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180 Man $11... no big deal..just that I sorta suck at MTT's and made 2 FT's in a row 180's9/9 and 11k with 800/1600 blinds
Who's dee did you suck to make it this far twice in two days?I guess I jinxed you.Remind me not to rail you anymore.
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I gotta start geting to FT with more than M of 4 (antes too)So all in EP with Ad8d, 8 handed, AA callswhat a fish!thanks for support!I promise not to make FT threads on $11 180's anymore..just rare for me!
That's a pretty safe statement. :club: good job on getting another FT
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ok..not a new thread..but I just made my 3rd FT in a row in a $11 180... I ay be learning something.I'm 7/8 of course so far M =7 so got some play.39964312not to distract from a much more excitng Stars million and several FCP'ers still alive...

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ok..not a new thread..but I just made my 3rd FT in a row in a $11 180... I ay be learning something.I'm 7/8 of course so far M =7 so got some play.39964312not to distract from a much more excitng Stars million and several FCP'ers still alive...
your on fire lately
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ok..not a new thread..but I just made my 3rd FT in a row in a $11 180... I ay be learning something.I'm 7/8 of course so far M =7 so got some play.39964312not to distract from a much more excitng Stars million and several FCP'ers still alive...
nice little run there FTing 3 in a row...gl
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Congrats man, 3 straight FTs is awesome.I never play MTTs anymore (haven't played one in like a month), but when I did I considered 180's to be valid MTTs, so don't feel bad about posting rail threads for them. Especially since you're only just now getting into MTTs. Of course, I didn't usually post rail threads for 180's anyway, but really after my first few FTs, I rarely posted rail threads for anything. Railers can actually be somewhat distracting at times.

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