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Sitting Out In Full Ring

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This is probably my greatest pet peeve in poker. When a guy sits out and doesn't return - taking up a spot for 2 orbits before being replaced by an empty seat. It really tends to break tables and create short-handed games, which I do not like to play. I understand if a player needs a break and wants to sit out a few hands with the plan of returning, but just sitting out with the intention of getting auto-kicked from the table really bothers me. Anyone feel similarly?
Full tables that get suddenly short are gold mines - the other players often don't adjust their starting hand requirements and you make out like a bandit. Then there is you moving to another table.
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Full tables that get suddenly short are gold mines - the other players often don't adjust their starting hand requirements and you make out like a bandit. Then there is you moving to another table.
Yeah well I prefer to just move to another table, but it's pretty annoying when you multi-table (or anytime for that matter) to have to constantly switch tables.
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Full tables that get suddenly short are gold mines - the other players often don't adjust their starting hand requirements and you make out like a bandit. Then there is you moving to another table.
QFT. On both points.My favorite is a FR LHE game that gets short handed due to open seats/people sitting out. Most FR LHE players have no clue how to play short.Personally what I hate is when my 6-max table gets to HU, the guy gets hit by the deck for 5 or 6 hand and then the table fills back up. I know if the cards break even I can stack the guy but don't get the chance.
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Yeah well I prefer to just move to another table, but it's pretty annoying when you multi-table (or anytime for that matter) to have to constantly switch tables.
Well, shoot, we oughta all bomb the sites you play on with petitions to make sure you never get annoyed! Gosh darn, I didn't know! Must be just awful for you!!(Hey, are you that annoying dweeb who multis so much he slows the game down because we have to all wait until his time clock starts for him to fold 72os preflop?)
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as far as drivers go...those people that cannot turn right on red if there is a car within 1/2 a mile.Then once the cross street stops and the left hand turns start coming, they throw up their hands and shrug their shoulders as if to say "gee wiz, I'm trying but the cars keep coming"But the absolute worst:People who block intersestions during rush hour because they are too important to wait thru one more light.This bogs traffic down so much.,*******, you saw that the cars were already in the intersection and not moving... why the **** did you just cross the line on a yellow..so we have to all sit for 45 seconds after the light turns green for us.Notice they will never look around..."ho hum, oh me?...sorry"and... finally,the arrogant asses that will run right behind another car at a 4 way stop, blowing right thru as the cross traffic sits with dropped jaws.

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Well, shoot, we oughta all bomb the sites you play on with petitions to make sure you never get annoyed! Gosh darn, I didn't know! Must be just awful for you!!(Hey, are you that annoying dweeb who multis so much he slows the game down because we have to all wait until his time clock starts for him to fold 72os preflop?)
Not at all, I only 3-4 table :club:
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There are several algorithms that could be applied to these problems, both online and off, but people are too lazy to hire a good mathematician (or use common sense).BTW, did you guys hear the great Letterman joke last night about driving? Go to CBS.com to listen to his opening monologue, it's hilarious.

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