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Everything posted by Patricnz

  1. thank god someone other than dynon and jay understand that point.
  2. Any help with my full tilt problem, you horrible 14th century British dictator?below the lobby there is a tab that has all play and real moneyclick the real or all tab
  3. i 3 table 50nl 6 max on ft with a starting 900 roll and this has proven to be sufficient for my relatively low variance style of play
  4. fold preflopone or two more limpers i call
  5. dude what are you doing?this is 50 nlfull ring no lessdon't go crazy, play like this at 10/20nl or something but these guys will call you regardless.. ( you know this ?) just doesn't seem like it would work given the nature of the games then again maybe you are just trying this out ?56s three way against a 4bb raise in a typically agressive nl game is not a desired situation and im pretty sure you are aware of this ? implied odds? err not really **** all flops you like and they may not pay off if you do hit large i just dislike the call a lotmaybe if it were 4 handed or 5 handed to the flop t
  6. ok on a flop of that texture if you know this guy well and know he bets agressively if called onflop the then you can take the risk of giving a turn card that can scare the shit out of you and may want you to not get your money inthen againraising the flop may scare him away and you are only really worried about a flush card hitting soemtimes and an a or a k falling still thats a lot of scary outs and you could be beat already..so at this limit i think going for a flop raise to say 8 or 9 and go from thereits not a huge mistake in my opinion either like others have said, usually these guys fi
  7. dynon this was a very good post and because you had you had your rakeback info as your signature these wise asses thinking they are clever automatically assume your motive was to try hook some more rakeback refferalsthis advice has been given to me aswell and its perfectly applicable to a typical shorthanded nl game below as an estimate 5-10 bottom line is dynon is a good guy and is willing to help you guys interested in teaching you a way to beat these games so you up not jump to conclusions about his motives for posting this advice and thinking you are cleverseriously, posting tp/mm how
  8. Are you sure you are playing .50/1 NL on Pokerroom ? I hit my set and I rarely make enough to make it profitable. I've been playing there in the last month and I've seen these guys fold to raises. Now if they are folding that often to raises then sometimes they are folding KK, AK, TPTK , etc.it is definetly profitable to play any pp if you are putting 5 or so percent -around that area- of your stack or less this is having implied odds that if you hit your set and your typically bad player at these stakes will pay you off big time with tp or by chasing a draw where he is far behind at ab
  9. 3 people have said they have slept through the second half of itwierd coincidence
  10. Ok... not really a compliment, but definately not an insult. :)Anyway, Smash, please come back.Ummmm Theresa.....no offense, but you completely edited out the part where he called me a bicth and proceeded to publicly rip me apart for no reason. As a moderator............well I just think you should reasses your opinion of him.
  11. exibit A- missidaho's avatar..sum487 and smashare not ****ing idiots they are harsh but they are intelligent and maybe they are going a little far as to say nikki and renae starve attention a lot because they dont from what ive seen but idaho seems to be lapping it up lately
  12. wierd, i fell alseep half way through also havn't seen the last part either
  13. lol, dude :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo:
  14. Do you just sit here waiting for people to post stuff that you can answer?I've never seen a celebrity be so accessible to thier fans. I'm very impressed.Nice hand.Zachyou read NWP zach?Not very regularly... I may or may not have ventured into the Hot Girls section of their forum once or twice... lol.Zachhad a feeling you would click on that, degenerate :-)
  15. A nice dinner at Olive garden: $452 Tickets to a war movie: $16Doritos and Peanuts for the football game: $11Late night whoopie with cute girl: $2,000Playing 8 hours after declaring 2 week break: Priceless.There are some things in life money can't buy. For everything else, there's Neteller. :-) nh man
  16. you know the answersluck will even outyou do not deserve to win a hand if even if you have a huge edge so dont be pissed if they win as an underdog in a hand because its going to happen roughly 20 percent of the time depending on the average edge you have when getting all in in nlyou know the answers too, you just cant remind yourself that this can be expected and you have to except things can run shitty when you play poker because its gamblingyou know all this you just need to remind yourself
  17. Do you just sit here waiting for people to post stuff that you can answer?I've never seen a celebrity be so accessible to thier fans. I'm very impressed.Nice hand.Zachyou read NWP zach?
  18. Dude, you're only 15?Whoa. I didn't know that.read the tenieight and myslef fiasco, nuff said. :-)
  19. haha same here for the bolded part.at school we have a table tennis table but its taken over by the asians so you have to wait in line for ages :-)
  20. rereading my post i was a little out of linei wasn't meaning to say you are whining i meant just try and block out cold cards getting you down because thats the oppposite of the mindset you want to have, you want to be positivei do realise my opinion matters little, im just some 15 year old kid from new zealand but i belive in the advice im giving because its what im going through now
  21. agaisnt a LAG and on a board like that i dont even put in a contunuation bet i just hope to check it down and hopefully my ace high holds up
  22. im actually somewhat aware of thisi decide when half the field has been cut out of the tournament and determine how i want to go about the tournament and how i feel in order to decide how risky or how tight i will play to either make a run at first or just skate by and cash this is great advice stevethanks
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