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pokerstars 500k

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Just sick how cold my cards are. Had to fold 10 :club: 10 :D on a flop of 742 all :D 's because the bigger stack at my table is playing any two cards and set me in. Not looking pretty 1400 chips with the 600 blind approaching second hand after the break.
What am I missing? U think he already had the flush? If he was just "playing any 2 cards" and pushing his stack, I gotta believe your 10's were good. Especially if u are down to 1400...u have more details?
Starting the hand I had 7500 chips.middle position raised to 600 i call, bb (large stack) calls. 742 :diamond:'sbb first to act moves in. middle position folds. i have 6900 if i fold. I though my diamond might be good if he flopped 2 pair or a set. But i didnt't wanna gamble. Also I thought maybe he flopped a rag flush with 2 junk diamonds. At that point in the tournament I still had some chips I didn't wanna stick all them in there. This hand started the run of frozen cards. Maybe put me on tilt a little. I lost the other 5500 when I opened a pot on the button with AKoff and the BB who had 3200 and change I think moved in with A9 and hit his 9.
TY...That makes more sense. I think you "may" have had the best of it there since I'd make him for the A :D and he's overpushing his draw. However, I can't fault you for picking a better spot...and it gets no better than AK vs A9... poker gods just didnt agree!!!!
yeah that makes a lot more sense. It just depends on what you've seen from that player. What does he push all in with? Does he play suited connectors? Does he slow play a big hand or does he bet the same as his hand? I can't fault you for folding although you might've wanted to gamble there. It all depends but thanks for explaining.
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Typical 500k result for me:I cruise my way up to 17k at the end of the second hour with an absolutely ridiculous set of stats (3/4 at showdown with the one I lost being a pot that had one small bet in it after the flop was dealt, 20 hands without a showdown and 13% of flops seen).I lose with A10 to a shortie stop-n-go with A7 on a J65 board.I make a move on the table maniac with QJo, SB overcalls all his chips with A10h and I miss my 15 outer on the river.After this hand I have 5500, and Stars proceeds to slap me in the face with the deck:K3o 53s 93h 52c T6s J2c 72o 64o 72o and 53o, I end up with 52o with 1/3 of my stack in the BB, folds to the button who raises and I am getting 2.5:1 on my money so I call and naturally he has 10-10.

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Typical 500k result for me:I cruise my way up to 17k at the end of the second hour with an absolutely ridiculous set of stats (3/4 at showdown with the one I lost being a pot that had one small bet in it after the flop was dealt, 20 hands without a showdown and 13% of flops seen).I lose with A10 to a shortie stop-n-go with A7 on a J65 board.I make a move on the table maniac with QJo, SB overcalls all his chips with A10h and I miss my 15 outer on the river.After this hand I have 5500, and Stars proceeds to slap me in the face with the deck:K3o 53s 93h 52c T6s J2c 72o 64o 72o and 53o, I end up with 52o with 1/3 of my stack in the BB, folds to the button who raises and I am getting 2.5:1 on my money so I call and naturally he has 10-10.
Nothin you can do really.
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Typical 500k result for me:I cruise my way up to 17k at the end of the second hour with an absolutely ridiculous set of stats (3/4 at showdown with the one I lost being a pot that had one small bet in it after the flop was dealt, 20 hands without a showdown and 13% of flops seen).I lose with A10 to a shortie stop-n-go with A7 on a J65 board.I make a move on the table maniac with QJo, SB overcalls all his chips with A10h and I miss my 15 outer on the river.After this hand I have 5500, and Stars proceeds to slap me in the face with the deck:K3o 53s 93h 52c T6s J2c 72o 64o 72o and 53o, I end up with 52o with 1/3 of my stack in the BB, folds to the button who raises and I am getting 2.5:1 on my money so I call and naturally he has 10-10.
Hey Bizzle...maybe it's PStars conspiring against all the FCPer's!!!!
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Hey Bizzle...maybe it's PStars conspiring against all the FCPer's!!!!
It's not so much PStars, it is the nature of this tournament. There is always a ridiculously high amount of dead money in this tournament (I feel like I have failed if I don't have 5k at the first break, like I have missed out on a big opportunity. Once you get past the third hour, then you can start playing (something I have only done once, but even still) because a lot of the weaker players have been weeded out. But the second and third hours are basically crap shoots-as you can see, I had a significant amount of money in the middle 3 times the first 2 hours, and I *think* I remember them all. In the first hour I had AK donate all of their chips to me when I had KK on a board where they missed. Early in the second hour I had 10-10 on a 10d 4d 3c 3s board, and got Ad5d to donate all of their chips to me. Finally, I had AA all in versus QQ for about half my stack. 3 showdowns, all of which I was 80:20 or better when the money went in....and I still feel like I ran really really good this tourney. The nature of the beast is such that you can't lose multiple showdowns with any decent amount of chips in the middle. I lost 2 in the third hour, so I am doomed to not money.
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BizzleI have found the 1st hour a mixed bag. Some weeks I can't believe how good my table is. Like last week I had Karl Marx (Top 100 TLB) and 3 or 4 guys who's pokerdb profile showed over 25K! This week I liked my 1st table and was feeling better about my play than any 1st week I can remember. After cashing last week for the 1st time in this event, my confidence level was much higher. By that I mean, I have won mtt's and cashed many times but never in the "big" one. So this week feels like a bigger pucnh in the gut than usual.I also usually get my money in waay ahead. Don't know if u saw my earlier post, but my last 3 KO's were...KK (me) vs Q-10. (Today)K10 (me) vs 88...I was only a slight dog preflop, but once the King hit the flop I was a MAJOR Fave...turn an 8.AA vs JJ AND AK all in preflop...Lost BOTH main and side pots!I have never been a "conspiracy theorist", but I do take an inordinate amount of beats where I am way ahead.I guess I just have to get better at winning pots where I don't have to show them I am ahead!!!!BTW...how did u do the other night? I know I lost!!!!! Prolly on a suckout!!!

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Anyone else left?besides me$46Ktable 4
I am railing...what did u just have on that all-in?
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I'm railin you jeramy, GL and win it! and give it all to charity...or me...or keep it...I'm pretty sure that 3rd choice will be your best one!GL man, and everyone else still in it.

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I'm railin you jeramy, GL and win it! and give it all to charity...or me...or keep it...I'm pretty sure that 3rd choice will be your best one!GL man, and everyone else still in it.
The best choice: Give it to doublemeup
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Is theprofess Ted Forrest, he is still in it
I believe you are correct...Ted Forrest is theprofess.Keep it up Jeramy...I will rail as long as I can!!!!
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Good Job Crazzeee!!!!That 6-8 raise takes ballzz...i like the cut of your gib!!!!!Lata

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