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Everything posted by lew189

  1. DN argues that she was a bad choice because McCain is old and could die at any time, essentially. What he doesn't understand is that most of the more serious conservatives (either fiscal or social) will be rooting for McCain to die with this choice. I'm being a little facetious, but at least his choice has a legitimate conservative background, unlike McCain himself.
  2. Got my two Riverstars shirts yesterday. Wore one of them last night. Good stuff.
  3. What's a standard vpip for a winning player? I know it will vary greatly, but I'm very new to the game. Is low 30's too low? Too high? Thanks.
  4. Lol at Brian putting "the big game" in quotes...
  5. Why put "theory" in quotation marks? Also, the evidence is her $200,000. I believe there is no possible chance that she won this money playing cash games.
  6. 3 User(s) are reading this topic (1 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)2 Members: DanielNegreanu, lew189Hey Daniel. Hope you're well!
  7. My theory is that David signed a contract with her such that he would get a percentage of all her poker winnings + a percentage of any endorsement deals she gets for a certain amount of time in exchange for $200,000 to play with during the WSOP + Poker Lessons. Sklansky is essentially betting on his own teaching skills and his belief that if a girl as young & attractive as Brandi can have a little success, she can make a lot of money away from the tables in the poker world.Any opinions on this?
  8. I'm headed to NYC this weekend (I live North of Boston) to visit some of my buddies from school. I was supposed to play golf tomorrow but that's cancelled because of rain. I'd LOVE to play some poker. Does anyone know of a poker room where they regularly play 1/2 or 2/5NL? If you could PM me, that would be great. I previously played at a room down there (NY Players Club) before it got busted and it kicked ***. I lost $200, but the room was cool and very professional imo. Anyway, if anyone knows anything, please let me know. Much appreciated.JTL
  9. 14525 at first break. This is my first Sunday Million. lew189.
  10. So it turns out that if you just drop down several levels when you decide to play drunk, you don't have to donk off half your bankroll every other month. Wow...
  11. Okay, I guess I'll be the jackass:DFTPWYGB.
  12. Bellagio. 2-5 NL is great. Dealers are great. Cocktail waitresses are great. I fell in love several times.Edit: Just re-read and realized you play limit. Ton of limit games, too.
  13. I just tried looking for this and didn't see anything about any breakup? Could they have been deleted? Am I just a moron?
  14. So I called Bodog today about a cashout I requested on Monday morning. They were supposed to process within 24 hours but didn't. It turns out that they had just sent me an email this morning offering to send me a check via UPS instead of Western Union, because UPS is much faster. Not only that, but they actually pay for the UPS delivery. I was stunned.
  15. up. thank God for live poker...
  16. OK, so here's what's up: I have excellent results with live poker but have had horrific results online. I need some generic info about how winning players physically sit while playing online. I usually play on my laptop while lying on my couch. I rest the computer on my chest. Also, I usually have the tv on, but don't pay much attention. I think I just get too comfortable. Any opinions?
  17. Vegas. 1/27-1/31. Will be my first time staying at Bellagio. Can't f...ing wait.
  18. Thank you. I'm notoriously bad with the search function.
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