rags, especially if you have been raising regularly, and then wait to see your action on the turn. If an A or K hits and you put in another 3/4 pot bet, you often take it down. I obviously have no experience at 100nl so I don't know if this is any different.On the two specific hands that you posted, the most important information is your reads on the players. Do they like to call light on flops to get you to give it up on the turn? I do not like the second hand particularly. The only way the play works is if he called that turn bet on a draw. He is getting a great price on the river. I probably put him on a pp 99-JJ and give it up. I dunno. The most important thing is, did you have any specific reads or PT stats on these players in order to make these plays?

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Is there a reason you're not c-betting the flop in hand 2 with only K high? Don't you want to give yourself an opportunity to take it down here? The all-in on the river looks like a spew to me.

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Hand 2 I'm calling you with just about any pair (that's not counterfeit) and that's because you checked the flop. If you want to represent kings or aces then you need to fire at this flop and then hammer the turn...that should cause many pairs to fold. However, I wouldn't blame you for giving up on the flop and representing exactly what you've got, whiffed overs, because it's harder and harder to find someone who'll fold overpairs anymore. The board's so dry and favorable to pocket pairs (which is what I think villain has based on the preflop action...set mining) - I doubt we get folds from 77-JJ enough to justify bluffing off our stack.

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What is with the re-raise pf on the 2nd hand? I would personally fold that after a raise and two callers.

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Hand 2 I'm calling you with just about any pair (that's not counterfeit) and that's because you checked the flop. If you want to represent kings or aces then you need to fire at this flop and then hammer the turn...that should cause many pairs to fold. However, I wouldn't blame you for giving up on the flop and representing exactly what you've got, whiffed overs, because it's harder and harder to find someone who'll fold overpairs anymore. The board's so dry and favorable to pocket pairs (which is what I think villain has based on the preflop action...set mining) - I doubt we get folds from 77-JJ enough to justify bluffing off our stack.
Yeah, you're right; when someone who wasn't the initial better calls a 3-bet, it's usually a pocket pair. I checked the turn hoping that he would bet, so I could check raise, which is a play representing QQ+ (and a play I will sometimes do with QQ+). I c-bet probably around 80-85% of the time, so a check from me on a pretty dry board has to be suspicious. You know, I think you're right though. I don't think I executed the bluff very well. I think my turn bet should have been a little smaller so I could've had more ammo for the river. But yeah, I did get him to fold, so I'm guessing he must've had 55 or 77... or maybe he got scared of the river 8 and folded 99 or 10's. You never know. Not a very good hand on my part though.And to the question about why I 3-bet, I was running the squeeze. I hadn't run it all session and the initial bettor had a wide raising range, so I figured a 3-bet was +EV.
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I can see the 3-bet in the first hand but why do you want to play a big pot oop with such a weak holding in the second hand. If you are going to represent such a big hand then you have to c-bet that flop.

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I don't like either hand.In the first, the only hand that really doesn't like the A is KQ, and you're only betting half of the pot so I doubt they're folding anyway. If you are gonna be double or triple barrel bluffing, then actually make your opponents make a decision. If he's getting 3-1 on his call, it's hard to make him fold. In the 2nd hand, everything about it is bad. I don't like the oversized raise OOP against a tight player. Once you do that, you're repping a big pair or AK. If you're gonna make plays like this, you can't chicken out and give up. Follow through on the flop. Once you check, you can't start betting on the turn. Your bet sizing is also terrible becuase you make a weak turn bet and then are left with a desperation all in bluff on the river for a tiny little bet into a big pot which will amost certainly be called by the 99 type hand that he has.Look back at the two hands and you tell me what hands you could possibly have that are real hands that play like you chose to play them.

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I quickly glanced the hands. I dont like either. To me there are two spots to fire multiple barrels and it applies to all limits whether is 100NL or 40000NL. The first is what you said. When the turn card comes and changes the relative strength of the board. You should always fire a second barrel and make it a 75% pot bet. The second situation only applies to regs; you had the right idea in hand two, but you didnt think it through. Your stack sizes and bet sizing was horrible. YOU NEED TO LEAVE YOURSELF A POT SIZED BET ON THE RIVER or your getting called all day with the price you gave. You are repping an overpair, but nobody should fold that river when its so little to call.With respects to hand 1, firing the turn makes no sense. Donks will continue to call and the turn card probably helped his range.

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Looked at your hands more closely. Hand 2, wtf is up with your huge reraise pf?
Once again, like I said earlier, I was running the squeeze. The CO was a huge LAG and had a very wide opening range. I usually don't 3-bet with KJ, but you have to mix it up once in a while.
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