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Middle Pair + Overcard On Flop

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Hi there, it's me again (didn't go bankrupt yet B))I have no reads, just sat down at the table and felt like playing KJs from not so great position :club: (but still kinda okay, isn't it?)PokerStars 0.10/0.20 Hold'em (8 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)Preflop: Hero is MP1 with Kclub.gif, Jclub.gif. UTG+1 posts a blind of $0.10. UTG calls, UTG+1 (poster) checks, Hero calls, MP2 calls, CO calls, 1 fold, SB completes, BB checks.Flop: (7 SB) 9diamond.gif, Qheart.gif, Jdiamond.gif(7 players)SB checks, BB checks, UTG bets, UTG+1 calls, Hero raises, MP2 calls, CO calls, SB folds, BB folds, UTG calls, UTG+1 folds.Turn: (8 BB) Qspade.gif(4 players)UTG checks, Hero checks, MP2 bets, CO calls, UTG calls, Hero folds.I used to fold flops like this, but I've seen some people raising in similar situations (at least similar from my point of view) and not being criticized for it, so I thought I'd give it a shot too :PAny comments concerning the flop?

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Any comments concerning the flop?
I raise PF.But as is, I'm folding that flop. Call it weak, but what are you hoping for on the turn? I see us having 3 cards (non diamond 10s) that we feel good about. 2 jacks, that we are good with. Ok 5 outs and the pots decent, maybe worth a call. but a king is bad, and any diamond is bad, and not improving is bad. You have MP on a pretty coordinated board. don't go crazy.
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I raise PF as well.As played, I'm calling the turn bet, getting 8-1 with a gutshot.I think I'm also leading that turn, but who knows, would haev been different had I raised PF :club:- Zach

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why raise preflop ?
I assume this was just food for thought...We raise:For value. Because KJ suited plays great against many opponents, and you don't mind getting lots of bets in with cards that have good high card strength, are suited and kind of connected. We aren't too worried about being dominated here, because we expect to be 5 handed on the flop, so one pair probably won't win. Also, when we make a flush, we get more people tied to the pot, because it is so big, so we make more moneyAt least that's what SSH says. :D However i've playing like crap recently, so i'm trying to play many fewer hands and would probably be a dumbass and fold this, then smack myself when the flop comes out all clubs. :club:
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I assume this was just food for thought...
actually it wasstraight up.I'd raise if 1st in or 2nd in or 5th in.Just thinking this might be a time to call and let a multiway pot develop.I always raised this in practice..just throwin out this here.
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actually it wasstraight up.I'd raise if 1st in or 2nd in or 5th in.Just thinking this might be a time to call and let a multiway pot develop.I always raised this in practice..just throwin out this here.
You need to expect people to call cold.It's .5/1.Raising KJs preflop assumes a loose game. I'm raising this all day long in my live game. In .5/1, you will get a cold call or two to make this good, a lot of the time.- Zach
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It's .5/1.Raising KJs preflop assumes a loose game. I'm raising this all day long in my live game. In .5/1, you will get a cold call or two to make this good, a lot of the time.- Zach
PokerStars 0.10/0.20 Hold'em Even better/worse than 0.50/1.00 (depends on point of view).
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Why are we checking this turn? While it doesn't help us, the queen on the turn didn't hurt us either. isn't this a spot to fire again? I think showing more agression here either wins the pot or definately narrows the field, or tells us we're beat. I'm probably betting this turn again, folding to a raise from a passive player, maybe calling down a loose/agressive one if it's heads up, but I don't think this is a spot to check and not open the betting. There are a lot of possible draws on this board, and none of them came in. Sure we're behind any Q, but that was the case before..Of course I'm probably just awful. but yeah. Anyone? Anyone? Bueler?

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Why are we checking this turn? While it doesn't help us, the queen on the turn didn't hurt us either. isn't this a spot to fire again? I think showing more agression here either wins the pot or definately narrows the field, or tells us we're beat. I'm probably betting this turn again, folding to a raise from a passive player, maybe calling down a loose/agressive one if it's heads up, but I don't think this is a spot to check and not open the betting. There are a lot of possible draws on this board, and none of them came in. Sure we're behind any Q, but that was the case before..Of course I'm probably just awful. but yeah. Anyone? Anyone? Bueler?
If we were ahead on the turn, we still are, I'll fire one more. Sometimes. It's hard into 3 players...
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