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Everything posted by CJHunt

  1. A win's a win. But that was closer then it needed to be!
  2. Role Models 2 lines saved this movie for me. Neither of them overly funny but for whatever reason I lol'd at both."I don't want to get to graphic... but I used to suck his dick for drugs" and the You know what I used to eat for breakfast lunch dinner back and forth. Totally made up for everything.
  3. True but the Flames were also playing amazing through that stretch. Now... not so much. I don't consider it likely by any means but if the Nucks keep playing to potential.... For now I just hope we beat the Av's tomorrow. Sick of losing to them!
  4. CJHunt

    Hard Flash Game

    26.2 Way to hard.
  5. Been slowly playing my way though Resident Evil 5 this weekend. It's fun but the AI partner sucks. Also when did Resident Evil become a straight action game? Don't get me wrong I still like it but shouldn't there at least be a couple scares? Meh
  6. SO am I the only one who thinks we have a shot at catching Calgary at this point? 8 pts back 2 GiH Seems doable. Not sure how Calgary's schedule looks but I know we have a decent looking one down the stretch including 4 games against the Avs and 3 against the Kings. What say you?
  7. Agreed.If he signed a reasonable 2 year contract elsewhere and we didn't try to match it that would be one thing. But 5 years and that kind of money? Pass.
  8. KZ 2 is such a conundrum for me.Graphics are ridiculous. Best I've ever seen EASILY. The story; or what I've seen of it thus far, is actually really interesting. Game play itself is fun. Weapons feel good. (Even though you can only carry 1 and a pistol) Enemies have excellent AI. Probably some of the best I've seen in a shooter. But the controls are so ridiculously bad I'm having a really hard time getting into it. It's hard to explain. It almost seems like the controls are to fidgety and too slow all at the same time. And I don't like any of the control sets. How hard is it to have zoom on t
  9. I try to avoid reviews honestly. I understand how they can be useful to people who are deciding whether to spend their 60 bucks on a game but I play them all free anyway. Safer to form my own opinion. FEAR2 specifically. I played it through and actually really enjoyed it. Afterwards I checked out the reviews. They talked about the cut in and how the graphics were occasionally sub par. I didn't see any of that. But I bet if I had read the review first I would have been looking for it and it would have taken away from the experience. If that makes sense.Hopefully gunna finish off Halo Wars t
  10. Killzone 2 or Halo Wars?!? I'm so torn!! Will post thoughts on whichever one I choose.Edit: Played Halo Wars. Seems really short. Played for 2 1/2 hours and am on 7/15. Really simple but still fun.
  11. A team can designate any UFA as their franchise player. A franchised player gets paid the average of the top 5 players at their position on a 1 year contract. They can be signed away by another team at the cost of 2 1st round picks. Google would probably give a better answer but that is the jist of it.
  12. CJHunt

    Rack 'em!

    I used Hypercam. Tried to put it up on youtube but it was too long and I gave up.There is already a bunch of videos on there anyway.
  13. CJHunt

    Rack 'em!

    I got bored and recorded one of my games. Video is HUGE though.
  14. CJHunt

    Bubble Spinner

    Okay now I'm done. Am I seriously the only one who got into this one?
  15. CJHunt

    Bubble Spinner

    I think I'm done.
  16. CJHunt

    Bubble Spinner

    Indeed. Up to 500. Can't get past x2 yet though.
  17. CJHunt

    Bubble Spinner

    Nice game. Got to 184 so far this morning. Guess what I'm gunna be doing all day at work now?
  18. Body of LiesIt was okay. Nothing memorable, but not unenjoyable
  19. I just got mine back today! I started my claim on December 14th. Yea.....
  20. CJHunt

    Rack 'em!

    I think I'm maxed out. The 60K + is ridiculous!
  21. Currently 5 back from Calgary. They also have 3 GiH. Am I the only one who thinks if we don't run off a 8-2/9-1 streak soon we're not catching up? Looking forward to Luongo coming back Thursday. Hoping LaBarbera can get us a win tonight. Time to start our push!
  22. Was in attendance when Wayne Gretzky broke Gordie Howe's All time Goals record. Also, was at every home (Vancouver) playoff game throughout the 94 Stanley Cup run. Yeah... Pretty boring
  23. CJHunt

    Rack 'em!

    3 Hours 26 minutes. Was expecting it to be worse
  24. CJHunt

    Rack 'em!

    Sorry Yoda. Better luck next time Edit: Figured out images
  25. Luongo skated today apparently too. Guess we really wanted to send Schneider back down. Not sure what we do when Lu comes back though?
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