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About rollito

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    Poker Forum Regular
  1. i don't think so.....plus most people had one poker player in their five but no one had doyle....he was the one poker player that came to my mind
  2. i think so......dilluted field......the length of the course doesn't seeem to be bothering her......and seems as though she's making some putts......if i had to put money on it right now id say yes
  3. their schedule sucks this yearHoldemHoldemHoldemHoldemOmahaHoldemHoldemHoldemStudHoldemHoldemHoldemHoldemi second
  4. i think it starts on july 19th
  5. rollito

    spurs rule.

    this has to be done.......it would have been great to see the wallaces come back out from the locker room and hand duncan and the spurs their belts.....would have made the celebration after much better
  6. o no, no, no too high....too high what do you mean do high?its was too high
  7. i posted this before but got no replies so ill try again......i have read some articles about whether or not big shot rob should be in the hall of fame.....if you just look at his numbers there is no argument, but with all the big shots this guy has made in huge games there is a good case that he deserves a spot.....do the rockets, lakers and spurs(maybe) win championships without this guy.....in a league where great players are defined by rings i don't see why he shouldn't be included in the hall of fame.....any thoughts?
  8. Sorry, wrote it down wrong.Edit time.makes more sense now.....congrats on the royal.....still waiting for my first
  9. somethings wrong here....two qh and two rivers....crazy game you play
  10. jeff....just realized you are a pistons fan, and in that case i can see how you feel like this has been one fo the best finals in history.....but from someone who is a fan of niether the pistons or the spurs it hasn't been that entertaining.....but if i were a pistons fan i would prob think the same thing....people wrote you off twice in this series ( including planning a parade) and you came back both times.....but still mediocre finals overall
  11. this years finals haven't been close to being the best finals ever......sure it has gone to seven games, but by no means have any of the games been great, with the exception of game 5......pretty boring finals with one good game, and a rare finals game 7.....so far mediocre finals in my book....for pure basketball diehards it has been nice to see some d played for a change, but the games for the most part have been sort of ugly.....but i am looking forward to game 7......hopefully it will be as good as game 5 wasyou are wrong, pure and simple. These two teams have won the last two championshi
  12. this years finals haven't been close to being the best finals ever......sure it has gone to seven games, but by no means have any of the games been great, with the exception of game 5......pretty boring finals with one good game, and a rare finals game 7.....so far mediocre finals in my book....for pure basketball diehards it has been nice to see some d played for a change, but the games for the most part have been sort of ugly.....but i am looking forward to game 7......hopefully it will be as good as game 5 was
  13. I read a bill simmons article about rob horry where he discussed whether or not he should be a hall of famer....i thought this was an interesting topic. Big game rob played such an important role in all of the championships he won, even though he was not the star player, you have to acknowledge the role he played in each of the five championships he his teams have won...by just looking at his stats there is no way he should be in the hall of fame.....but with all the big shots he has made he prob deserves a spot,imo.....thoughts?
  14. picks? Did game 3 change your opinion on the series?I think the spurs win by a small margin.....would have been greatly disappointed in the pistons if they stunk up game 3 as bad as games 1 and 2....still think the spurs in 6, but at least its a little more interesting now.
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