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Everything posted by kers2

  1. Holy shit this thread is still going. I googled "lebatard show 'blaze of cote'" to try to listen to the song and it brought me here. I am actually a fan of the LeBatard Show because of this thread. It's really cool but now I wish I was here talking about the show for the past 4 years. I still love this show, and I listen everyday. I cringe every time I hear hacky sports talk radio because of this show. I love pretty much all of the guest hosts. Even Cote. The "Price is Right" noise still gets me and Blaze of Cote is one of my favorite songs I am a Heat fan and LeBron leaving was br
  2. I dont think Rihanna is attractive
  3. LeBron took that off balance fallaway at the end of the 3rd quarter just to fuck with the Mavs heads. If he misses, no big deal. But he makes it and its an absolute dagger
  4. I've got news for you, the R.B.I. Baseball theme is awesome
  5. De dede de dededede...Sorry, at this point I'm just waiting for the playoffs to start and hopefully whatever this is turns around
  6. kers2

    How High Is She?

    I guessed "Trick question - they are all girls"Yikes...
  7. Is it February 5th yet? I am very excite for that
  8. Al Davis waited until MLK day to hire Hue Jackson... awesome
  9. How could anyone resist the lure of the ******
  10. First link still works for me, but here is another onehttp://badbadteacher.com/melissa-bitz/
  11. I went to high school with this girl. She got around, obv.Teacher arrested, accused of sex with student
  12. This. You called it Cane and now they are running every chance they get. I know it wont happen but I would love it if they actually did win something like 40 straight and go on that 61-4 pace that everyone was making fun of them about when they were 9-8
  13. Yes! I love Frank. Specifically when he gets around cocaine/adderol
  14. I went to a Bills/Broncos game in Buffalo about 5 years ago and there were probably 4 fights that I saw near my section. So its def not just the Bay Area/Raiders fans. But I also went to the Raiders/Giants game at the Meadowlands in 2001, and I did not see any fights.TRB05 I'm surprised the Bills were not up there on your fight list... they must not be able to afford cameras
  15. At least we have this awesomenesshttp://deadspin.com/5702458/raiders-fan-kn...acts-jubilantly
  16. JACOBY FORD!!! What a game!!
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