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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

Happy Fourth of July to those that celebrate. I have a couple of Angus steaks marinating in K.C.Masterpiece Steakhouse blend as I type. That will go with a shrimp cocktail, twice baked potato and corn

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One of the radio stations in Sudbury has changed their name and format. They use to play poppy crap like Usher, Destiny's Child, Pink, etc.....Now they play all that and more. A random sampling yesterday gave these three songs in succession...David Bowie - ChangesCyndi Lauper - She BopThe Clash - London CallingTheir motto is "we play anything." I will be testing out the accuracy of this motto in the future with a few requests. I'm thinking Why'd Ya Do It? by Marianne Faithfull may be my first.When I stole a twig from our little nestAnd gave it to a bird with nothing in her beak,I had my balls and my brains put into a viceAnd twisted around for a whole fucking week.Why'd ya do it, she said, why'd you let that trashGet a hold of your cock, get stoned on my hash ?Why'd ya do it she said, why'd you let her suck your cock ?Oh, do me a favour, don't put me in the dock.Why'd ya do it, she said, they're mine all your tools,You just tied me to the mast of the ship of fools.Why'd ya do it, she said, when you know it makes me sore,'Cause she had cobwebs up her fanny and I believe in giving to thepoor.Why'd ya do it, she said, why'd you spit on my snatch ?Are we out of love now, is this just a bad patch ?Why'd ya do it, she said, why'd you do what you did ?You drove my ego to a really bad skid.Why'd you do it, she said, ain't nothing to laugh,You just tore all our kisses right in half!Why'd ya do it, she said, why'd ya do what you did,Betray my little oyster for such a low bid.Why'd ya do it, she said, why'd you do what you did ?You drove my ego to a really bad skid.Why'd ya do it, she screamed, after all we've saidEvery time I see your dick I see her cunt in my bed.The whole room was swirling,Her lips were still curling.Why'd ya do it, she said, why'd you do what you didWhy'd ya do it, she said, why'd you do what you didWhy'd ya do it, she said, why'd ya do it, she said,Why'd you do what you did ?Oh, big grey mother, I love you foreverWith your barbed wire pussy and your good and bad weather.Why'd ya do it, she said, why'd you do what you did ...Ah, I feel better now Oh yeah, and the station is "one oh three dot nine....BIG DADDY!"*EDIT* Seriously, there is nobody more beautiful than...charlize.jpg

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T Minus 1 hour and 51 minutes and counting until officially on an 11 day break. woot woot
Will you be checking in with us while on this little break, Joey? I want to know cause if not, I don't want to get all worried about you like I did Burgundy.
Oh crap...I am playing catch up (from a long time ago) and I totaly missed this before break. I hope you weren't too worried renae :club:
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Nooo.. We must post the SEXY Sean Astin!!04.jpg
Holy shit that does look like me. I mean, I dont have the sixer yet, but the face is damn close.
I can not lie.. You are a hottie :club:
All this post does is reinforce the unattainable stereotypes our society demands.Nah, it's just Rudy. Carry on.
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I need sex in a bad wayI was just having my regular mid morning Oatmeal Creme Pie and for whatever reason I licked up the creme between the two Oatmeal patties with my tongue and had sensual thoughts. Anyone know any good mental institutions?

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I need sex in a bad wayI was just having my regular mid morning Oatmeal Creme Pie and for whatever reason I licked up the creme between the two Oatmeal patties with my tongue and had sensual thoughts. Anyone know any good mental institutions?
30 minute no posting penalty on Alan.
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I need sex in a bad wayI was just having my regular mid morning Oatmeal Creme Pie and for whatever reason I licked up the creme between the two Oatmeal patties with my tongue and had sensual thoughts. Anyone know any good mental institutions?
Yes. There is a fine instituion here in Boise located under my desk.
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I need sex in a bad wayI was just having my regular mid morning Oatmeal Creme Pie and for whatever reason I licked up the creme between the two Oatmeal patties with my tongue and had sensual thoughts. Anyone know any good mental institutions?
Yeah, but you had sex like within the past week at least right...try adding a few months to that. Everytime a girl passes my face looks like this :shock:
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We have a radio station in the area I swear plays from an mp3 player set to random. I have only heard a live person doing traffice and weather reports once during each rush hour. Everything else is taped by some guy.They claim they play anything they feel like.

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I need sex in a bad wayI was just having my regular mid morning Oatmeal Creme Pie and for whatever reason I licked up the creme between the two Oatmeal patties with my tongue and had sensual thoughts. Anyone know any good mental institutions?
Yes. There is a fine instituion here in Boise located under my desk.
Does this said institution have help for those that like to lick the creme out of things?
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I need sex in a bad wayI was just having my regular mid morning Oatmeal Creme Pie and for whatever reason I licked up the creme between the two Oatmeal patties with my tongue and had sensual thoughts. Anyone know any good mental institutions?
Yeah, but you had sex like within the past week at least right...try adding a few months to that. Everytime a girl passes my face looks like this :shock:
HA HA HA...a few months...you think that's been long. HA HA HA :club:
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Apparently my quote of Renae is lost in the recesses of cyberspace. Renae, I was responding to your "There is, but she lives in Oklahoma" comment. I believe I said this...Does she like Shiner Bock, Kevin Smith movies, and dry senses of humor?
Ah, there it is. She does. I believe she might even know who the Scissor Sisters are. She might just be the perfect girl for you. :wink:
Scissor Sisters, how could I have possibly missed that opportunity?!?Good one.Dumbass - 1Doodlebug - 0
I'm winning! I'm winning! I'm winning!*side note to Lance - Doodlebug has a name for me. He calls me Dumbass. He also calls Idaho Stupidhead.
another side note to lance, renae wont give me a fucking pet name because something about star alignment and raindrops or some psychotic babbling bullshit
My boss gave me a weird look after I gut laughed at this :club:
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I need sex in a bad wayI was just having my regular mid morning Oatmeal Creme Pie and for whatever reason I licked up the creme between the two Oatmeal patties with my tongue and had sensual thoughts. Anyone know any good mental institutions?
Yeah, but you had sex like within the past week at least right...try adding a few months to that. Everytime a girl passes my face looks like this :shock:
HA HA HA...a few months...you think that's been long
roflmao john, your on fire this week man!
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censored you single guys...Some of us separated guys haven't had sex with anyone different in eight years.
Try 25!
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I need sex in a bad wayI was just having my regular mid morning Oatmeal Creme Pie and for whatever reason I licked up the creme between the two Oatmeal patties with my tongue and had sensual thoughts. Anyone know any good mental institutions?
Yes. There is a fine instituion here in Boise located under my desk.
Does this said institution have help for those that like to lick the creme out of things?
It's a required course of treatment.
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I need sex in a bad wayI was just having my regular mid morning Oatmeal Creme Pie and for whatever reason I licked up the creme between the two Oatmeal patties with my tongue and had sensual thoughts. Anyone know any good mental institutions?
Yeah, but you had sex like within the past week at least right...try adding a few months to that. Everytime a girl passes my face looks like this :shock:
HA HA HA...a few months...you think that's been long. HA HA HA :club:
By a few I mean like 9...thats long enough to have a baby fo goodness sake
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We have a radio station in the area I swear plays from an mp3 player set to random. I have only heard a live person doing traffice and weather reports once during each rush hour. Everything else is taped by some guy.They claim they play anything they feel like.
We have one of those here now...called BOB FM. I'll catch myself listening to TERRIBLE songs, cause they'll play something good, then something out-of-hand right after and I'll be in a daze and not realize it came on.
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censored you single guys...Some of us separated guys haven't had sex with anyone different in eight years.
Try 25!
25 years is amazing. I've been with my wife 9 years, this month is our 7 year marraige anniversary. I think I have a bad case of the 7 year itches.
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We have a radio station in the area I swear plays from an mp3 player set to random. I have only heard a live person doing traffice and weather reports once during each rush hour. Everything else is taped by some guy.They claim they play anything they feel like.
We have one of those here now...called BOB FM. I'll catch myself listening to TERRIBLE songs, cause they'll play something good, then something out-of-hand right after and I'll be in a daze and not realize it came on.
We have one too called Jack FM, its my favorite radio station by far. Can play absolutely anything and theres never a DJ, just pre recorded announcements or whatever. Lots of great 80s stuff with a good mix of 70s, 90s, and today!
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Lunch:Buffalo Chicken Fingers and a soda.good stuff.
I will be having salad and water again.. However.. All the salads and NO Snacking AT ALL this week, plus the tons of water and NO Coffee and NO BEER at all have made me drop 3 Lbs so far this week :club:
well done sharon.
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I need sex in a bad wayI was just having my regular mid morning Oatmeal Creme Pie and for whatever reason I licked up the creme between the two Oatmeal patties with my tongue and had sensual thoughts. Anyone know any good mental institutions?
Yeah, but you had sex like within the past week at least right...try adding a few months to that. Everytime a girl passes my face looks like this :shock:
HA HA HA...a few months...you think that's been long. HA HA HA :club:
By a few I mean like 9...thats long enough to have a baby fo goodness sake
I still have you beat....easily...it's not even a contest. I win this one everyday.
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