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ok i cant take it anymore

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my solution for such runs:deep breaths, deep bowls, and deep glasses of scotch. then spend a night totally wasted singletabling microlimits and raising every street all the way through. see how fast you can blow ten bucks. then take no fewer than three days off cards and come back.do this if there's even a possibility that you're tilting. i have held to this ever since i had my month-long bad run at 10/20, which quartered my roll and made me return to 3/6.and of course, best of luck.EDIT: and bascome, quit being a child.
I am so stealing this advice. I love it. Next time i get rivered on a huge pot, and then go south, off to the 25 cent tables. Now where the hell did I put the Johnny Walker....
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Umm 3 weeks?Its not the cards then.I dont see why you play Low limit poker and expect people NOT to chase.Limit is the toughest game, and you my friend, have to revamp your gameplan.

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All I can say is one thing.HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHHAAHHAGo to bad beat forum you whiner.
It's this kind of comment that really bothers me. I see immature respsonses like this in online poker and lately on this forum. It amazes me. People hide behind computer screens and say outlandish crap. Do yourself a favor, and read the thread that I started about showing respect. You might learn something.
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All I can say is one thing.HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHHAAHHAGo to bad beat forum you whiner.
It's this kind of comment that really bothers me. I see immature respsonses like this in online poker and lately on this forum. It amazes me. People hide behind computer screens and say outlandish crap. Do yourself a favor, and read the thread that I started about showing respect. You might learn something.
You would hope so. But I think it's a long shot.
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Do yourself a favor, and read the thread that I started about showing respect. You might learn something.It's this kind of comment that really bothers me. I see immature respsonses like this in online poker and lately on this forum. It amazes me.

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Thats rough man, I just suffered my worst last week, went down well over 100bb, it sucks, you'll pull through it.Good luck

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Do yourself a favor, and read the thread that I started about showing respect. You might learn something.It's this kind of comment that really bothers me. I see immature respsonses like this in online poker and lately on this forum. It amazes me.
If you're saying that my response bothered you, it might make more sense to delete the online poker part.
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Do yourself a favor, and read the thread that I started about showing respect. You might learn something.It's this kind of comment that really bothers me. I see immature respsonses like this in online poker and lately on this forum. It amazes me.
In answer to your ????????????: You've been owned.Hypocrisy isn't difficult to exploit.
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Do yourself a favor, and read the thread that I started about showing respect. You might learn something.It's this kind of comment that really bothers me. I see immature respsonses like this in online poker and lately on this forum. It amazes me.
In answer to your ????????????: You've been owned.Hypocrisy isn't difficult to exploit.
I've been owned? I honestly don't see that happening anytime soon. Good Luck.
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Do yourself a favor, and read the thread that I started about showing respect. You might learn something.It's this kind of comment that really bothers me. I see immature respsonses like this in online poker and lately on this forum. It amazes me.
In answer to your ????????????: You've been owned.Hypocrisy isn't difficult to exploit.
I've been owned? I honestly don't see that happening anytime soon. Good Luck.
You don't keep up with current events then.Slavery is making a comeback.
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its a good thing you weren't playing no limit with these.. oh wait.. you would've won a lot with the 99 in nl if i'm correct. yeah you probably wouldve.If you play it fast then the person with 96 probably would've pushed along and 88 is out of hand.  Oh well. continue limit since you apparently like it so much :club:
1. stop being such an a$$hole.2. i primarily play no limit, but if you don't respect people who play a strong limit game, you're just an idiot. as a general rule, it takes far more discipline and compuational skills than no limit.
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now go back to when you were a child and the teacher rewarded you a cookie for reciting the alphabet in front of the class, now replace that cookie with a solid smack to the face, that's poker.
Better training for poker and perhaps life in general as well.
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