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3-6 small blind suited connector

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all villains are loose and passive except cut off who is loose-aggressive and tricky postflop. Party Poker 3/6 Hold'em (6 max, 6 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxPreflop: Hero is SB with [4s], [5s]. UTG calls, 1 fold, Button calls, Hero calls, BB calls, UTG calls.Flop: (10 SB) [Tc], [Ah], [3s] (5 players)Hero checks, BB checks, UTG bets, CO calls, Button calls, hero?looking for comments on preflop action and flop decision.

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PF is ok. BB will likley come along for the ride, as will UTG. You're relative position is ok too, since you can lead out and trap people if you flop a strong draw.I don't see how the flop could be anything but a call. A fold is obviously out of the question, and raising serves no purpose (you aren't cleaning up outs, you aren't buying a free card, not enough outs for value).

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PF is ok. BB will likley come along for the ride, as will UTG. You're relative position is ok too, since you can lead out and trap people if you flop a strong draw.I don't see how the flop could be anything but a call. A fold is obviously out of the question, and raising serves no purpose (you aren't cleaning up outs, you aren't buying a free card, not enough outs for value).
this was my line of thinking. UTG will almost never fold for 1 bet, and BB is pretty bad as well. the flop was the real question though, since i only found 4 outs (i really am reluctant to count the backdoor spades as a full out).
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this was my line of thinking. the flop was the real question though, since i only found 4 outs (i really am reluctant to count the backdoor spades as a full out).
how many outs do you think you need :-) also, you are unlikely to get counterfeited/out-redrawn
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actuary, i called :club: i just wanted to see if i was way out of line. Party Poker 3/6 Hold'em (6 max, 6 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxPreflop: Hero is SB with [4s], [5s]. UTG calls, 1 fold, Button calls, Hero calls, BB calls, UTG calls.Flop: (10 SB) [Tc], [Ah], [3s] (5 players)Hero checks, BB checks, UTG bets, CO calls, Button calls, Hero calls, BB calls.Turn: (7.50 BB) [2s] (5 players)Hero checks, BB checks, UTG bets, UTG folds, CO calls, Button calls.River: (21.50 BB) [9c] (3 players)Hero bets, CO calls, Button calls.Final Pot: 24.50 BBsilly slowplaying CO.

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actuary, i called :club: i just wanted to see if i was way out of line.
Calling was the only option.Folding is obviously wrong due to pot oddsRaising is daft. You're not doing it for value; you're not getting a free card OOP; and with an Ace high board, a bet and 2 calls your fold equity across the field is probably just less than 0%nh - I love hitting gutshots, nothing better to put someone on tilt"How the hell could you call with that you f'n fish!!!11!1!"
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