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Everything posted by Alpha1494

  1. For all the priase that Chip is given, I think it is really unfortunate that we don't get to see him play on TV more often. But that goes back to the dilemma of Chip not playing very much tournament poker compared to his side games. I would go ahead and assume that Chip will be playing in this year's 50K H.O.R.S.E. event.I also believe that the only real tournament play he has been featured on was the TOC from 2004 (I'm not really considering the HU Championship b/c I thiink we're trying to focus the discussion on short handed to full table games). In the 2004 TOC, Chip was running very wel
  2. I think one thing that is interesting to me is that I don't think a lot of these hands are garbage hands. Some are marginal, but not garbage. I think most suited connectors and semiconnectors would be considered marginal, especially in a deep stacked tournament situation. I tend to consider most garbage hands as non-connectors. Just my thought. I'm sure some will disagree, but I guess that's why we have a forum.
  3. Gotta be the 45 suited. I'm surprised I've yet to hear any one mention the Krablar.Alpha
  4. I also believe Doyle won the HORSE event in 2003. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
  5. Yeah, apparantly the bourbon I'm drinking is making it 20006 instead of 2006. But I hope everyone is there in 2006, or else I'm ****ed. Hope to see everyone there.
  6. I'll be honest DN, I've been a huge fan for a long time. I know I'm going to be in Vegas from July 4-11. I'm hoping I can see DN as well as some other FCP during that time frame. My buddy's made the reservations. Any chance we could have some kind of FCP event during that time frame. I'm sure plenty of us will be around during that time frame because its during the WSOP. I really respect the forum and EVERYONE who posts in it. I really hope to meet up with some of you guys during the WSOP, I think it will be truly amazing this year. I hope FCP can represent!!!!!
  7. Who gives a **** if you lost 6 bets in a session. **** that. Their play was weak. Remember that ****, come back and woop some *** for some more. I LIKE IT!
  8. I think many people are forgetting a very important rule here. Only one player to a hand. By the "coach" giving advice in this situation, he is violating this rule because he is in effect playing the same hand with the player in question. The floor should be called immediately and the hand should be declared dead. I think a lot of people commonly forget this rule, and it is a very important one. I don't blame any player to be irate in this situation. I've never played in a B&M where this rule would not be strictly enforced.
  9. Yeah the guy had A-6, but there could be a lot of reasons why. He may have just been moved to your table and not known your tight agressive image.People also like to defend their blinds as well. An ace may be a good spot to defend that blind. His 1000 bet does show a little weakness, but a lot of players will lead out with that "feeler" bet to find out where they are at. Also, it is a 5 dollar tournament, so he may have been picking a spot to just gamble and accumulate chips to try and push at the final table.In spots like these, I always like to try and examine my play as well and see if
  10. I'm curious to see how someone like Daniel might view this thought on Phil, as well as the others that are out there. I think we now tend to see Phil run deeper into tournaments that have significantly more professionals in them. Is it possible that Phil struggles to adapt to the play of the more aggressive amateur players that are populating some of the larger buy-in events these days? Phil has always been a small ball poker player which is a much contrasting style to the newer more aggressive players. He won the 1st National Heads Up tournament which was mostly professionals. He got 2nd
  11. Petoria:I'll make this quick since this clearly isn't that important of a topic. I don't know anything about economics are anything like that so don't know how it will cure world hunger. What I do know about is biochemistry, and believe me, if everyone was a vegetarian, it would really curb heart disease, obesity, etc. Its not the fact that we eat meat; its the fact that we eat way TOO much meat. One 15 oz steak is like 5 portions of meat FYI. Wow, I'm a nerd. Can we just go back to talking about poker?
  12. This situation is a really tricky situation. If I was dead certain that my opponent had AA, I would obviously fold my KK. I think that getting 2-1 odds on a call is very tempting, and I would 9/10 take it in this situation. Based on the information that was provided, I felt like his opponent held AA hence I would have folded. The fact that his opponent only revealed one card as an ace with no information on the other card leads me to believe he had AA. I wouldn't want to give someone credit for folding KK to my AA as I know that I had missed on opportunity to get paid off. If I were to t
  13. I think this was a good fold, a tough fold, but a good one........Clearly the opponent was a decent player. He was sitting on 700 in a 400 max buy in table. He was also in the small blind, notice no one has mentioned this. I don't think a lot of people would come out raising out of the small blind with all those limpers without a very strong hand just knowing that they are likely to get called by at least on person. Who wants to play 77 out of position with someone behind them that likely holds two overcards?Furthermore, who says you have to push all your chips in when you have a big hand.
  14. I think it is really sad that everyone wants to mock Phil for his style of play. The fact of the matter is, Phil is incredibly gooding at sucking as many chips out of an opponent as possible. He slow plays if he has to, he plays really quick if he has too. He bluffs if he thinks you'll lay down the best hand. Everyone has their own style that works for them, and I find it hard to criticize any player over their style of play especially someone who has won 9 WSOP bracelets including the Main Event. Also, Phil would have stood an incredibly great chance at winning the 2001 Main Event had he
  15. First of all, I'm new to the forum, so be nice to me.Here's my thoughts on the situation. This hand went really bad in two spots. The first being the preflop call. You are getting pretty decent odds to makes this call, but with two people in the pot, you are more than likely very dominated and need to hit a really solid flop.After hitting a really solid flop, why slow play? Is there anything wrong with taking the 850 that's already in the flop. A suited and coordinated board can be a bad flop to deal with when you have made a set, so why not bet out and protect your hand. Besides, if som
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