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Sitting Out In Full Ring

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This is probably my greatest pet peeve in poker. When a guy sits out and doesn't return - taking up a spot for 2 orbits before being replaced by an empty seat. It really tends to break tables and create short-handed games, which I do not like to play. I understand if a player needs a break and wants to sit out a few hands with the plan of returning, but just sitting out with the intention of getting auto-kicked from the table really bothers me. Anyone feel similarly?

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Anyone feel similarly?
not really.
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People that plan to turn right off a busy road but don't use their turn signal before jamming on the breaks to turn into some damn shopping center.Now that annoys me.

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shortstacks that limp while I'm being cardead annoy me more than anything.

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This is probably my greatest pet peeve in poker. When a guy sits out and doesn't return - taking up a spot for 2 orbits before being replaced by an empty seat. It really tends to break tables and create short-handed games, which I do not like to play. I understand if a player needs a break and wants to sit out a few hands with the plan of returning, but just sitting out with the intention of getting auto-kicked from the table really bothers me. Anyone feel similarly?
Maybe they didn't sit out with the intention of getting autokicked off. Maybe they thought they had a quick issue to take care of and it became something more time consuming to deal with. Why sweat the small things ?
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It's more annoying when it's already an SH table and someone sits out. There's something ****ed up on Crypto too, if there's no waiting list, they can sit out forever, I think. It's weird and quite annoying.

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when im playing a session, sometimes i like to take a break.
I said breaks are fine, but if you aren't intending to return to the table, that person should leave rather than waste a spot for 10 minutes and potentially break the table.
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This is probably my greatest pet peeve in poker. When a guy sits out and doesn't return - taking up a spot for 2 orbits before being replaced by an empty seat. It really tends to break tables and create short-handed games, which I do not like to play. I understand if a player needs a break and wants to sit out a few hands with the plan of returning, but just sitting out with the intention of getting auto-kicked from the table really bothers me. Anyone feel similarly?
i agree, it is annoying.
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This is probably my greatest pet peeve in poker. When a guy sits out and doesn't return - taking up a spot for 2 orbits before being replaced by an empty seat. It really tends to break tables and create short-handed games, which I do not like to play. I understand if a player needs a break and wants to sit out a few hands with the plan of returning, but just sitting out with the intention of getting auto-kicked from the table really bothers me. Anyone feel similarly?
dude if this really 'bothers' you, may I suggest....prozacpillslu6.jpg
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i feel your pain. when i go to ac, i like to play omaha hi lo. it's really hard to keep the table full. there are a few regulars that will go and "wonder" all the time, which eventually breaks the game.

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I totally agree with you OP. It is really annoying when someone sits out taking up a spot. Sometimes you have three people doing it at one time while people are on the waiting list. This means you have to play a five or six handed game even though people want to play. ANNOYING.

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people who feel the need to use half the street to turn instead of getting over into the damn turning lane. it is called a turning lane for a reason, people. it isn't called the block traffic lane.

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Do you mean online or live sir? It doesn't really bother me at all.

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Naggers are people who annoy me.Oh, and when you are nice and let someone over in front of you in traffic and they don't wave. That pisses me off.

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Do you mean online or live sir? It doesn't really bother me at all.
I haven't had the opportunity to experience it live. Online, I just really hate when I'm sitting at a table, only to have it break after one or two orbits because one or two people decide to sit out and not return instead of leaving altogether.
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I haven't had the opportunity to experience it live. Online, I just really hate when I'm sitting at a table, only to have it break after one or two orbits because one or two people decide to sit out and not return instead of leaving altogether.
Do you play on smaller sites? I don't see tables break a lot at ftp for this reason.
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i feel your pain. when i go to ac, i like to play omaha hi lo. it's really hard to keep the table full. there are a few regulars that will go and "wonder" all the time, which eventually breaks the game.
do you play in the rotation game or str8 hi lo?
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I haven't had the opportunity to experience it live. Online, I just really hate when I'm sitting at a table, only to have it break after one or two orbits because one or two people decide to sit out
It's worse live. Assholes get a meal ticket and leave their chips on the table for over an hour, then only return to rack up and leave. I guess I shouldn't mind 'cause when live games get short I gain a bigger edge, but it still kinda irks me.
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I haven't had the opportunity to experience it live. Online, I just really hate when I'm sitting at a table, only to have it break after one or two orbits because one or two people decide to sit out and not return instead of leaving altogether.
Online I don't really mind. Last week I was at Garden City playing 6-12, and 5 PEOPLE LEFT! We had to stop and have the floor man call everyone back to the table. It was really annoying and I was rushing at the time too. People = -ev
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Sometimes I have to poop, and sit out with the intentions of returning, then I end up pooping what can only be described as a softball, and end up getting booted from the table because I took to long.

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