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Vote: Who Do You Think Will Become Daniel's Protege?

Protege Final Table Poll  

142 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Will Become Daniel Negreanu's Protege?

    • Seat #1 Winner: TheJest
    • Seat #2 Winner: Loismustdi10
    • Seat #3 Winner: Fidler
    • Seat #4 Winner: Jerry Carmicheal
    • Seat #5 Winner: Shahmat
    • Seat #6 Winner: Chiefclint0
    • Seat #7 Winner: weakdraw(0)
    • Seat #8 Winner: mrs_c_
    • Seat #9 Winner: bigcountry
    • Seat #10 Winner: elpapito_abc

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The final 10 players will face off in Toronto, Canada for a live Final Table event to crown Daniel's first-ever protege. Place your vote who you think will become Daniel's first-ever Protege and win the Grand Prize! For player bio information click here.WATCH THE FINAL TABLE LIVE!All poker fans are invited to visit FullContactPoker.com around 12:00 pm EST to watch Daniel Negreanu's Protégé Final Table webcast and to check out some FCP special promotions that are only being offered the day of this event. For example, around the conclusion of this final table event, at 9pm(EST), FullContactPoker.com will be running a $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em tournament with a regular payout structure PLUS a unique bonus prize. The 1st place winner will earn the opportunity to play an online Heads Up No Limit Hold'em match against Negreanu's newly crowned protégé for $5,000 winner take all (Date TBD).

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And...... we have hype. Have to do a few things today, such as work, and then I will give you guys a few of my thoughts on this.
Sorry man, we had to wait to announce the details of the live webcast until they were finalized.Cheers
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Sorry man, we had to wait to announce the details of the live webcast until they were finalized.Cheers[/quote It's all good. I just finally reserved my flights so it's not like I can get on anybody for procastination. I need to head to Kinkos right now to fax the paperwork where I sign my life away. There is actually a little spot that says LIFE with a line next to it. Sheesh. I have a feeling this is going to be alot bigger than I had initially thought.
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You may not want to make any sudden moves around Jerry...

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You may not want to make any sudden moves around Jerry...
ne. That crossed my mind as well. I will have to throw out shaking as a tell for this one. Actually, he worries me more than any of them- they make plays based off of hands they had 30 years ago, not neccesarily the smart play. In live events older people knock me out more than anyone else.
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Alright, I just searched the forum after reading each players profile to check on this and stumbled into this thread first....Im 90 percent sure hes not, just because that would be freaky and it wasnt mentioned in the profile. Weakdraw0 is named mathias andersen, thats not the kid from the WSoP who would scream everytime he won a hand, is it? Seat 5, 6 and possibly 7(if its him) are my favorites

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Alright, I just searched the forum after reading each players profile to check on this and stumbled into this thread first....Im 90 percent sure hes not, just because that would be freaky and it wasnt mentioned in the profile. Weakdraw0 is named mathias andersen, thats not the kid from the WSoP who would scream everytime he won a hand, is it? Seat 5, 6 and possibly 7(if its him) are my favorites
Pretty sure the guy you are talking about is Matias Anders(s?)on or something like that. Weird concidence though.
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Updated profile with picture, sorry for delay:http://fullcontactpoker.com/poker-protege/protege-seat7.php
Are those all their forum names? I'm having trouble finding these guys. I wanted to see how active the charter member guy is on the forum.
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Are those all their forum names? I'm having trouble finding these guys. I wanted to see how active the charter member guy is on the forum.
From what I can tell I am the only active one. There is a thread about that in the protoge forum entiltled " Where are these guys? " I think 2 of them actually showed up.
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Re-reading the prizes for the protege winner, I noticed

Do you have what it takes to be Daniel Negreanu's protégé? Can you handle intense, one-on-one poker instruction from Kid Poker himself? When Daniel buys you in to a $10,000 main event and stakes you in the side games, will you fold under the pressure or will you rise to the occasion and seize the opportunity? Would you like to hang with Daniel and friends at exclusive poker parties and tournaments and experience how it feels to live like a professional poker player? Someone's life is about to change. Will it be yours?
Any idea as to how big hes going to stake for the side games? and will he provide a full roll for the game or just a session? Details, details.Im looking at you lexluther.EDIT:nevermind, I just found this# Staking by FCP to test your abilities at different cash games and limits (at Daniel's sole discretion).
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Re-reading the prizes for the protege winner, I noticedAny idea as to how big hes going to stake for the side games? and will he provide a full roll for the game or just a session? Details, details.Im looking at you lexluther.EDIT:nevermind, I just found this# Staking by FCP to test your abilities at different cash games and limits (at Daniel's sole discretion).
I really believe that Danny wants to take a player with some talent and make him a pro. I think that is the overall goal, and I think with the correct guidance and the right player it's doable. I am well aware of how big this could be. I am totally in my corner.
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Obviously this contest was open to the entire planet. But I was also disappointed to see that the majority of Protoge FT winners are NOT regular FCP posters.Seems like a lot of very good grinder types just came out of the woodwork to seize the opportunity. I dunno...just sorta sucks, ya know?G L Lois. I've railed you (as you know) and from what I've seen you have a very good chance. I'm sure the others will be worthy opponents, but I would not be surprised if you took it down.

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Obviously this contest was open to the entire planet. But I was also disappointed to see that the majority of Protoge FT winners are NOT regular FCP posters.Seems like a lot of very good grinder types just came out of the woodwork to seize the opportunity. I dunno...just sorta sucks, ya know?G L Lois. I've railed you (as you know) and from what I've seen you have a very good chance. I'm sure the others will be worthy opponents, but I would not be surprised if you took it down.
Thankz, Nutz. I will do my very best. I will post a overview of my strat for this one at the very last minute before the tourney, and then everybody can flame me when I don't stick to it.
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500 and 1000 are the buy in's. For 1000NL, it would be 5/10NL.Either way, it seems like there's a good chance that he's a degenerate gambler.
Lol. He is the one who won the Red Hot poker tour event(the bar tour) and admittedly has played poker a total of 4 1/2 months. I think you can safely throw degenerate gambler out the window. In over his head? Most definitely.
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Yeah, i saw that he's only been playing for that long.Which is why i think that, if his "regular game" is 5/10NL online, he's probably losing a lot of money.That, or he's just brilliant and picked it up fast.

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Wtf? Is that 500/1000 in play chips?
His whole profile screams luckbox.
2. What limits and/or game do you normally play at FCP?500 and 1000 and no limit.3. If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would that person be and why?Undertaker from WWE because I have watched him since I was 5 years old.6. Which pro poker player gets on your last nerve the most?Anyone who belives that they are better then the others.
Maybe it's just me, but I've got to believe I'm better than the other players at the table in order for me to win (unless I want it to be a card-catching contest).MontyPS: This isn't a knock against the guy personally. He is doubtless a fine individual, especially given his mention of his family in his profile. But he certainly strikes me as the longshot of the group.
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