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Three Hands: Aa, 9a And 88

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Hi again,this time I decided to (only :)) post these three hands:Hand 1:PokerStars 0.10/0.20 Hold'em (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)Preflop: Hero is UTG with Aclub.gif, Aspade.gif. Hero raises, 6 folds, SB calls, BB calls.Flop: (6 SB) Tspade.gif, 7diamond.gif, Kclub.gif(3 players)SB checks, BB bets, Hero calls, SB calls.Here hero thought that his hand is good enough and didn't really want to scare opponents (especially SB) with a bet. Later he regretted it when there was a straight draw on the board. Should he have raised?Turn: (4.50 BB) Jdiamond.gif(3 players)SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets, SB calls, BB calls.River: (7.50 BB) 9heart.gif(3 players)SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets, SB folds, BB calls.Final Pot: 9.50 BB(weird, if I continue posting in this (FTR) format, the images are no longer converted, is that a bug or a feature? :))Hand 2:PokerStars 0.10/0.20 Hold'em (7 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)Preflop: Hero is BB with 9 :) , A :club: . UTG calls, 2 folds, CO calls, Button calls, SB completes, Hero checks.Flop: (5 SB) 6 :) , 2 :D , 9 :)(5 players)SB checks, Hero bets, UTG calls, CO folds, Button folds, SB calls.Turn: (4 BB) Q :)(3 players)SB checks, Hero bets, UTG calls, SB folds.River: (6 BB) 7 :D(2 players)Hero checks, UTG checks.Hero's hand is not that great and he really feared a reraise, should have bet?Final Pot: 6 BBHand 3:PokerStars 0.10/0.20 Hold'em (10 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)Preflop: Hero is SB with 8 :) , 8 :D . UTG calls, 4 folds, MP3 raises, CO 3-bets, Button calls, Hero calls, 1 fold, UTG folds, MP3 calls $0.10 (All-In).Flop: (14 SB) 7 :) , J :) , 6 :)(4 players, 1 all-in)Hero checks, CO bets, Button calls, Hero calls.Now that I look at it I think calling is actually the worst option... should I fold here? Reraise?Turn: (8.50 BB) 5 :)(4 players, 1 all-in)Hero checks, CO bets, Button calls, Hero calls.River: (11.50 BB) 3 :)(4 players, 1 all-in)Hero checks, CO checks, Button checks.Final Pot: 11.50 BBAny other mistakes there?Thank you, :)tasuki

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make 3 separate posts, please.really, its better for us, not worse.we can discuss them and not get confused between them.so..I"ll wait...Delete the last 2 and make new psots with each one...

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make 3 separate posts, please.really, its better for us, not worse.we can discuss them and not get confused between them.so..I"ll wait...Delete the last 2 and make new psots with each one...
My thinking as well but i'll respond anyway.Hand one your hand is almost always best. Raise the flop and then bet it all the way. Raising the flop can fold out gutshots and pair hands that have 5 outs on you.Hand two bet the river. He has a weaker 9, or lower pair way more often then he has Qx or a 2 pair. Not to mention that if you check if he is betting his stronger hands and checking behind with his weaker ones.Hand 3 is blah. I dont play full ring enough anymore to know what to do.
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make 3 separate posts, please.really, its better for us, not worse.we can discuss them and not get confused between them.so..I"ll wait...Delete the last 2 and make new psots with each one...
Hi Actuary,I am sorry for messing up :D, I didn't want to pollute the forum with three separate threads, and now, since pokerplayer24 responded (thank you :D), it would probably only make more mess. :unsure:But next time I will post each hand in a separate thread (and will try not to post that many hands, but the problem is that there are way too many things I don't know :club:)
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:D I am sorry for messing up :), I didn't want to pollute the forum with three separate threads, and now, since pokerplayer24 responded (thank you :)), it would probably only make more mess. :unsure:But next time I will post each hand in a separate thread (and will try not to post that many hands, but the problem is that there are way too many things I don't know :))
no.still best to post separate.please trust me. :club::D:D
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Hand 1: Raise, raise, raise. Got to protect there.Hand 2: Bet/fold is probably better than check/call. You win more money against 9x and lose the same about to Qx or two pair.Hand 3: Fold preflop instead of calling 2.5 from the small blind. I hate playing 88 for that much OOP.

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Hi Actuary,I am sorry for messing up :D, I didn't want to pollute the forum with three separate threads, and now, since pokerplayer24 responded (thank you :D), it would probably only make more mess. :unsure:But next time I will post each hand in a separate thread (and will try not to post that many hands, but the problem is that there are way too many things I don't know :club:)
Ok, bad attitude.1) A strategy post is not one that pollutes the forum.2) Please post as many hands as you want. The more the merrier. I have nothing better to do than to respond to them :D3) Hand 1 - easy raise on the flop.4) Hand 2 - Easy river bet.5) Hand 3 - Raise or fold the flop, usually. It's tricky. After you called the flop though, you played it fine. What was your plan if someone bet the river?EDIT - Oh yeah, I fold PF as well with the 88 OOP for 2.5 bets, it's close though.
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Hand 1: I don't mind the flop call too much. That board isn't very draw-heavy. At the same time, it depends on how tight the SB is...if he's a loose chaser, I'll happily let him call two bets instead of one, and get the chance to 3-bet the flop. The rest is standard.Hand 2: Bet that river. You are missing out on value against worse nines and whatnot. The rest of the hand looks good, and you can consider check-raising the flop for protection if some auto-betting robot is sitting in late position.Hand 3: I'm not sure. The all-in makes things interesting. I want to bet/call the flop, in hopes that CO raises and folds out button. Unfortunately, button has the odds to call 2-cold with a five-outer, and enough implied odds to call 2-cold with a gutshot. You could bet/call the turn, instead, although that's a pretty expensive move with a mid-pair that may not be worth protecting.

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H1: raise for valueH2: river play is read dependent. B/F loose passive, c/c aggrssive players. Bet/Call idiots. Most of the time its a bet/fold. This board is not draw heavy, so you are less liley to get a missed draw bluffing at you on riverH3: fold preflop. With one all in and no guaranteee UTG comes along, impled odds not thereas played I call flop too.What does a raise do for you?And I think you have enough ways to improve to call...

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Thanks for your replies pokerplayer24, cdddc75, Zach, Briguy and Actuary.Zach: In the third hand I thought I should fold if anyone bets the river but I don't know whether I would really do it. ( I was up against 99 and TT by the way, noone had the Jack :))One more question - should I post in different threads or different posts in one thread next time? (you know, I'd really hate to mess it up again :)).PS: I hope you aren't :D annoyed :D by my overuse :) of smileys :club:, but I really love them. :D

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One more question - should I post in different threads or different posts in one thread next time? (you know, I'd really hate to mess it up again :club:).
yes.ONe hand per thread.all posts on that hand go into that thread.are u trynig to replace Doubletrain as the most likeable noob?
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I haven't read replys yet:hand one:raise flop good bet on the riverhand two:I like ithand three:fold on the flop maybe.definate fold on the turn

yes.ONe hand per thread.all posts on that hand go into that thread.are u trynig to replace Doubletrain as the most likeable noob?
I remember when you were the most likeable noob. :club:
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before reading responses:Hand 1: easy raise on the flop. I'd only just call if you were way ahead, which you're not (BB's bet usually means atleast a pair if not a decent draw, giving him atleast 5 outs), or maybe HU depending on how aggressive the villain is.Hand 2: easy river bet. Get value from 88 or 6x or 9x or what have you. If he raises it's read dependent on whether to call or fold, but without reads I'd call. Hand 3: dont raise the flop after button has already called 3 cold pf and another bet on the flop. You're behind him more often than not, at the least. I'd peel this flop, though, getting about 16-1 and lots of cards can come to help your hand (5, 8, 9, 10)*****read responsesHand 3 IMO Pf is swayed by the fact that MP3 is about to be all-in and therefore his standards of raising have gone way down (i.e. he's a bad player and trying to go all in because he sees a K or JT or something and thinks this tournament strategy applies to ring games). I'd call but folding probably isn't too bad, either.

hand three:definate fold on the turn
you do see our OESD right?
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Hand 3 IMO Pf is swayed by the fact that MP3 is about to be all-in and therefore his standards of raising have gone way down (i.e. he's a bad player and trying to go all in because he sees a K or JT or something and thinks this tournament strategy applies to ring games). I'd call but folding probably isn't too bad, either.you do see our OESD right?
:club: No, imma donk. I was wondering why people were even discussing the turn play. :D
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