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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

Happy Fourth of July to those that celebrate. I have a couple of Angus steaks marinating in K.C.Masterpiece Steakhouse blend as I type. That will go with a shrimp cocktail, twice baked potato and corn

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If I take a Vicodin tonight around bedtime.. will it help me sleep or defeat the purpose?
I sleep well on it.
Obviously everyone is different but I find that the first 3-4 hours or so after taking one I am wide awake and chatty kathy. After that, though, if I lay down and be still I can sleep like a log.
Ooooohhhhh!!! Well that totally explains Saturday night!!! I mean, I know I'm usually Chatty Kristen, but that was even chatty for me that late at night. Then I laid down and drifted right off. That's good to know!
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whoever is going to be in Pittsburgh Thursday night, what time are you planning on getting in? What time are you leaving Sunday?
Mid afternoon (like 2ish) Thursday and I'm thinking about 7pm or so Sunday night but it may end up being Monday morning. Depends on difference in price.
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I don't think we could be so lucky as to have Marcel leave. He's just too good for TV, everyone loves to hate him. The previews show some big fiasco so that should be interesting. I think the only given is they will keep the split tail as she is the last one.
Hahaha! Look what I started.
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Eric...what interests me is the perfect symmetry from side to side, but completely different marking from top to bottom.
That is interesting, Jeff, I had to look again, but, you're certainly right. It's almost as if he has an equator across his wings. The Northern hemisphere is kinda Tiger-esque with some horizontal markings, whereas the bottom half is just kinda eclectic and abstract. Isn't it neat how almost every species of butterfly has that false eye on it's wings? What a defense mechanism..here's another example.photo_3.jpg
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I sleep well on it.Ooooohhhhh!!! Well that totally explains Saturday night!!! I mean, I know I'm usually Chatty Kristen, but that was even chatty for me that late at night. Then I laid down and drifted right off. That's good to know!
Haha yeah. I wondered if that's what it was cause I was having trouble keeping my eyes open and you looked like you could stay up for hours.
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The OP deleted the original post. What did it say?
It blamed Logan for this guys Neteller hack and had a link to his Myspace page with Logan's picture.dude was pissed
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It blamed Logan for this guys Neteller hack and had a link to his Myspace page with Logan's picture.dude was pissed
And said his last name. I hope Ivan is ok. I talked to him on the weekend and he was pretty upset about some stuff. I don't think he's posted since.
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Unrelated side note - I just got the official call. I got my job.
congrats babygirl!so got to have dinner with kristen and the kids tonight @ PF Changs, same place we all went to the bar during our last Indy trip, good memories. Monoglian Beef is the shizzle.Went back to Kristens house and me and Dave went and met Scott at his robotics class. Wow talk about Nerd Central, you should have seen how big this one nerd book was. It had to be 5000 pages of all nerd parts.The 3 of us headed to a card club and played $1/$2 NL for about 2 hours. Scott netted $160, I netted $110, Dave netted $60 so pretty good I guess.Back at the hotel ALLLLLLLLLLLL BYYYYYYYYY MYYYSSEEELLLLFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
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