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I Am Bet Folding Too Many Flops

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My god, me too... So many tonight.How many times am I going to raise and have the BB be the only caller, and get check raised with my whiffed overs?Those hands are so frustrating and are a huge leak!

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I'm with you guys....weiohyw[0qehakldfnasfkdnds,v sdfI do it against a guy who's like 0.5 AF and think it's a good play until he shows A-high when he raised the flop after calling THREE COLD ****ING PREFLOP !!!!iasdfhiqehiadfasdfkasdf\asdifha'dfasdfa]sdfasd\f\asdf\\\.5/1 is the most aggravating level in life when you are running very mediocre.That is all.

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Long story.
Lol...I thought I saw you on a table the other night. I was going to ask but got distracted..5-1 and 1-2 are definately incredibly frustrating when running mediocre. at least at 2-4 you can make a move once in a while to make yourself feel good.
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Lol...I thought I saw you on a table the other night. I was going to ask but got distracted..5-1 and 1-2 are definately incredibly frustrating when running mediocre. at least at 2-4 you can make a move once in a while to make yourself feel good.
Speedz, I yelled your name in the chat the whole time! :icon_dance:But you never replied... :club:
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Speedz, I yelled your name in the chat the whole time! :icon_dance:But you never replied... :D
:club: Sorry dude. I always have my four tables all overlapped, so I can't see most chat boxes. Add that to the game I was trying to watch on tv, and that equals zero chance of noticing chat...ask Actuary...we've been on the same table for like an hour before I noticed. Next time I'll make sure to pause my other crap to say what's up. Hopefully I didn't make too many horrific plays while we were on the table together...
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:club: Sorry dude. I always have my four tables all overlapped, so I can't see most chat boxes. Add that to the game I was trying to watch on tv, and that equals zero chance of noticing chat...ask Actuary...we've been on the same table for like an hour before I noticed. Next time I'll make sure to pause my other crap to say what's up. Hopefully I didn't make too many horrific plays while we were on the table together...
Fair enough. I was probably 4-tablin too, so I understand :D
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hmmm, i almost never bet/fold a flop. i assume you guys are raising preflop, why means you can usually reasonably call the raise and fold the turn.especially if its a check/raise, since you are in position.maybe im doing something wrong, but i rarely bet/fold on the flop, and i love to bet/fold against unknowns (so don't try this shitting at strat tables!).

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hmmm, i almost never bet/fold a flop. i assume you guys are raising preflop, why means you can usually reasonably call the raise and fold the turn.especially if its a check/raise, since you are in position.maybe im doing something wrong, but i rarely bet/fold on the flop, and i love to bet/fold against unknowns (so don't try this shitting at strat tables!).
i thought the same thing. im going to assume they are talking about raising pre-flop w/ 99 for example and the flop coming AKJ.with whiffed overs im still looking at the turn.
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i thought the same thing. im going to assume they are talking about raising pre-flop w/ 99 for example and the flop coming AKJ.with whiffed overs im still looking at the turn.
Yeah, that's how I play them for the most part. I can't believe the turn raises I'm seeing these days though. Every time I miss. It's incredibly annoying. If only I could take down a pot UI just once!
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i thought the same thing. im going to assume they are talking about raising pre-flop w/ 99 for example and the flop coming AKJ.with whiffed overs im still looking at the turn.
ok yeah that's the only standard time i'll do that, just figured it was too specific to be happening particularly often. though if it was, it would probably be frustrating enough to start a thread about it...
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mine worse.like in playing tight/scared worse.J :D T :) flop comes5 :club: 6 :D J :D I'm UTG and bet, MP calls, 1 fold, CO Raises, SB call, BB fold, I fold.or I'll check, looking to c/r a lp bettor, and it comes back to me two cold, and I foldparaphrasing.maybe it's a short term thing.but getting out drawn with vulnerable hands in mutiway pots when I cant protect my hand leads me to fold, maybe too much.

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