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Everything posted by Vick07

  1. Did you come back to Christianity because you remembered it, or because you were reintroduced to it? If you remembered it and came back to it on your own then the same thing applies
  2. I'm struggling with the concept, the ideal is a cause of doubt of Christianity, It is a cause of reflection upon my own life and others that maybe (well, most definitely) we would not believe the way we do if we had grown up in a household with different beliefs. Understand?
  3. Buddhist monk on firePeople have done crazier things than simply die in support of their belief systems
  4. May she live on through her positive impact on you and your family.. and all who have come to hear her story... I am so sorry for your loss
  5. Vick07


    I laughed so hard the first time I saw that
  6. Vick07

    Ask Lois.

    What about the scenario of atheist parents whose children are raised atheist, only to become religious later in life. Seems kind of unlikely the only ones changing their mind are the ones turning their back on religion, as I believe I've seen some testify to a experiencing a simliar scenario.Your environment influences your view of the world. If one is raised religious, they're probably more likely to see the world as less fantastical and miraculous. While on the other hand, one raised atheist may grow up wondering if there is something more to life than just this..
  7. Vick07


    Just saw this quote by Mark Twain and thought of that post....."The so-called Christian nations are the most enlightened and progressive...but in spite of their religion, not because of it. The Church has opposed every innovation and discovery from the day of Galileo down to our own time, when the use of anesthetic in childbirth was regarded as a sin because it avoided the biblical curse pronounced against Eve. And every step in astronomy and geology ever taken has been opposed by bigotry and superstition. The Greeks surpassed us in artistic culture and in architecture five hundred years befor
  8. Lois what do you think about the criticism that whether or not one gets into heaven is based on geography - as in whether or not one was given the oppurtunity to be taught the gospel and Christianity? I don't know where you stand on what happens if someone never got a chance to believe, but I'm having a problem with the fact that most Christians tend to become such because of the environment they were raised in, either because of the characteristics it instilled upon them or because of its Christian impact (at least from what I can tell in my little amount of experience).
  9. Actually, for the most part, it's Britain's fault, from when they gave Palestine back to the Jews after the Muslims had it for a thousand years, and after Britain promised to give the land to the Arabs if they would rebel against the Ottomans. They hated us since then. But, back to the original topic, is it not logical that those who do not believe in a God or afterlife would strive harder to succeed in this world and make it better than those who are striving in this world only to get to or be happy in the next one?
  10. I would beg to differ. Look at the past of those two. My guess is the one on top didn't have as good of an upbringing, education, or the kind of environment of friends and culture that would push him to succeed academically. The one on the bottom had a great education and environment that stressed success in school, so he pushed himself academically. The outcome was not inevitable, but the circumstances made them who they are. Sure the one on top didn't have to wind up the way he did, but who knows what would have happened if their situations were reversed. Intelligence is hard to measure, and
  11. There are a ton of verses in the Bible that support the theology that everyone has sinned equally and are therefore all condemned without Christ... I may have misunderstood you but weren't you basically saying, "They worshipped false gods, they were worse, and therefore deserved to die?"
  12. Proximo: "Those giraffes you sold me, they won't mate. They just walk around, eating, and not mating. You sold me... queer giraffes. I want my money back."-Gladiatornuff said
  13. So... you and I don't deserve the same fate?
  14. The whole point is that what God does is good.. otherwise he wouldn't be God in the first place. But His good doesn't have to be good in our eyes... If the point of the whole thing was for us to judge God (whether he is exists or not) I don't think it would work..... If there is a God he/she/it doesn't have our agenda and does not see this world through our eyes, but sees the big picture that we cannot... eh?
  15. All right i guess it was a question... how do we know we're guaranteed to doubt? Plenty of nuts seem sure about what they believe however wrong they may be..
  16. Ha. You said if they worshipped false Gods it was fair game, So their conquering was justified because they worshipped the wrong God (though they knew no different). "Oh, they worship false Gods, it's OK, go ahead and kill them..." ...."Oh, they're Jews, it's OK, go ahead and kill them."
  17. Rigggggggght.. and the Nazis didn't attack willy-nilly, they only killed Jews. So who gives a shit?
  18. this is ridiculous..http://objectiveministries.org/gametheory/...ntatheists.html
  19. lol quotes from the atheist goat... "I've never read the Bible, I like secular TV instead!""I feel empty . . . I'm gonna drink some more coffee.""Madalyn Murray O'Hair is my hero!""Nothin's gonna happen to me when I die... I think.""Hey kid, wanna read some Ayn Rand?""Dont touch my belt you Jesus freak!!!""Bah! I don't believe in anything. I'm staying home on Sunday."This was ridiculous... they said that Noah was safe from harm because tyrannasaurus were herbivores and used this link to support that claim..http://www.christiananswers.net/dinosaurs/j-trex.htmlThen they claim that fossils are th
  20. I didn't know that was guaranteed. I also didn't know it was the only thing that was guaranteed....
  21. actually the more i think about it the more i think it won't be long before i'm more agnostic... sometimes i feel close to God and all that good Christian stuff, but other times i feel like i'm already atheist
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