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I'm not really clear on a certain betting rule that comes up occassionally but not too often.Lets say that 3 players are in the pot and the flop comes. Player A has 2000 in chips, Player B has 2000, and Player C has 650Player A bets 600 and Player B calls and Player C moves all in...Player A and B have to JUST call right? They aren't allowed to raise it up anymore on the flop?My situation might not be accurate but its some kind of betting rule like this...

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That's how it works on PokerStars. Not sure if there is a set rule or anything, but it would be intuitive that if the raise was less than the minimum, it doesn't truly count as a raise and call/fold are your only options.

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I'm not really clear on a certain betting rule that comes up occassionally but not too often.Lets say that 3 players are in the pot and the flop comes. Player A has 2000 in chips, Player B has 2000, and Player C has 650Player A bets 600 and Player B calls and Player C moves all in...Player A and B have to JUST call right? They aren't allowed to raise it up anymore on the flop?My situation might not be accurate but its some kind of betting rule like this...
Thats correct because player C could not complete the action (the required min raise) therefore player A and B can only call at this point. I have seen this come up a few times at the casino... and it often causes a heated arguement between staff and players because player A wants to push all in now too. Justin
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^exactly rightFor there to be more action, the all-in person needs to have enough to make the additional bet (2x bet size in NL, current action plus one full bet in limit) for the all-in to reopen the action.

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http://www.homepokertourney.com/rules_robe...O-LIMIT%20RULES From Robert's Rules of Poker:
3. All raises must be equal to or greater than the size of the previous bet or raise on that betting round, except for an all-in wager. A player who has already acted and is not facing a fullsize wager may not subsequently raise an all-in bet that is less than the minimum bet (which is the amount of the minimum bring-in), or less than the full size of the last bet or raise. (The half-the-size rule for reopening the betting is for limit poker only.)Example: Player A bets $100 and Player B raises $100 more, making the total bet $200. If Player C goes all in for less than $300 total (not a full $100 raise), and Player A calls, then Player B has no option to raise again, because he wasn’t fully raised. (Player A could have raised, because Player B raised.)
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