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HOLY CRAP!!!!HAS ANYONEPLAYED THIS GAME ON UB??????I think IT'S NEW BUTT I AIN'T SUREIt's really FUN. The rules are simple. PLAYED JUST like hold'em except the deck is stripped of all the cards except for the tens, jacks, queens, kings, and aces. monster hands ALL DAY every dAYsweet chickens

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the game sucks..plain and simpleit's for people who complain that they can't get a good handif you haven't had a ROyal flush yet, sit at those tables for 1hr and you'll hit like 5 of themteneight

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I have played this gimmick...er....I mean game.  I prefer Kings and Little Ones.Gotta have a king to have a little one though!
Kings and little ones used to be a staple of my poker game when I was 14. Great game.
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the game sucks..plain and simpleit's for people who complain that they can't get a good handif you haven't had a ROyal flush yet, sit at those tables for 1hr and you'll hit like 5 of themteneight
I guess you don't like money.
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the game sucks..plain and simpleit's for people who complain that they can't get a good handif you haven't had a ROyal flush yet, sit at those tables for 1hr and you'll hit like 5 of themteneight
I guess you don't like money.
ehhh I prefer real poker..sorry
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yeah.. the board will always be paired, unless it is a board straight. I think you'd only play AA, KK and AK in that crazy game.
I would think suited connectors would be good too. :wink:
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I'm trying this right now... biggest crapshoot
Once you have top set, it's very hard to lose.Also, here is some help on how to play (from 2+2 forums):"Any seat: AA, KK, AK, QQNot UTG, add: AQ, AJ, KQButton or Cutoff, add: KJ, AT, JJYour goal is a full house. Nothing less will do in this game. Here's an interesting scenario:Player one has AKPlayer two has QQPlayer three has JTAt the turn, the board is AKQJ. Who is the favorite to win?Well, JT is clearly ahead with its straight, and QQ is in second with trip. AK has a mere two pair. But the amazing thing is that the odds of each hand winning is the reverse of that.There are 10 unseen cards -- three tens, two jacks, one queen, and two each of A and K. The three tens split the pot three ways, so in effect, it is an out for each person. The two jacks and the case queen give QQ the win. The two aces and two Ks get AK the win.So:AK wins 50% of the time.QQ wins 40% of the time.JT wins 10% of the time. "
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