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Everything posted by BigLebowski

  1. GD it. I caught this thread right before I went to bed. How the hell am I supposed to go to bed now when my side aches and my keyboard is full of warm milk?
  2. I'm not sure who I am more disappointed with. Every fighter in the cage that had anything to do with the brawl, or the COMPLETE DOUCHE who said "sometimes this happens in MMA". WTF?? Maybe he was saying "we are on national television" to remind himself not to make such clueless and damaging comments.
  3. What happened to Vitor Belfort? I didn't think he was going to be out that long. As much as I want to see Sonnen take Silva down I would really like to see Belfort KHTFO.
  4. Should I have put a s/w next to that? I didn't think anyone would take me for me serious.
  5. Steve, good call on the Edgar/BJ fight. I don't remember Edgar being that active, but honestly even if I had I still would have thought BJ would have the advantage. If he was losing the fight on the feet I figured he would have taken it to the ground. I think Edgar fought a flawless fight. I also think BJ won that fight. It was close, but I would have had it 48-47 with BJ taking rounds 1-3. The momentum definitely turned in the 3rd though.Anderson Silva was afraid to get knocked out. I thought Maia was hurting him with those shots and Anderson was scared. He confirmed it with his post
  6. Great showing by Tiger, even better showing by Phil. A buddy and I were just having a conversation yesterday about adults who have found religion and what percentage of them have had a singular moment that swayed their thinking. I saw very very little of the Masters today because I was a buddy's watching TIVO'd UFC from last night. The very first part I saw was when Tiger drained the approach on 7. Literally, my buddy switched it from the Yankee game just in time to see Tiger swing and it goes draino. Thought it was a replay from earlier today, but nope, it was live. The second part I sa
  7. I was being facetious, but since you pointed it out....yeah, I guess it was as convincing as your one word answer.
  8. Apparently the guy that administered the tests said they went as well as they could have as far as execution. I tested a LOT higher running than biking which is surprising. Relatively speaking I am a much stronger biker, especially as far as triathletes are concerned. I tapped out at 350 watts on the bike...whatever that means. I don't use or train by power even though I've heard it is a must these days.
  9. Saw Armstrong pulled out of Circuit de la Sarthe due to illness....along with half his team. He was the last one to get sick. Makes me wonder if he just didn't want to race without a team.
  10. Haha...riding a crit with hangover....NICE! Only thing worse I can think of is trying to PR a 10K run. Never mtb'd up by Berry. Have ridden some trails up near Dalton including Snake Creek Gap which was not fun....it was more like a Appalachian hiking trail that they hold a time trial on. More rocks than Yosemite. The rides I have done near Rome/Cartersville have been organized century rides. Would never be able to find my way around there without cue sheets. My last one started in Cartersville and I popped a spoke (3rd in a month) about 20 miles in. The Sag wagon took us to the bike s
  11. Doh..haven't visited this thread between then and now, but here were my picks1)Cancillera2)Boonen3)Gilbert (wild guess here)4)Leukamens5)FarrarThe guys I ride with call me Thor Hushovd. Not because I ride like him....more like I look like a train.
  12. Yup. Should be a good sweat even though I only have $20 on the line. He's definitely been impressive so far. He's putting the lights out so that could easily stop.....or continue.
  13. Can I buy out for $19? Hah. Definitely been impressed with his game so far. His putting has been incredible.
  14. I posted it here and the sports betting thread. Still stands, but now you are betting -1000.
  15. x2I'll be just a little surprised if Maia wins, but I will be absolutely shocked if Edgar is even close.
  16. No doubt. Would be incredible if either one could put together 4 great days. I would love that sweat on Sunday.
  17. Doh...wrong once already.Sure no one wants to hop on the top 5 bet?
  18. Don't know if I could have said it any better. Bottom line, if he wanted to be as competitive as he usually is, I think he needs more time. I just don't see a top 5 in his weekend. Didn't take an ounce of offense to any questions you posed. I hope I didn't come off too blunt in my responses. Is your sister hot? My wife is looking for a new girlfriend.
  19. I saw this one and like it as well. #1 is tough and he is going to be nervous as hell.
  20. Been in Alpharetta/Cumming for about 10 years nowLove the Rome/Cartersvillle area. Do a few bike rides up there each year.
  21. Wedge took care of for me it in one simple statement. I wish I could have found a futures line back in January for when he would come back. I might be able to hang with durrrr. Tiger simply would not be playing right now if it were not the Masters. He would be taking another month, maybe two, maybe more off before playing. This is the absolute perfect environment for Tiger to make a "return". If things go really well then we might see more of him sooner than we would have otherwise. By "go well" I don't necessarily mean a successful placing. I agree that everything about this tournament
  22. Wasn't directed at you....just a lot of Tiger love going on in here. I would be more surprised if he made top 5 than if he missed the cut. I think the atmosphere around Augusta was the perfect opportunity for him to come back. Controlled media, controlled crowds, controlled surroundings. It is probably the most respectful gallery in golf. If the British Open were the first major there is zero chance he would play in that. I do not think Tiger is ready to come back to competitive golf and am willing to risk some money on my opinion. I think he won't play very often this season. He might
  23. No chance Tiger is in the top 5. I'll take a bet(s) totaling $200, you taking -150 (sportsbook.com, i'll offer better if you can find it) that Tiger does not place in top 5, including ties.Will need to transfer via Stars. Willing to escrow if needed.Quote for bookage.
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