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Kings In The Hole Team Thread

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I'm with the rest of the crew....... I can and would play happily on Sunday, beating the snot out of whatever poor sap was in the unfortunate position of having to watch me take their money, but Nutz has been playing well and I think he deserves another shot too....

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Nutz is gonna play this week. If he wins he will play next week also, if he loses, supertouch will play next week.
sounds good to me, go get em nutz
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Nothing like redemtion! I played a little different style this time, not so in your face, just wanted to see how he would react to what I was doing. A fairly cautious outing, he got me good one time, but nothing that caused any real damage. Checky played a real good game.Anyway, glad to be back in the winners circle!Hope you all are smiling this morning! :club:

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You guys all owe me a BEER! Kings rolling along man. Somehow managed to get by Lost Leader (I was sooooo tired today) so we are not lookng too bad at the moment.Have a great day gents!gg and much respect to GWCGWC. :club:

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You guys all owe me a BEER! Kings rolling along man. Somehow managed to get by Lost Leader (I was sooooo tired today) so we are not lookng too bad at the moment.Have a great day gents!gg and much respect to GWCGWC. :club:
if you are ever on long island beers are on me buddy. keep up the good work.
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Nutz.... im sorry to go public with this, but it has to be said... my confidence in you is shaken after your performance this weekend..... I feel you were playing ridiculously loose to win your match in zero hands....... :club: Dude, now they're just running scared.....

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Im sorry, you are referring to our team as Kings In the Hole? it was changed last week to team Nutz..........he is too good for you guys! Its Nutz's poker world and we are just railing it...

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:D omg..these unwarranted attacks!This is Nutz.Just Nutz.Yeah, ... I said Nutz.(hmmm...almost has a Lil John vibe going there...)Uh huh...uh huh...Uh huh Nutz....Yeah, Nutz....Goin headsup....Kickin your butts.... :club:
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