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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

Happy Fourth of July to those that celebrate. I have a couple of Angus steaks marinating in K.C.Masterpiece Steakhouse blend as I type. That will go with a shrimp cocktail, twice baked potato and corn

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Does chef school offer financial aid like a regular college? Didn't you play cards in the Poconos with Stan?
No, it's a government program for second careers.No.
Am I too old to wear ripped jeans?
Hot MILFs can yes.
Cougars, too.
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soooooooo....how 'bout a roll call?NIKKIRENSHARONSHAVERSPICEYALLIETHERESADENNYDANIELLEALANBRETTJEFFREYVOLDYTOMMYCHRISJEFFJOSHHENRYDUSTINOZZYGARYJOHNBENTIMSCOTTJ-DAWGPOUGENORMDOUGLOGANERIKSAMDAVEJIMSTANwho's still here?who isn't?why aren't they here?who pushed them away?who else am i missing?what's going on?what's the strangest thing in your pooper?

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soooooooo....how 'bout a roll call?NIKKIRENSHARON - much less latelySHAVER - much less latelySPICEY - still no more than sporadicALLIE - goneTHERESA - HahaDENNY - noDANIELLE - noALAN - yes, but not as muchBRETT - Renae may have scared him off. Hasn't posted in like a monthJEFFREY - He's on a muthafuckin' boat! The occasional pop inVOLDYTOMMY - noCHRIS - noJEFF - yes, but not as muchJOSH - yes, but not as muchHENRY DUSTINOZZY - noGARY - noJOHNNYCAKES - noBEN - noTIM - hardly everSCOTT - hardly everJ-DAWG - noPOUGE - noNORM - AWOL the last two months or soDOUG - noLOGAN - hardly everERIK- noSAM DAVE - noJIM - noSTAN - no more than sporadic
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I'm doing well. Substituting a little during the summer, playing some poker, enjoying my time off til I go back to work full time in Sept.I pop in pretty much daily to check on you guys.

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No, it's a government program for second careers.No.Cougars, too.
I know you're not referring to me as a cougar.
Where's Renae?Where did Norm go?
I miss Normy. Ren says she's leaving so Brett will come back. I don't like it. I don't want to have to choose, but I need my Ren in here. I think Brett should come back anyway.
I'm doing well. Substituting a little during the summer, playing some poker, enjoying my time off til I go back to work full time in Sept.I pop in pretty much daily to check on you guys.
Are you teaching full time in the fall?
Hi baby.
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oh shit! i forgot 'bout you cliffie....sorry 'bout that...
Ironically, Cliffie is the most consistent of everyone in here. I love that about him. It pleases me much.
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she said, "Ironically, Cliffie is the most consistent of everyone in here. I love that about him. It pleases me much. "
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Life is good.Been busy working, doing stuff for the house and planning a wedding.
You're marrying the chick you brought to Vegas last summer right?I'm pretty sure I never saw her.
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I miss Normy. Ren says she's leaving so Brett will come back. I don't like it. I don't want to have to choose, but I need my Ren in here. I think Brett should come back anyway.
Glad this is wrong.15 User(s) are reading this topic (13 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)2 Members: bleacherbum3, renaedawn
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