JeremyG 0 Posted October 21, 2006 Share Posted October 21, 2006 I got off work Thursday afternoon and my wife said, "hurry up, get ready, you're going down to Caesar's with Dave to play in tomorrow's event!".After a 5 hour drive we're on the tables by 9:30pm. Dave played 2 $45 satellites and lost both, I played 1 $45 and took 3rd (which gets nothing of course). So I decided to just grind my way into the Event 1 ($340 NLHE). I sit at the 5/10 limit game and put my name in for the 10/20 limit. I buy in for $200 and 30 minutes later after having AK cracked by 10 4 soooted in a capped prelop and postflop pot (the only hand I played other than my blinds) I was down a bit over $100. Luckily my 10/20 table opened up.I bought in there for $300 and long story short, I completely owned the table. It started out 9 handed, I busted 2 players (who had $150 or so each when I sat down) in 2 hands... then a player left and we're 6-handed, my favorite game.One old man was raising EVERY hand. I started re-raising him with ANYTHING connected/suited or any good "blackjack" hand (2 face cards, ace-anything, even K10) just to isolate. I owned him for around $200. Of course I lost a bit in the process when he actually had a hand but overall +$200 just on him. He left the table mumbling he "couldn't understand why he couldn't win a hand" and pissed cuz he was down $600, after he left the table said he was only there for about an hour.1:30 am, after 2.5 hours at the table, I stood up +$460 (9.2 BB/hour average). I then bought directly into the $340.Dave, in the meantime, won $300 in the $2/5/NL cash game (basically he just sat there waiting for a hand and doubled up, then won a smaller pot). And decided to try 1 more satellite, which he won, and got his seat. So he's $150 and a seat, I'm +$80 and a seat, both in 4 hours.We decided to take 20% of each other in the tourney and if we both made the FT, we'd split our total "take" 50%. So we actually got around 7 hours sleep and wandered in at 11:45, in time to hear all the announcements and "shuffle up and deal". Basically I owned the table, took FOUR people out in the first 60 minutes (1 level plus 20 minutes). There were I think 879 players in the tourney, they paid to 81st place.A couple hands for you, I raised UTG with AJ offsuit, to $125 (5x the BB) and got THREE callers. Flop AJx I bet 100 and everyone folded. Next hand I'm BB and the button raises to 75, I have 9 10 suit, and call. Flop is 6 7 8 rainbow! I check, he bets 200, I call. Turn is another 8 (dammit, killed my action, right?!).. NO, this fish pushes all in for his 1200 remaining (into a 550 pot!). I instacall, he shows KK. What a fish, willing to go broke on a paired and straight board with only an overpair, 15 minutes into the tourney. Next hand I have 8 9 suited clubs on the SB, middle position raises to 75. I call the 50 extra, I think there was 2 others in the hand. Flop comes 6 7 8 (pair and open-ender) with 2 hearts. I bet out 300 (3/4 pot) he calls. Turn is another 8, I decide to take it down there, push all-in and he thinks forever and calls, with K Q soooted hearts. Turn boats me and gives him his flush, he "whoops" like he won, stood up and pumped his arm in the air, then I say, "good game" to him and he realizes he lost, then he storms off. :)The play overall was just pitiful. I wasn't really even playing "my best" and yes I did pick up hands, but the best PP I had was QQ and I only had AK twice... I was just playing a lot of flops early after getting 4500 chips with blinds 25/25, and using my stack very well. One hand I bet the entire way (i was in position), pot sized bets, with TPTK (AJ down) with 2 clubs on board. 3rd club comes on the river, the guy CHECKS, I thank him for checking, tell him nice flush, he flips over K7 suited clubs and gets pis$ed cuz I didn't bet the river. LOL What a great player he is!Meantime, Dave busted out after his AA were busted by KK (both all in preflop, KK rivered a K).Middle of Round 2 I have 9000 chips and have taken 4 people out, and the next highest chips on my table was 1000! I even took 1 guy out who was an alternate who pushed in on his first hand, I called him with AK, he had AJ and I flopped a King. GG him.I took a hit after another fish TRIPLED up to 3000 in one hand, next hand he was all excited, raised to 200 (25/50 blinds), I reraised him to 800 (I had AK suit), and he pushes all in. I could have folded here but I have 9k, he's a complete fish who was excited from the last hand, and even if I lose I'm not hurt too bad (I knew I could grind it back pretty quickly), or I could take waht I would think pretty much the chip lead in the tourney if I win. I call, he flips up AQ.... flops a Q and I thought he won the lottery the way he was jumping around and pumping his fist. I tell him, "nice hand" and then they break our table (that pissed me off!). Pretty much for the next 3 levels I went card-dead. I took some blinds in position and won a few hands but basically just maintained. I'm moved about 4 times in 2 levels so I couldn't really play much, then I lose a couple hands and am down to 3000 chips! Then this hand happens, blinds were 200/400 with 75 (I think) antes. 8 handed table, and everyone folds to the button who had just donked off like 12000 chips in the last 25 minutes, he has around 4200 chips left. He pushes all in, then the SB calls his all in, leaving himself with 300 chips. I look down to AQ suited diamonds... normally I don't even think about it and fold but I thought it was at least 70% that the button was trying to steal. I also felt the SB had a mid-pair or even something like AJ or A10, he was that type of player. So after a bit, I call, the button flips AJ, the SB groans and flips A9 suited hearts and I flip up my AQ. Flop was PERFECT... Q high with 2 diamonds and 2 low cards. These guys were both drawing to running non-diamond cards! So I more than triple up to 11,500. We have a break a few minutes later and I am moved AGAIN.After the break I pick up A10 off on the cutoff, raise to around 3500 (I think the blinds were 500/1000 with 100 ante). BB calls, I miss the flop and decide I'm going to check it down, that likely my A10 would hold up, and I didn't have a read on the guy so I didn't want to bluff my way out of the tourney. Turn is a 10 giving me TPTK, but I still decide to check... river is a blank but puts 3 clubs on the board, he bets out 2k and I instacall (I did watch him bluff a huge pot 2 hands before with a bet of around 2x the BB so I felt it was 50% he was bluffing.. there's nearly 9k in the pot and I have to call 2k, so it was an easy call. He shows K4 suited clubs and I'm down to 6k.TD announces they are down to 91 players, 10 from the money.I maintain that for that level and they announce a dinner break. So I get to think about coming in to 600/1200 blinds with 200 ante and only 6000 chips. I decided I'd push all in on the button or cutoff if everyone folds, but fold anything but 1010 or higher, or AK or AQ, where I'd just push all in. I ate and they announced a new 10/20 limit table opening so I sat at that with $150, doubled up on my 2nd hand and pretty much folded for 30 minutes, stood up +$120. So my total cash game take was 560 in 3 hours or nearly 10x the BB or nearly $200/hour.I get back from dinner to ANOTHER table move... and I get to move to the CUTOFF. Cripes. that Sucked. The TD announced they were actaully down to 88 players, and they'd play round-for-round once down to 84.I decided the same strategy.... very tight, all-in-or-fold. First hand I look down.. J... oh please don't match.... J... ALL IN.. instacall by the next guy, folds all around, I say, "well you instantly called, I guess I'm killed"... he flips up A10 offsuit. I am pretty happy until he flops 2 pair. Yay, 6 outs and he hits 2 on the flop. No J and no runner straight and I'm out... 88th or 87th place (another guy stood up a few seconds later). Overall I was amazed by how bad the players were. This was by far the largest tourney I've ever played and to be honest I never felt like I wasn't better than 95% of the players. I really felt that I was the best or 2nd best player at every table. I'm honest with myself and usually feel like I'm middle-of-the-pack. But these people were bad.Summary of trip, after gas and hotel, and donking off $100 in blackjack and $35 on roulette before we left, I was down $40 and got to play in the $340 tourney.Overall, happy, wish I could have cashed but was happy to beat 90% of the field in such a large tourney with a pretty agressive blind structure.Sorry so long but you guys always want long reports! Link to post Share on other sites
HoosierAlum 0 Posted October 21, 2006 Share Posted October 21, 2006 "I ate and they announced a new 10/20 limit table opening so I sat at that with $150, doubled up on my 2nd hand"huh? Why are you buying in short to a limit game? Link to post Share on other sites
JeremyG 0 Posted October 21, 2006 Author Share Posted October 21, 2006 That's not really short, at least not too short, really the most you get in the pot in one hand is around $240 and that's if it's capped on EVERY street..40 preflop/40 postflop/80/80. I've NEVER seen a limit game capped on EVERY street. And from everyone I've talked to, the most you are in for in one hand is around $120 to $150.Plus I only had 30 minutes to play, they were opening a new table and the line to the cage was VERY long. You can't buy in at the table and I had $150 in chips in my pocket I don't make a habit of buying in for $150 in 10/20, usually I buy for $300 and am prepared to rebuy 1x in a session, if I can't get a start with $600 then I go home.Either way I hope you enjoyed my story. Kinda funny you'd only pick that one thing up out of the entire novel Link to post Share on other sites
Suited_Up 2 Posted October 21, 2006 Share Posted October 21, 2006 Should be buying in for at least $500. $150 isn't even enough for one hand.Good report though. Link to post Share on other sites
fatman 1 Posted October 21, 2006 Share Posted October 21, 2006 Nice read...sounds like you had a good time. Link to post Share on other sites
benhoug 0 Posted October 21, 2006 Share Posted October 21, 2006 "I ate and they announced a new 10/20 limit table opening so I sat at that with $150, doubled up on my 2nd hand"huh? Why are you buying in short to a limit game?You read my mind. Link to post Share on other sites
tallytownFSU 0 Posted October 21, 2006 Share Posted October 21, 2006 Is it just me, or is this a really cleverly disguised bad beat story?BBFIDTS. Link to post Share on other sites
WhatArunAA 0 Posted October 21, 2006 Share Posted October 21, 2006 It amazes me when people buy in short to limit games.. there is some strategy in NL.. but NONE whatsoever in a full-ring limit game. I played 10-20 in Indiana last weekend and I bought in for 500 each day... 150 wont go very far.. even if you are Phil Ivey Link to post Share on other sites
The Bwaves 0 Posted October 21, 2006 Share Posted October 21, 2006 I love trip reports.Sorry about the near miss with the cash, next time, next time...Did you bang any hookers on Your trip? Link to post Share on other sites
Tiltinagain 973 Posted October 21, 2006 Share Posted October 21, 2006 I love trip reports.Sorry about the near miss with the cash, next time, next time...Did you bang any hookers on Your trip?BLOW! You forgot to ask about the BlOW!!Anyway, nice report, sounds like a good time. Link to post Share on other sites
The Bwaves 0 Posted October 21, 2006 Share Posted October 21, 2006 BLOW! You forgot to ask about the BlOW!!Anyway, nice report, sounds like a good time.Did you do any blow off a hookers ***?FMP. Link to post Share on other sites
Kid DynOmite 0 Posted October 21, 2006 Share Posted October 21, 2006 Good read. thanks for the post Link to post Share on other sites
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