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successful when sober

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So I logged onto FCP this morning to see where my bankroll was after depositing and playing drunk on Thurday night.I took a little hit, but no biggie. I decided to try a little 5 dollar 20 person sng just to get the feel of the blind structure and level of play.The level of play was atrocious, as I expected at that level, but who's complaining.Bottom line, your boy won.The lesson as always, playing sober is much more profitible than drinking a gallon of vodka and playing.And I've stopped multitabling tourneys. When I actually pay attention to my table, I can always find one person to take advantage of. Amazing what paying attention can do for ya.That is all for not.For the haters, this is hardly a brag post about winning a 20 person $5 tourney.This is more of a State of the Mexico.

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Guest Zach6668
For the haters, this is definitely a brag post about winning a 20 person $5 tourney.
Nice work!!! Why didn't you start a thread when you got to the final table?! I would have railed ya!! :wink: 8) Zach
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yes, it is more profiable. however, coming from a family who had to wrap pennies for food when i was younger, i find that drinking and pissing away part of my bankroll is my, as freud would say, mental masterbation. if i can just get over that hump, i'll be a brazillianaire in no time. in the mean time, 2/5 NL. time to take my prozac. good job btw RM. you are my hero.

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The lesson as always, playing sober is much more profitible than drinking a gallon of vodka and playing.
I wish I could do anything other then laying on the floor unconscious after drinking 1/2 that much.
They really should start selling vodka by the gallon.
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Ron, if you can truly drink a gallon of vodka in an evening, you are my idol.
Sadly, it has been more than once when I've killed nearly all of a 1.75 liter of vodka.Update:While at a party, my friends wanted to see me play and teach them a little (sadly, I'm the best they know) I accidentally signed up for a limit sng, then tried to sign up for a NL and signed up for another Limit, (alcohol) and won them both.FCP is full of donkeysEmbrace the madness and make money.I won two limit tourneys simultaneously and three tourneys in a row.I am a poker god. Deal with it.
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Ron, if you can truly drink a gallon of vodka in an evening, you are my idol.
Sadly, it has been more than once when I've killed nearly all of a 1.75 liter of vodka.Update:While at a party, my friends wanted to see me play and teach them a little (sadly, I'm the best they know) I accidentally signed up for a limit sng, then tried to sign up for a NL and signed up for another Limit, (alcohol) and won them both.FCP is full of donkeysEmbrace the madness and make money.I won two limit tourneys simultaneously and three tourneys in a row.I am a poker god. Deal with it.
that is so hot
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Nice work Ron... always glad to see booze play a positive role in the future of poker... I started playing side props when Rafe and I play. We both sit down at the $1-$2 NL game and signal a waitress... at the end of the session, we try to figure out which one of us left first... the winner gets to throw up in the bathtub

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