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Everything posted by rsmbox

  1. rsmbox

    The Hideout

    This place still exists. I'm still alive. Not sure which is more impressive.
  2. rsmbox

    The Hideout

    hey thanks buddy! if you wanna help a brother out, you should totally like my facebook pages the book: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Chronicle-of-Casaara/254459001370873 me as the author: https://www.facebook.com/rsembachfiction and friend me/stalk me as the...um...me: https://www.facebook.com/rs.embach
  3. rsmbox

    The Hideout

    it's more fantasy/adventure (people have called it to a Lord of the Rings type story)
  4. rsmbox

    The Hideout

    haven't been on here in forever, and it seems i'm not the only one anyways, i wrote a book this is it
  5. it doesn't matter if you love or hate the team that got fist****ed like this, the fact that you're happy to see it happen is pathetic. a blown call of this magnitude seriously calls into question the integrity of the game. missing the original call is one thing, but to have it reviewed and still blow it is just unbelievable. the only thing i can possibly agree with you on is that it might actually speed up the process of getting the real officials back, because for god's sake these morons need to get the **** out of the nfl and back to footlocker as soon as possible
  6. rsmbox

    The Hideout

    What's up suckas? So I made this post already in a new topic, but I thought I would share it with my homies here (considering the thread I made will most likely fade into oblivion). A few days ago I got the idea to develop a new card game. Why, I don't know, but I ran with it. Here's the basics that I've come up with so far: Dealing the Game -Played by 4 people, split into 2 teams -You start by dealing out all 52 cards, one a t a time, to all 4 players. -Next you choose 3 cards to pass across the table to your partner -Played in games of 8 rounds/hands (each player deals t
  7. First off, this has nothing to do with poker at all. Second, a few days ago I got the idea to develop a new card game. Why, I don't know, but I ran with it. Here's the basics that I've come up with so far: Dealing the Game -Played by 4 people, split into 2 teams -You start by dealing out all 52 cards, one a t a time, to all 4 players. -Next you choose 3 cards to pass across the table to your partner -Played in games of 8 rounds/hands (each player deals twice) Playing the Hand -The dealer leads for the entire hand -You can lead with any card of any suit -Following players m
  8. moved on up one last time
  9. rsmbox

    The Hideout

    thanks manjust as an update to anyone else who ever reads this thread anymore (because i don't care enough to start my own "omg i might have cancer" thread), i had an appointment with my oncologist earlier in the week and she basically gave me the rundown on what she was thinking. essentially, if i have a tumor in my lung, it could very well be the cause of my calcium levels being elevated. at the same time, whatever it is, it may be evidence of something spreading to the lung, and could be originated elsewhere in my body. we've already done a bone scan which came back fine and the ct scan
  10. The only reasons to watch this season anymore are 1) the day when Alicia finally gets voted off, and 2) laughing at Kat's "pain" during tribal...her bitterness is hilarious
  11. rsmbox

    The Hideout

    got some new info on my medical condition...recently had a CT scan, and got the results back yesterday. they found a 6mm "indeterminate nodule" on the upper lobe of my right lung. basically this could be a benign tumor, scar tissue of some kind, or the beginning stages of lung cancer. my oncologist scheduled a second CT scan for the end of July to see if the spot is growing or whatnot before doing a biopsy to check for malignancy. i'm being given very little info on it at this point, and get to wait 3 months for any real answers.as a side note, i am not now, nor have i ever been a smoker,
  12. Kat - "I don't want to go down as a weak player"too late
  13. because jay hung himself...after troyzan tells him the way to keep their asses alive, he runs and tells the girls that troyzan is using his idol, which clearly makes jay the top priority. there was no reason to split the votes heavy towards troyzan anymore since jay pretty much volunteered to go home. these guys are just plain bad at survivor.
  14. rsmbox

    The Hideout

    so i am apparently a bit of a medical mystery...about 10 years ago i went to my doctor because i was having these dizzy spells, and the blood work he did came back showing that i was hypercalcemic (too much calcium in the blood). i had to go in a couple more times for retesting and follow up testing, but before we ever got around to figuring out the root cause, he packed up and bailed to florida. anyways, about 3 yrs ago when i was super depressed and lost a bunch of weight, my mom panicked and figured i must have cancer, so i got some more blood work done, which of course came back hypercal
  15. instant karma ftwsaw the merge thing coming, but was hoping that there would be an immediate vote (because how awesome would that have been?)...when jeff told them they would be living on the original beach, i SO thought he would say "but only 11 of you will be going there, and with that, its time to vote" oh well, at least colton's stupid ass is gone
  16. this south florida/temple "game" is possibly the most pathetic basketball i have ever witnessed...less scoring than my high school prom
  17. creighton is the team in omaha that bandwagon fans around here jump on during basketball season because NU is awful
  18. how could i have been forgotten? every tournament needs a south dakota st...
  19. at first i thought the women were all terrible at survivor, but then tonight happened, and i realized that all of these people are retarded
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