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Big Series Starts Tonight For Al Wild Card.

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With the Minnesota Twins only three games back from the Chicago White Sox in the Wild Card race, they kick off a three game series tonight in Chicago.After the series is over on Wednesday, the Twins and White Sox will be in a two way tie for the Wild Card lead. With Loriano, Radke and Sanatana all pitching in the Detroit series to follow, its pretty clear that this time next week the Twins will be in sole possesion of the Wild Card lead.

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With the Minnesota Twins only three games back from the Chicago White Sox in the Wild Card race, they kick off a three game series tonight in Chicago.After the series is over on Wednesday, the Twins and White Sox will be in a two way tie for the Wild Card lead. With Loriano, Radke and Sanatana all pitching in the Detroit series to follow, its pretty clear that this time next week the Twins will be in sole possesion of the Wild Card lead.
Twins = not going to be in the Wild Card and yes it may shock you but you should start getting used to it now.
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Liriano+Santana+Best Bullpen in MLB+Mauer+Morneau=Dont count them outGame 1 goes to, yep, the Twins.
Hmmm, interesting too bad Detroit has the best pitching in the majors right now. But good luck.
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I said best BULLPEN, and we arent trying to catch the Tigers right now. First we have to leapfrog the struggling ChiSox
Go right ahead, we won't be complaining too much here in D-Town if you beat up on the Sox right now.
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well, after looking closer at the stats, perhaps I have to give the edge to "D-Town's" bullpen with the slight lead in OBP/SLG/and WHIP, but call me crazy I'd still take the Twins bullpen with probably the best 1-2 punch in baseball (I'd like someone to prove that wrong) in Rincon and Nathan.

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well, after looking closer at the stats, perhaps I have to give the edge to "D-Town's" bullpen with the slight lead in OBP/SLG/and WHIP, but call me crazy I'd still take the Twins bullpen with probably the best 1-2 punch in baseball (I'd like someone to prove that wrong) in Rincon and Nathan.
After tonights bullpen performance you might have to give the edge back to the Twins. It was just plain ugly tonight. Thank god for the 9 runs or we would have had our asses kicked.
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well, I think its safe to say its close if nothing else. But easily you have the better starting staff overall.But as long as we have Liriano and Santana (San-Fransico as I like to call them) we have the two most dominant lefties in the game, we just cant get a good start from our 4 or 5 starters.

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well, after looking closer at the stats, perhaps I have to give the edge to "D-Town's" bullpen with the slight lead in OBP/SLG/and WHIP, but call me crazy I'd still take the Twins bullpen with probably the best 1-2 punch in baseball (I'd like someone to prove that wrong) in Rincon and Nathan.
Here's some competition:Nathan 6-0 1.54 ERA 19 Svs 60K/5BB 41 IP 0.78 WHIP (absolutely sick all around)Rincon 3-0 2.03 ERA 17 Hlds 1 SV 45K/16BB 48.2 IP 1.17 WHIPTotal Min: 9-0 1.81 ERA 20 Svs 17 Hlds 105K/21 BB 89.2 IP 10.53 K/9 2.11 BB/9 .99 WHIPPapelbon 2-1 0.54 ERA 29 Svs 50K/9BB 50 IP 0.72 WHIPTimlin 5-1 2.73 ERA 16 Hlds 2 Svs 19K/9BB 36.1 IP 1.21 WHIPTotal Bos: 7-2 1.46 ERA 31 Svs 16 Hlds 69K/18BB 86.1 IP 7.1K/9 1.88BB/9 .93 WHIPI'd give the edge to Boston. Better ERA, better WHIP. Min has the better record, Boston has more saves. This is all based on past performance though. I expect Timlin's performance to drop some more with his declining k-rate. They're both awesome. I'm also rooting against the Twins because if they win the wild card the the Red Sox win the East, they'll be pitted against one another in a short series. The thought of facing Santana and Liriano three times in a five games series is not appealing.
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Ah, you've done it again. True, they have been a sick 1-2 combo. I forgot about Boston, because apart from those two, they stink. But you are right, slight edge to Boston. Just ran some numbers, Minnesotas 1-2 have given up .7559 bases per inning, Bostons .7827. So that shortens up the gap a tad, but Boston still the edge.

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well, I think its safe to say its close if nothing else. But easily you have the better starting staff overall.But as long as we have Liriano and Santana (San-Fransico as I like to call them) we have the two most dominant lefties in the game, we just cant get a good start from our 4 or 5 starters.
Is that San-Francisco thing a cruel joke about how you got one of them?Because as a Giants fan, I'm still not over that.
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Ah, you've done it again. True, they have been a sick 1-2 combo. I forgot about Boston, because apart from those two, they stink. But you are right, slight edge to Boston. Just ran some numbers, Minnesotas 1-2 have given up .7559 bases per inning, Bostons .7827. So that shortens up the gap a tad, but Boston still the edge.
It's super close. The performance has been better so far for Boston, but when it comes down to it, the Twins duo is probably preferable. Skewing thing in Boston's favor is Papelbon's superhuman performance, which I can't imagine is sustainable at that rate. Timlin's on the downside, so as the season goes on, it'll probably end up in Minnesota's favor.The Boston bullpen is much improved over last year, and while it still has issues, they haven't all stunk. Manny Delcarmen in particular has been pretty good and he's only gotten stronger as the season has gone on. Hansen's another rookie that's learning on the job. His numbers aren't what they could be yet, but he hasn't stunk. Point taken on Tavarez and Seanez.
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The White Sox will win the AL Central. GL with the wild card race.
The White Sox are 7 1/2 games back and are 2-8 in their last ten ball games.There is no way they are going to catch up to the Tigers who keep winning and winning. The White Sox aren't even going to come in second place in the AL central.
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It is now a very good chance that the Tigers will hold on to the division. Everyone keeps waiting for them to stumble, but they really haven't all season. They had a 2-8 10 game stretch, but other than that, they've kept up their ridiculous pace. Oh yeah, after the 2-8 stretch they then went on to win 17 of 19.Not that the ChiSox CAN'T win the division anymore, but it's looking less and less likely every day. And as for the division, I have to say that I believe the White Sox are the better team over the Twins, but you can't get by just being the better team. You have to start winning games again, or else you won't even make the playoffs.To hype up tonight's game, we have the second best pitcher in the AL (and on his team) Santana going against the very good Contreras. If you get the oppurtunity, this is a game to watch tonight.

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It looks to me like white sox fan has a picture of Ozzie choking. This is exactly what the white sox are doing is choking. Look at the Minnesota Twins, they hold 3 of the six triple crown catagory championships. Its funny that even still everyone wants to brush them off as not good enough. Whats not good enough? :club:

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It looks to me like white sox fan has a picture of Ozzie choking. This is exactly what the white sox are doing is choking. Look at the Minnesota Twins, they hold 3 of the six triple crown catagory championships. Its funny that even still everyone wants to brush them off as not good enough. Whats not good enough? :club:
Just like the Tigers, the Twinkies cannot keep up this pace. You are a fool to believe the Sox are going to "choke" the remainin 60+ games. This race is far from over. Either way, it will be a good one.
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Unlike the White Sox, the Twins have picked up the pace. Time will tell but watch out. The White Sox have learned that a 12 game lead is nothing when theres a team "picking up the pace". 9.5 games, Dont count the Twins out as divisional champs quite yet there bigshot.

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Just like the Tigers, the Twinkies cannot keep up this pace.
The Tigers cant keep up the pace? They've kept it up for 100 games, why doesn't anyone believe that they can finish off the season strong too. Is it written in the stars that the Tigers MUST fall off. I'll be the first to admit that I doubted the Tigers, but now I'm a believer.But as for the Twins pace, no they can not play .800 ball the rest of the season. But who's to say they can't play three games better than the Sox and Yanks over the rest of the season and win the Wild Card.
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Unlike the White Sox, the Twins have picked up the pace. Time will tell but watch out. The White Sox have learned that a 12 game lead is nothing when theres a team "picking up the pace". 9.5 games, Dont count the Twins out as divisional champs quite yet there bigshot.
Not counting them out at all. Like I said, should be a fun race in the Central. I am eagerly awaiting the Tigers and Twins matchup. That is a big series. And I still like my Motor City Kitties in that one.
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