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About Sciolist

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  1. The increases in autism are down to more accurate diagnosis of autism. There are not more people with it, it's just that we are better at measuring it now. People blame vaccines because they are angry and want to blame someone. There is very strong scientific concensus that vaccinations are not linked to autism.
  2. 12 is the most in terms of Ring Games. There's no limit to SNG or MTT tables though, no matter how many RG tables you have open.
  3. I would say that this depends on whether you always run perfectly or not. If you have a bad session - in terms of making mistakes rather than bad luck - then if you're 10 tabling, it's obviously going to amplify the damage.Therefore, it follows that sometimes you'll end up in situations where the bankroll doesn't neccessarily protect you. We all play badly from time to time, don't we? If it's just one table, you're going to end up losing a percentage of your bankroll.I guess what I'm saying is, what kind of factor is worth applying to a bankroll for making sub-optimal plays, and shouldn't t
  4. Hello,How do bankroll requirements change over multiple tables? Do they? What would you recommend I have to play 1x $200 NL games, and how about 1x 1/2 Limit games? Then how about 4x of the above?
  5. I'm not sure that defending is such a good idea when the SB has already cold called. If he'd folded, then obviously calling is a much better plan.Once defended, a flop raise can fit in.I don't think the turn call is wrong. You have 5 outs to improve, 46 unknown cards remaining, leaves you with 1/9 to hit and 1/9 pot odds. Of course, this is assuming one of them isn't already playing an eight, in which case things are going to go badly.
  6. You get FPP if you are dealt into the hand, regardless of whether you put any money of your own intot he pot. You also get FPP for tournament entry fees.
  7. I very, very rarely get upset about anything from online poker. Last time I was annoyed at a bad beat was live, shorthanded, and would have seen me a massive winner without it. I find it harder to deal with things live than online - one table vs. 5, half speed, etc.I used to get more annoyed, but I trained my body not to care by doing situps. Every time I got pissed off, I did situps until I got rid of the anger. Now I just don't get angry anymore... and my stomach is slowly expanding.
  8. RE: My above response.Obviously living bankroll would have to be entirely independent of poker bankroll, and you would have to be able to beat those games.If you are comfortably beating the limit one below your intended target, I can't imagine you will have massive problems with the next limit.
  9. If the buyin at $2/$5 is $400 max, why on earth would you need $20k or whatever? For one NL table, you need 400 times the big blind, assuming you can beat the table.I'm not sure what people are talking about when they say they want 10 or 15 times the max buyin to play these games... Am I missing something here? I play 4 or 5x $1/$2 online with a $200 * 4 or 5 * 4 bankroll....
  10. The chances are that if you're running into speed problems whilst running more than one table it's down to a lack of RAM on your machine, rather than the video card.This machine has a 16 meg TNT card I think (circa 2000) and 64 megs of ram. It's not really possible to do anything else whilst 4-tabling party. Meanwhile, my parent's machine has a much worse video card but 512mb of ram and a slower CPU, and it's fine to do whatever I want.As long as your video card is not prehistoric, if you have 64mb or less of ram, it's probably that that's slowing you down.
  11. To link the two threads together, I believe that the person in/who wrote bill fliffmaff is "Fragmaster", who used to work for Gamespy, planetquake etc.
  12. ZoneAlarm didn't notice poker tracker sending any data out.
  13. Oh, and as to it being easy to cheat, you're quite right.Collusion over the internet is trivial - tell a friend on MSN what cards you have.In a bricks & mortar casino, if you collude, you throw your hands into the muck before the showdown and nobody can ever tell. Online, all hands are archived. Software/complaints/routine checks alert the staff that some players are working together, and their hands can be reviewed face up. You cannot hide the evidence from there.I know that PokerStars do this, and reimburse any player cheated by colluders in this manner.
  14. No, it's not.The program I saw that claims to do this is basically a crap version of poker tracker. It does nothing poker tracker can't, and can't do half the things poker tracker can.In PokerStars' case, the data between client and server is encrypted to the extent that it would take the most powerful computers in the world several years to break. Therefore, the codes are changed considerably faster.The only way to view others' cards would be to install a trojan or some such on their machine. I figure it's only a matter of time before poker-specific trojans are developed that send a player
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