WaLdOrFiAn 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 Im starting to agree with the courts when they say poker is a game of chance. Atleast in the terms of online poker. Live poker is a different story. Online poker is filled with nothing but donks that call all ins with any two cards and win about 80% of the times. for example i have had aces and queens both busted by J9os today when all the money goes allin preflop. One was for 250 bucks(AA). I dont know if there really is a program installed with the exe. files that makes you win alot fast then lose it all slowly but it happens to about 75% of the online players. No I am not just some newb who had an extremely bad month and is complaining. I have been semipro (mostly live play) for 2 years now and make alot of money doing this and online poker is getting rediculous. It is more luck than skill now. Im sure ill get flamed and some stupid people will probably do the stupid lock it up responce but i need to steam right now..... Link to post Share on other sites
JesseW316 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 Im starting to agree with the courts when they say poker is a game of chance. Atleast in the terms of online poker. Live poker is a different story. Online poker is filled with nothing but donks that call all ins with any two cards and win about 80% of the times. for example i have had aces and queens both busted by J9os today when all the money goes allin preflop. One was for 250 bucks(AA). I dont know if there really is a program installed with the exe. files that makes you win alot fast then lose it all slowly but it happens to about 75% of the online players. No I am not just some newb who had an extremely bad month and is complaining. I have been semipro (mostly live play) for 2 years now and make alot of money doing this and online poker is getting rediculous. It is more luck than skill now. Im sure ill get flamed and some stupid people will probably do the stupid lock it up responce but i need to steam right now.....Do you see what you did there? Link to post Share on other sites
Jdr999 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 Waaaa. Also, below in white is something I said on 2+2, that got me banned for 24 hours regarding a person losing with A-K vs. Queens all-in pre-flop. Flop was A-x-A, Q on river for other player. Was in satellite for WSOP seat. Comment was to female poster later on in thread who doesn't play poker, but thought this was a bad beat.In white so I don't get banned. Also, was drunk and tired when I posted this. It's pretty bad."A bad beat for you would be getting raped, having the guy break every bone in your face, and dealing with not being "hottie" anymore." Link to post Share on other sites
Fluffdog87 2 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 I agree with you. Poker is all luck. Link to post Share on other sites
finztotheleft 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 How much did you lose ? Link to post Share on other sites
Jdr999 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 How much did you lose ?At least $250. I'm guessing $750-$900. Link to post Share on other sites
profxavier9 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 Can someone cue up that little smiley face playing a violin please? I would but i dont know how. Link to post Share on other sites
chrozzo 19 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 Do you see what you did there?i see it Link to post Share on other sites
footlongconey 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 I am NOT trying to flame on this response but you broke one of the major rules of poker. You looked down,seen AA and shoved in preflop.That my friend is like getting totaly hammered chopin some coke with 3 hookers and you wake up the next day to realize that you did not put a rain coat on before you headed into the mine shaft of love.I am a pro and i see peaple doing this constantly and if i have 78 109 or k3{yes the krablar pinch pinch} its an insta call.Moral of the story you never ever shove it in preflop. Why because peaple that have palyed enough hands know its 5 hand possibility AA,AK,KK,AQ or QQ. You loose total and complete control of what is going to come. Personaly i play more cards under 10 and feel they are stronger than the top 5. Why the top 5 hands are 20 cards out of the deck there are 32 left so guees what they are underated and destined to get crushed.Read any basic poker book example daniel's latest or even doyles super system2 and there is a chapter that is called troubled hands.I get so much satisfaction when i can bust some one preflop with 78 and listen to them say oh you suck and the rest of the tables says its a bad beat.WHOAAAAA did I say bad beat? There is no such thing as a bad beat.The player that states that after getting crushed needs to sit back and replay that hand to prevent it from happening again.Does that happen? NO, Why because they want sympathy. When you get beat your beat regardless. Do you get a percentage back because of a bad beat{excluding live play quad tens or better getting crushed} No. To improve your game here are 4 golden rules. 1.Never shove in preflop.2.Take your losing hand and learn from it instead of tagging it as a bad beat or berating the player that crushed you3.To avoid going on TILT you need to refer to rule 24.Do not let your emotions play for you, use your mindI understand that when you go in with the best hand and loose you need to learn and accept it and maintain self control.When you cannot do it you will never progress. For examaple last week i went in with a set of 4's and on the river was a strait scare card. I pushed and lost 12k in that hand and you know what i did? I said nice hand sir and went on to the next hand as if the waitress brought me a beer.2 hands later i had 3 peaple in the pot with 77733 as my winning hand and took 28k from that pot breaking a flush and the strait. Could i have done that if i broke the rules? No, because my emotions would be playing poker insted of my mind.I hope that peaple can understand what this post has stated and apply it to help there game because these are leaks are more common than peaple think and thats when a good player will come in and drill you for every chip you have, your car, your house,and leave you on the front porch with a divorce summons in you hand while your dog is sleeping in your house that your EX wife now owns.You think i am joking? Because those rules were broke i went from being a machinist making $875 a week with over time to $50 k a week when i play.I built my house, bought my drag cars,and stuffed safes full of cash on these mistakes made at the table. Link to post Share on other sites
AaronHoward 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 Im starting to agree with the courts when they say poker is a game of chance. Atleast in the terms of online poker. Live poker is a different story. Online poker is filled with nothing but donks that call all ins with any two cards and win about 80% of the times. for example i have had aces and queens both busted by J9os today when all the money goes allin preflop. One was for 250 bucks(AA). I dont know if there really is a program installed with the exe. files that makes you win alot fast then lose it all slowly but it happens to about 75% of the online players. No I am not just some newb who had an extremely bad month and is complaining. I have been semipro (mostly live play) for 2 years now and make alot of money doing this and online poker is getting rediculous. It is more luck than skill now. Im sure ill get flamed and some stupid people will probably do the stupid lock it up responce but i need to steam right now.....Quit playing online then... Link to post Share on other sites
Royal_Tour 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 Hey guess what, we all lose money from time to time.hey guess what else. Now that i started playing fulltime, I love it more and more. and agree that there is way more skill than luck involved Link to post Share on other sites
Royal_Tour 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 I am NOT trying to flame on this response but you broke one of the major rules of poker. You looked down,seen AA and shoved in preflop.That my friend is like getting totaly hammered chopin some coke with 3 hookers and you wake up the next day to realize that you did not put a rain coat on before you headed into the mine shaft of love.ummm.... what????I am a pro and i see peaple doing this constantly and if i have 78 109 or k3{yes the krablar pinch pinch} its an insta call.Moral of the story you never ever shove it in preflop. Why because peaple that have palyed enough hands know its 5 hand possibility AA,AK,KK,AQ or QQ. You loose total and complete control of what is going to come. Personaly i play more cards under 10 and feel they are stronger than the top 5. Why the top 5 hands are 20 cards out of the deck there are 32 left so guees what they are underated and destined to get crushed.Umm... huh?Read any basic poker book example daniel's latest or even doyles super system2 and there is a chapter that is called troubled hands.I get so much satisfaction when i can bust some one preflop with 78 and listen to them say oh you suck and the rest of the tables says its a bad beat.WHOAAAAA did I say bad beat? There is no such thing as a bad beat.The player that states that after getting crushed needs to sit back and replay that hand to prevent it from happening again.Does that happen? NO, Why because they want sympathy. When you get beat your beat regardless. Do you get a percentage back because of a bad beat{excluding live play quad tens or better getting crushed} No. To improve your game here are 4 golden rules. 1.Never shove in preflop.2.Take your losing hand and learn from it instead of tagging it as a bad beat or berating the player that crushed you3.To avoid going on TILT you need to refer to rule 24.Do not let your emotions play for you, use your mindI understand that when you go in with the best hand and loose you need to learn and accept it and maintain self control.When you cannot do it you will never progress. For examaple last week i went in with a set of 4's and on the river was a strait scare card. I pushed and lost 12k in that hand and you know what i did? I said nice hand sir and went on to the next hand as if the waitress brought me a beer.2 hands later i had 3 peaple in the pot with 77733 as my winning hand and took 28k from that pot breaking a flush and the strait. Could i have done that if i broke the rules? No, because my emotions would be playing poker insted of my mind.I hope that peaple can understand what this post has stated and apply it to help there game because these are leaks are more common than peaple think and thats when a good player will come in and drill you for every chip you have, your car, your house,and leave you on the front porch with a divorce summons in you hand while your dog is sleeping in your house that your EX wife now owns.You think i am joking? Because those rules were broke i went from being a machinist making $875 a week with over time to $50 k a week when i play.I built my house, bought my drag cars,and stuffed safes full of cash on these mistakes made at the table. Jesus, i almost missed this last part. LOL at you. what is this man? seriously. Link to post Share on other sites
chuckpalms 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 Im starting to agree with the courts when they say poker is a game of chance. Atleast in the terms of online poker. Live poker is a different story. Online poker is filled with nothing but donks that call all ins with any two cards and win about 80% of the times. for example i have had aces and queens both busted by J9os today when all the money goes allin preflop. One was for 250 bucks(AA). I dont know if there really is a program installed with the exe. files that makes you win alot fast then lose it all slowly but it happens to about 75% of the online players. No I am not just some newb who had an extremely bad month and is complaining. I have been semipro (mostly live play) for 2 years now and make alot of money doing this and online poker is getting rediculous. It is more luck than skill now. Im sure ill get flamed and some stupid people will probably do the stupid lock it up responce but i need to steam right now.....POTY Link to post Share on other sites
chrozzo 19 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 ?drunk...me yes Link to post Share on other sites
chuckpalms 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 also - you realize you posted this on a forum where the big posters actually do make a ton of money doing this? obv they're super lucky and all, but what makes you post this trash here? Link to post Share on other sites
footlongconey 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 Jesus, i almost missed this last part. LOL at you. what is this man? seriously.Yes you found my typo at the end of my thread and i say thanks itshould have stated that when you do not break the rulesThe first paragraph is stating that if you do that that its certian suicide because your going to get somethin the doc has no shot for.Going in preflop you have no control over the flop. If you seen the flop and its safe then you could do it and atleast know that you have to dodge 2 cards instead of 5.The pure odds of a 52card deck. Now follow me ace to ten=20cards in a deck{ the top 5} 9 to 2 = 32 cards in a deck { the bottom 8}Now which part of a 52 card deck played randomly will you see more of? The top 5 in the deck or the bottom 8?As far as for who i am well trust me when you play live and see a dude that 6'3" 160 with short brown hair wearing glasses that rarely speaks and plays mid cards with no fear beware. Also note that i wear prescription glasses, now if i am at table full of peaple that wear shades i will go to the bathroom and pop in a set of scleria contacts. They are solid black and cover all of you eye you know the horror movie lenses.To be absolutly positively sure if its me ask me if i have a tatto on my back. I will proudly stand up turn around and show you that i have a full back piece from the top of my collar bones to the crack of my a@!.I play mainly live cash games i try hard to stay under the radar. What i have stated is what i see alot of players mistakes and if you think my personal golden rules are trash so be it but there truth lies and what has made me my MONEY. Link to post Share on other sites
Ganador 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 I am NOT trying to flame on this response but you broke one of the major rules of poker. You looked down,seen AA and shoved in preflop.That my friend is like getting totaly hammered chopin some coke with 3 hookers and you wake up the next day to realize that you did not put a rain coat on before you headed into the mine shaft of love.I am a pro and i see peaple doing this constantly and if i have 78 109 or k3{yes the krablar pinch pinch} its an insta call.Moral of the story you never ever shove it in preflop. Why because peaple that have palyed enough hands know its 5 hand possibility AA,AK,KK,AQ or QQ. You loose total and complete control of what is going to come. Personaly i play more cards under 10 and feel they are stronger than the top 5. Why the top 5 hands are 20 cards out of the deck there are 32 left so guees what they are underated and destined to get crushed.Read any basic poker book example daniel's latest or even doyles super system2 and there is a chapter that is called troubled hands.I get so much satisfaction when i can bust some one preflop with 78 and listen to them say oh you suck and the rest of the tables says its a bad beat.WHOAAAAA did I say bad beat? There is no such thing as a bad beat.The player that states that after getting crushed needs to sit back and replay that hand to prevent it from happening again.Does that happen? NO, Why because they want sympathy. When you get beat your beat regardless. Do you get a percentage back because of a bad beat{excluding live play quad tens or better getting crushed} No. To improve your game here are 4 golden rules. 1.Never shove in preflop.2.Take your losing hand and learn from it instead of tagging it as a bad beat or berating the player that crushed you3.To avoid going on TILT you need to refer to rule 24.Do not let your emotions play for you, use your mindI understand that when you go in with the best hand and loose you need to learn and accept it and maintain self control.When you cannot do it you will never progress. For examaple last week i went in with a set of 4's and on the river was a strait scare card. I pushed and lost 12k in that hand and you know what i did? I said nice hand sir and went on to the next hand as if the waitress brought me a beer.2 hands later i had 3 peaple in the pot with 77733 as my winning hand and took 28k from that pot breaking a flush and the strait. Could i have done that if i broke the rules? No, because my emotions would be playing poker insted of my mind.I hope that peaple can understand what this post has stated and apply it to help there game because these are leaks are more common than peaple think and thats when a good player will come in and drill you for every chip you have, your car, your house,and leave you on the front porch with a divorce summons in you hand while your dog is sleeping in your house that your EX wife now owns.You think i am joking? Because those rules were broke i went from being a machinist making $875 a week with over time to $50 k a week when i play.I built my house, bought my drag cars,and stuffed safes full of cash on these mistakes made at the table.Is this guy serious? this is a joke post right? He just forgot the s/w right? I don't know which post hurts more, the OP's "online poker is rigged" post, or this genuis's, "anyone who shoves with AA gets instacalled by me with k3 or 78 and this start makes me 50k a week cause i win this jumpoffs at least 15%, AT LEAST."Hey, lets play a little game, I get AA everyhand, and just go all in. You can pick any little cards under ten, above ten, even a magical ten itself and instacall me. Since this play is clearly in your favor, you'll totally agree to do it right. And we can just keep doing it till I have that 50K a week you are making, or till you have my 2-5 bankroll. Sounds fair right. Ok, just let me know when you want to startl Link to post Share on other sites
GaYeled 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 Im starting to agree with the courts when they say poker is a game of chance. Atleast in the terms of online poker. Live poker is a different story. Online poker is filled with nothing but donks that call all ins with any two cards and win about 80% of the times. for example i have had aces and queens both busted by J9os today when all the money goes allin preflop. One was for 250 bucks(AA). I dont know if there really is a program installed with the exe. files that makes you win alot fast then lose it all slowly but it happens to about 75% of the online players. No I am not just some newb who had an extremely bad month and is complaining. I have been semipro (mostly live play) for 2 years now and make alot of money doing this and online poker is getting rediculous. It is more luck than skill now. Im sure ill get flamed and some stupid people will probably do the stupid lock it up responce but i need to steam right now.....that's where i stopped reading... Link to post Share on other sites
LuckyMcCatcher 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 Yes you found my typo at the end of my thread and i say thanks itshould have stated that when you do not break the rulesThe first paragraph is stating that if you do that that its certian suicide because your going to get somethin the doc has no shot for.Going in preflop you have no control over the flop. If you seen the flop and its safe then you could do it and atleast know that you have to dodge 2 cards instead of 5.The pure odds of a 52card deck. Now follow me ace to ten=20cards in a deck{ the top 5} 9 to 2 = 32 cards in a deck { the bottom 8}Now which part of a 52 card deck played randomly will you see more of? The top 5 in the deck or the bottom 8?As far as for who i am well trust me when you play live and see a dude that 6'3" 160 with short brown hair wearing glasses that rarely speaks and plays mid cards with no fear beware. Also note that i wear prescription glasses, now if i am at table full of peaple that wear shades i will go to the bathroom and pop in a set of scleria contacts. They are solid black and cover all of you eye you know the horror movie lenses.To be absolutly positively sure if its me ask me if i have a tatto on my back. I will proudly stand up turn around and show you that i have a full back piece from the top of my collar bones to the crack of my a@!.I play mainly live cash games i try hard to stay under the radar. What i have stated is what i see alot of players mistakes and if you think my personal golden rules are trash so be it but there truth lies and what has made me my MONEY.This is the worst thread ever. You sir are an idiot. You cannot call all in vs. AA and make money period. End of thread. Link to post Share on other sites
footlongconey 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 hey can we have a laugh ? Link to post Share on other sites
Ganador 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 Once the mention of the solid black horror movie contact lens was made, I realized this was indeed a joke thread, bravo sir, you got me. Link to post Share on other sites
troyomac 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 hey can we have a laugh ?I loved it man, I can't believe people thought you were serious too Link to post Share on other sites
JesseW316 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 I loved it man, I can't believe people thought you were serious too qft Link to post Share on other sites
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