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His Alter Egos are amazing. Borat learning country music is one for the ages. Then his pseudo fashion gay one( forget the name) is great cause he gets all these people to say the most ludicrous things.See the epsiode with the guy from the olympics? At the end of the episode het gets him to rap. Sweet stuff

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He for sure is.My favorite bit is from the second season where he visits an amimal vet. For some reason, I think it's the funniest thing of all time.
WHAT THE **** IS THAT?!? It's a chicken. A WHAT?!?!
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The best part about the Jews song was that the Southern people all started singing along and smiling.You're Jewish? Respek.
I only saw the movies... maybe I should try to get a hold of the series as well.But the movies are hilarious. My favorite bit is the one with the Nasa guy about evolution and the one with the police officer about drugs.
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The best part about the Jews song was that the Southern people all started singing along and smiling.You're Jewish? Respek.
Not just singing, but hootin' and a hollerin', clapping their hands, they totally got into it.. it was disturbing.. and hliarious.
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He for sure is.My favorite bit is from the second season where he visits an amimal vet . For some reason, I think it's the funniest thing of all time.
Isn't that redundant, or were you differentiating between this type of vet and one that was in a war as was done by Michael Douglas' character in the movie "Falling Down?"

Panhandler: That's a hell of a way to treat a vet, man.Bill Foster: You're an animal doctor?Panhandler: No, a vet. A veteran. I was in 'Nam, man.Bill Foster: What were you - a drummer boy? You must've been 10 years old.Panhandler: I meant the Gulf. I meant to say the Gulf. Jesus. Come on. All I'm asking for is a little change. I haven't eaten in three days.[has a sandwich in hand]Panhandler: Well, I mean, except for this.

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Most people would have said, "where he visits a vet" and not "where he visits an animal vet."
Most people wouldn't try to fuck up this thread with shit. And I really meant with shit.
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i think my favorite moment from the show is when Bruno is hanging out with the wrestling team guys during spring break. he keeps making them do a cheer where they have to yell P-A-R-T-Y PARTY!!!! each time, he tells them they need more energy, so they keep doing it and going crazy. it probably doesnt sound too funny in print, its more of something you need to see.then, when Bruno reveals that all this was for "austrian gay tv" the reaction from the guys is just classic. "WHAT!? This aint no gay tv!!!"

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i think my favorite moment from the show is when Bruno is hanging out with the wrestling team guys during spring break. he keeps making them do a cheer where they have to yell P-A-R-T-Y PARTY!!!! each time, he tells them they need more energy, so they keep doing it and going crazy. it probably doesnt sound too funny in print, its more of something you need to see.then, when Bruno reveals that all this was for "austrian gay tv" the reaction from the guys is just classic. "WHAT!? This aint no gay tv!!!"
That was definitely one of the best episopes ever! Or when he's talking to the "Gay Converter" guy. ...."what about being fabaloos?" "what about eating chocolate....all the time?"
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Most people would have said, "where he visits a vet" and not "where he visits an animal vet."
One of the best bits from that particular Ali G sketch is him confusing the terms 'vet' (veterinarian) and 'vet' (veteran). I think he was referencing that.
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In LA there is a restuarant called El Sol-a lot of celebrities go there and i was there when Ali G was there. (owen Wilson, Christain Bale, Mark Whalberg, and Brittany Murphy were also there-i talked to Whalberg)

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Isn't that redundant, or were you differentiating between this type of vet and one that was in a war as was done by Michael Douglas' character in the movie "Falling Down?"

Panhandler: That's a hell of a way to treat a vet, man.Bill Foster: You're an animal doctor?Panhandler: No, a vet. A veteran. I was in 'Nam, man.Bill Foster: What were you - a drummer boy? You must've been 10 years old.Panhandler: I meant the Gulf. I meant to say the Gulf. Jesus. Come on. All I'm asking for is a little change. I haven't eaten in three days.[has a sandwich in hand]Panhandler: Well, I mean, except for this.

LOL... Hey Dumb A.. try watching the show before flaming someone.... WOW. You, my friend, are a huge douchebag.
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LOL... Hey Dumb A.. try watching the show before flaming someone.... WOW. You, my friend, are a huge douchebag .
WOW. Interesting words. You, my friend, are a small child, both chronologically and emotionally.In the past, LongLiveYorke criticized me for a question that I had about the definition of a word and this was just a little "dig" at him for being redundant. Do your research before flaming someone.
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WOW. Interesting words. You, my friend, are a small child, both chronologically and emotionally.In the past, LongLiveYorke criticized me and this was just a little "dig" at him for being redundant. Do your research before flaming someone.
But he wasn't being redundant.
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