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That Martin Bashir guy is always such a dickhead when he interviews people!
No wonder they are pressing internet gambling.Interviewer : So do you pay personal taxes?Calvin Ayre : Let's talk about bodogInterviewer : I'll assume you don't pay taxesCalvin Ayre : Excuse me?Interviewer : You don't pay taxesCalvin Ayre : We pay taxesInterviewer : no youCalvin Ayre : yes we doInterviewer : do notCalvin Ayre : do tooInterviewer : do notCalvin Ayre : do tooInterviewer : criminal..Calvin Ayre : prick...
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Yeah I love all the repeated questions about his personal tax situation. I mean come on does he think he is going to fool him the 4th time and get him to say that he doesn't pay taxes?That guy is a **** and was looking for a sound byte of him saying I don't pay taxes.

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Yeah I love all the repeated questions about his personal tax situation. I mean come on does he think he is going to fool him the 4th time and get him to say that he doesn't pay taxes?
Even better...Interviewer : So do you pay personal taxes?Calvin Ayre : yesInterviewer : I'll assume you don't pay taxesCalvin Ayre : I doInterviewer : You don't pay taxesCalvin Ayre : We pay taxesInterviewer : no you don'tCalvin Ayre : yes we doInterviewer : do notCalvin Ayre : no we don'tInterviewer : gotchaCalvin Ayre : arrrgh !!! Interviewer : sucker*enter feds*
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Ayre is well-rehearsed in the school of controversy.
This quote made me want to shoot Bashir right in his privates. This was annoying to read and In my opinion made Bashir look like an idiot.
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Interesting read, and definitely makes the general view on gambling look particularly poor. Considering this is one of the biggest gambling countries in the world, you'd think a more moderate view would be taken of it, but there you go. Maybe Ayre will be looked on as a modernizer of his industry, or maybe he'll end up in jail on tax evasion charges, which the reporter has set him up nicely to be investigated thoroughly. Should be interesting either way, and if he becomes a legitimate business in the US, these same reporters will doubtless be singing his praises and talking about his meteoric rise in success by offering good entertainment.

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Calvin Ayre: Do you have a small penis?Martin Bashir: ...what? I'm sorry, that's not what this interview is about.Calvin Ayre: Then I'll assume you have a small penis.Martin Bashir: Let's stick to talking about-Calvin Ayre: Small penis! Small penis!

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Did anyone else get the impression that Bashir tried to paint Calvin Ayre as an internet age Pablo Escobar?
Very Much so. Martin Bashir is one of those Newspaper reporters that make the rest look bad. Just like Geraldo, they're both sensationalistic reporters that try and blow every story out of proportion. Although he did get Micheal Jackson on trial
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Its all about controversy. Its a news magazine show. Its all sensationalistic crap. ESPN is doing the same thing. All interviews for Dateline...48 Hours...60 Minutes...etc., etc. go like this:Interviewer: So you are gay then?Interviewee: What? Who said anything about me gay?Int: You just did.Intee: I am not gay.Int: Why are you so defensive?Intee: You just accused me of being gay!Int: Accused you? Is there something wrong with being homosexual then?Intee: No, that's not what I meant....I meant that...Int: Why are you so homophobic, sir?Intee: I'm not...you aren't letting me...Int: Please answer the question.Intee: I'm trying to tell you that....Int: Does your wife know you're gay?Intee: No...I mean...Int: So she DOESN'T know you are gay then?!Sigh....

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Calvin Ayre: Do you have a small penis?Martin Bashir: ...what? I'm sorry, that's not what this interview is about.Calvin Ayre: Then I'll assume you have a small penis.Martin Bashir: Let's stick to talking about-Calvin Ayre: Small penis! Small penis!
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I thought he did a wonderful job of saying how ridiculous the US was in keeping him out so he can't pay his taxes. He said it outright that his company pays taxes in any country that will let him. Since the us is so ****in bass ackwards they won't let him pay so he pays costa rica and even canada.Man I wish the us would wake up and try to get out of debt instead of trying to direct people in what to do with their personal lives.VOTE FOR GREEN!!

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